

 2002年10月30日 Wednesday (No.081)
4 本書 + 10 片朗讀 CD +8 片電腦互動光碟
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薩丹姆•海珊同意大赦伊拉克囚犯( 2002/10/21 )
Saddam grants amnesty to Iraqi prisoners
具社會意識投資人強烈要求企業更佳透明化( 2002/10/21 )
Socially-conscious investors press for greater corporate transparency
折衷辦法出爐 或可打破美伊僵局( 2002/10/18 )
Compromise may break Iraq-U.S. impasse
教職員全體罷工 加州大學課( 2002/10/16 )
Faculty strike shuts down classes at UC campuses
北韓承認進行核子武器計畫( 2002/10/17 )
North Korea admits conducting nuclear weapons program
奧杜邦學會:北美鳥類面臨困境( 2002/10/23 )
Audubon Society: North American birds face crisis
grant 同意
grant 有「同意;允許;授與;承認」的意思,常用的片語是 take something/someone for granted 「視某事物或某人為理所當然。」
The judge refused to grant bail to the suspect and insisted that he remain in custody.
press for (something) 強烈要求
press 當動詞有「催促;迫使;逼迫;堅決進行」的意思。要注意的是片語 press for 「強烈要求;迫切需要」之後的受詞要接事物而不接人。
Colin Powell is pressing for talks between India and Pakistan over the disputed Kashmir region.
compromise 折衷辦法
compromise 可當名詞也可當動詞用,當名詞時表「妥協;折衷辦法;和解」;當動詞時表「讓步;妥協」。
After weeks of negotiations, the company and its workers reached a compromise over salary issues.
shut down 停工;關閉
shut down 常用來指工廠或生意等等「停工;停止交易」,名詞是 shutdown。提醒讀者,shut 的過去式及過去分詞也是 shut,三態同形。
The overturned truck shut down the highway for three hours.
conduct 實施;進行
conduct 除了表「實施;完成」,如 conduct an experiment(主導實驗)等等,還有其他多種用法。表「指揮」如 conduct an opera(指揮一齣歌劇);「領導」,如 conduct a class(領導一個班級)。
The drug company conducted safety tests on its new drug.
Goodbye Tom, Hello Russell 去「舊」迎「新」
Rumors are spreading like wildfire around Hollywood that Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman are an item.
Just recently, Crowe was spotted in Romania, where Kidman is working on her latest movie, "Cold Mountain."
The couple is avoiding the paparazzi like the plague, so they have limited their rendezvous to secret locations.
With word having leaked out from Romania, it is only a matter of time before these lovebirds are photographed by a gossip-hungry paparazzo.
  關於妮可•基曼和羅素•克洛拍拖的謠言正如野火燎原般迅速流傳。最近有人在羅馬尼亞看到克洛,那裡是基曼拍攝新片Cold Mountain 的地點。這對情侶對狗仔隊避之唯恐不及,所以他們必須在秘密的場所約會。根據羅馬尼亞透露的消息顯示,這對情侶被八卦的狗仔隊拍到照片,只是時間早晚的事。
spot 看到
spot 當名詞時有「斑點;地點;聚光燈」的意思;當動詞時,在口語中常作「認出;發現」。
Swimmers were ordered to get out of the water after a lifeguard spotted a shark.
working on (something) 進行……;研究……
work on 有「進行;處理;研究」的意思,常以現在進行式的型態出現。
The report isn't ready yet. I'm still working on it.
avoid (something) like the plague 對……避如蛇蠍
plague 原是「瘟疫;鼠疫」的意思,而 avoid (something) like the plague 就是用來形容閃躲某事物就像閃躲瘟疫一樣,類似中文的「避之如蛇蠍」。
The city is dangerous at night so I avoid dark alleys like the plague.
rendezvous 約會;會面
rendezvous 可指「碰面;約會」及「碰面的地方;約會的地點」,尤指秘密的約會。
The two lovers met in the park after dark for a midnight rendezvous.
(word/news) leaked out about (something) 洩漏某事
leak 當名詞時,有「裂縫;漏洞」的意思;當動詞時,則指「滲漏;洩漏(秘密等等)」。
The company's share price fell when word leaked out about the lawsuit.
give up on (somebody) 放棄;停止
give up 本身即有「放棄」的意思;與介系詞 on 合用也表「放棄;停止」,而之後受詞除了接人外,也可接事物。
We are so happy that you arrived at the airport on time. We were just about to give up on you.
Jane is standing outside a coffee shop. She is waiting for her colleague, Harry.
Jane: You made it! I was just about to give up on you. 珍: 你可到了!我還打算不等你了呢。
Harry: Sorry, sorry, I was held up in traffic on the freeway. The traffic was unbelievable. 哈利: 抱歉,抱歉。我被塞在高速公路上。交通狀況真是糟糕。
Jane: That's okay. Now, do you want to sit inside or outside? 珍: 沒關係。你想坐裡面,還是坐外面?
Harry: I think we should skip this place. 哈利: 我想我們不要待在這裡好了。
Jane: Oh really. Why do you say that? 珍: 真的嗎,為什麼這麼說?
Harry: Because I heard that their coffee isn't up to par. 哈利: 因為我聽說他們的咖啡不是很好喝
Jane: Let's give that one over there a try, then. There are plenty of seats, as well. 珍: 那我們去試試那邊那家好了,而且那裡有很多空位。
be held up (on the freeway/in traffic) 因交通狀況不好被困住
hold 有「抑制;約束;使保持……」,be held up on the freeway 或是 be held up in traffic 都可用來指「因交通狀況不好被困住」的情況。
Please accept my apologies for being late. I was held up in traffic.
up to par 達到標準
par 有「標準;平均」的意思,up to par 就是有「達到標準」的意思,類似用法還有,up to scratch, up to snuff, up to speed, up to the mark。up to par 常與否定詞合用,翻譯時,可示情況譯為「不太好;不令人滿意」。
The food at the hotel wasn't up to par, so I complained to the manager.
skip (something) 略過某事物
skip 是「跳過;躍過」,但也可用來表示「省略;漏掉;不出席;不參加」的意思。
I'm going to skip Rob's party. I've got too much work to do.
give (something) a try 嘗試
try 在這裡當名詞,常與動詞 give 合用,表「試試看」的意思。另一個類似用法有 give it a shot
Would you like to give that new restaurant a try? I heard it's great.


You will never be fluent in English if you view it as a subject to be studied -- you have to embrace the language and use it every day. Here's a tip that will help you achieve this:
Start an "English-Only Hour" in your office with your colleagues. Many successful companies do this, and the consensus is that it is both a fun and effective way to improve your English.
True or False
If a hotel's service "isn't up to par," the service is good.
If you "grant" a man a visa, you refuse to give him a visa.
If you "press for" change, you want change.
A woman who "skipped" a party went to the party.
A "rendezvous" is a private meeting.

Fill in the Blanks
a. give it a try  b. conducted c. up to par d. gave up on e. was held up
I missed my flight because I __________ in traffic.
Look at that pub! Do you want to __________?
The scientists __________ many tests on animals.
We __________ our friend and went to the concert without him.
My reading skills are OK, but my math skills are not __________.



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