
2012 年 05 月 02 日 (No. 48)

Our shredder is broken, so I'll tear these confidential documents up manually.
完整稱呼為 paper / document shredder。
shred v. 以碎紙機撕碎
put . . . through the shredder 將……以碎紙機碎毀
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上班第一天 (三)



Tracy: Let me show you how to operate some of the office equipment, Terry. This is the copy machine.
崔西: 泰瑞,我來告訴妳怎麼操作一些辦公設備。這台是影印機。
Terry: It looks complicated.
泰瑞: 看起來很複雜。
Terry: It's easy to use. These directions show you how to make bulk copies, how to make two-sided copies...
崔西: 很容易使用,這些說明書會教你怎麼大量列印,怎麼雙面列印……
Terry: How convenient!
泰瑞: 很方便嘛!
Tracy: Yes, and there's a watercooler, so we can stand around and talk while we make copies.
崔西: 是啊,這裡有一台飲水機,所以我們影印的時候可以站在這裡說話聊天。
Terry: Really? Do you make a lot of copies?
泰瑞: 真的嗎?妳印很多東西嗎?
Tracy: You bet. It beats working. Now, this is the fax machine.
崔西: 那當然。影印總比工作好,嗯,這是傳真機。
Terry: These are the directions here on the wall?
泰瑞: 牆壁上這裡是說明書嗎?
Tracy: Yes. And we can also borrow equipment for presentations here -- the slide projector, the overhead projector, notebook computers, and of course the small TV.
崔西: 沒錯,我們還可以在這裡借用簡報用的設備──幻燈機、投影機、筆記型電腦,當然還有小型電視。
Terry: Do you use that a lot?
泰瑞: 妳有常常用到那台小型電視嗎?
Tracy: Yeah. I say it's for presentations, but actually, I just watch soap operas in my office.
崔西: 有啊,我作簡報要用的,但實際上,我只是在我辦公室看連續劇。
Terry: You know, Tracy, I am really learning a lot today.
泰瑞: 崔西,妳知道嗎,我今天真的獲益良多。
Tracy: Stick with me and you'll be just fine!
崔西: 跟著我,妳會有好處的。
bulk n. 大量;大部分
beat v. 贏過;比……好
soap opera 肥皂劇
美國的 soap opera(肥皂劇)通常是在下午時段播放,每集故事相互關連,內容多以家庭成員之間發生的複雜情節為主,之所以稱為 soap opera,是因為當初節目是由一家肥皂公司贊助的。
除了 soap opera 外,常見的還有 drama(戲劇)和sitcom(情境喜劇)。drama 每集的故事內容各自獨立,像是 The X-Files《X檔案》和ER《急診室的春天》。另外,像 Friends《六人行》、Sex and the City《慾望城市》、Caroline in the City《城市俏女郎》和 Ally McBeal《艾莉的異想世界》就屬於 sitcom。sitcom 就是所謂的 situation comedy(情境喜劇),跟 drama 一樣的是每集都有個獨立的情境,不過劇情內容以搞笑為主。不論是 drama 或 sitcom 都可稱為 series(影集),通常是每季推出。而 miniseries(迷你影集)可說是介於 series 和 serial 之間,故事連貫,通常六到十集左右,但是又不像連續劇拖的那麼長,像是 The Thorn Birds《刺鳥》、North and South《北與南》就是著名的迷你影集。

Dear Mr. Liu,

Thank you for your e-mail of April 15, 2012 requesting information about the design and installation of SymFlex fire sprinkler systems.

Enclosed is our latest catalog and price list. SymFlex is a reliable leader in the fire prevention market and well-established in the field. Please note, on pages 14-17 of the catalog, we offer just the product you inquired about.
附件為我們最新的型錄及價目表。辛福萊克斯公司是消防市場上可靠的領導者,且在該領域信譽卓著。請留意型錄第 14 到 17 頁,我們提供的正是您所詢問的產品。

Our volume of business allows us to offer not only competitive prices, but an additional 5 percent discount on sales over US$6,000. We believe this makes our products even more attractive.
我們的業務量讓本公司不但能提供極具競爭力的價格,且銷售金額超過六千美元還額外享有 5% 的折扣。相信這讓我們的產品更加誘人。

We trust the enclosed information proves useful. I will be in contact with you within the next couple of weeks to answer any questions you may have about any of our products and to assist in placing your order.


Wyman Riddle

Client Services

SymFlex Fire Prevention Systems

prevention n. 預防;防止 well-established adj. 信譽卓著的
volume n. (生產、交易等的)量;額 competitive adj. 具競爭性的
