
2010 年 07 月 14 日 (No. 483)

S. Korea PM Chung Un-chan offers to resign, say reports -- Taiwan News
報導指出 南韓總理鄭雲燦提出辭職(2010/07/06)

Turkey to sever ties unless Israel apologizes -- China Post


U.N. says at least 220 dead in oil explosion: Congo -- China Post
剛果油罐車爆炸 聯合國表示至少 220 人死(2010/07/05)

Taiwanese oil 'super skimmer' arrives in Gulf of Mexico -- China Post
台灣大型清油船抵達墨西哥灣 (2010/07/06)

Flat-panel prices to decline in early July on market glut -- China Post
市場供過於求 平板電腦七月初可望降價(2010/07/07)

U.S. retailers post tepid June sales, start to discount more deeply -- China Post
美國零售業公佈六月買氣不熱 折扣開始加碼(2010/07/09)

Science & Technology

Officials try again to dock resupply vessel to space station -- CNN

Cat amputee fitted with 'bionic' feet -- CNN

Chris Rock and Adam Sandler to produce Richard Pryor biopic -- CNN

Open auditions to be held for new Asian girl group -- China Post

City's lack of tennis center regrettable: Lee Yuan-tseh -- Taipei Times

Spain's semifinal win matches octopus' World Cup prediction -- CNN
【足球】西班牙世足準決賽獲勝 符合章魚哥預測(2010/07/08)

Lebron James Feels the Heat


NBA star Lebron James chose to sign with the Miami Heat Thursday after keeping fans and several rival clubs on the edge of their collective seats for weeks.
James waited until Thursday morning to make one of the most dramatic free agent announcements in the history of professional sports.
First, though, he consulted with his mother.
  NBA 球星雷霸龍.詹姆士週四選擇與邁阿密熱火隊簽約,在此之前球迷和幾支對手球隊已經一同焦急等待好幾星期了。詹姆士一直等到週四早上才發佈了這個職業運動界有史以來最戲劇化的自由球員訊息。不過,他先諮詢過他的母親了。
"Once I had that conversation with her I think I was set," James said while making the announcement during a nationally televised interview with ESPN sportscaster Jim Gray.
  詹姆士宣佈消息時說:「我一跟她談過就覺得確定了。」當時他正接受 ESPN 體育主播吉姆.葛瑞全國電視轉播的專訪。
A chance to play alongside fellow stars Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami proved to be too much to resist for the six-time NBA all-star and two-time league MVP.
  能與同為球星的韋德和波許在熱火隊打球,對這位六次入選 NBA 明星賽、兩屆聯盟 MVP 的球員來說,確實是難以抗拒的機會。
James made the announcement from a youth center in his home state of Ohio.

That event alone raised more than $2 million by some estimates, most of which will go to charity.

The courting of "King James" has become a nationwide spectacle covered in editorial cartoons, billboards and even drawing comments from President Obama.
Speculation over which team the NBA's most sought-after free agent would choose reached a fever pitch after James began meeting with six teams vying for his attention: the New York Knicks, the New Jersey Nets, the Los Angeles Clippers, the Chicago Bulls, the Miami Heat and the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Fans in Cleveland, where James has spent his entire professional career after being drafted right out of high school, lobbied hard to keep him in the city.
  各界揣測這位 NBA 最搶手的自由球員屬意哪支球隊,在詹姆士與六支球隊展開會談後更形熱烈,爭取他注意的球隊包括紐約尼克隊、紐澤西籃網隊、洛杉磯快艇隊、芝加哥公牛隊、邁阿密熱火隊和克里夫蘭騎士隊。詹姆士從高中入選後的職業生涯都一直待在克里夫蘭,當地的球迷努力遊說要把他留在該市。
The Miami Heat began to emerge by mid-week as the leading contender to sign the star forward.
Both the Internet and traditional media were awash with rumors, with even fellow NBA players getting in on the guessing game via their Twitter accounts.
  邁阿密熱火隊在事發半週時開始篡出,成為簽下這位明星前鋒的主要競爭者。網路和傳統媒體謠言滿天飛,甚至連 NBA 的球員都透過推特帳號參與這場猜謎遊戲。
In the end it was the desire to win a championship, something James has never done in Cleveland, which sealed the deal.
This season, the Cavaliers were knocked out during the second round of the playoffs by the Boston Celtics.
Heading south, James joins a team that features the power duo of Wade and Bosh, led by five-time champion coach Pat Riley -- a winning combination that makes Miami a strong contender for future NBA titles.
  最後,贏得冠軍的渴望讓詹姆士做出此決定,那是他在克里夫蘭一直無法完成的夢想。騎士隊在本季季後賽第二輪就被波士頓塞爾提克隊淘汰出局了。詹姆士前往南方,加入這支以韋德、波許強力雙人組著稱的球隊,還有五屆冠軍教練萊利領軍,這樣的勝利組合讓熱火隊成為未來爭奪 NBA 冠軍的強勁球隊。

free agent n. 自由球員

televise v. 電視轉播

Every major network televised the president's speech.

sportscaster n. 體育節目廣播員;體育比賽解說員

court v. 試圖獲得;博得

Several companies courted Jeff after he graduated from business school.

spectacle n. 奇特的現象;壯觀的場面

speculation n. 推測;猜測

sought-after adj. 爭相獲得的;廣受歡迎的

Ben's father was one of the most sought-after attorneys in the entertainment industry.

vie v. 激烈競爭;爭奪(vying 為分詞)

Several staffers vied for the promotion.

draft v. 運動員選拔;選派

The professional football team drafted a new quarterback right out of high school.

lobby v. 遊說

The company lobbied for a government contract.

contender n. 競爭者;角逐者;爭奪者

awash adj. 充滿的

The Internet is awash in celebrity gossip.

get in on 參加(活動)

Dan got in on the office World Series betting pool, but didn't win.

seal the deal 搞定

Wendy decided to go to UCLA after a full scholarship sealed the deal.

knock out 擊敗

Tim knocked out the chess champion in the first round of the tournament.

duo n. 搭檔;雙人組

on the edge of one's seats 非常緊張
edge 是「邊緣」的意思,而 on the edge of one's seats 字面意思是「在座位的邊緣」,通常人在緊張或焦慮的時候會不自覺只坐在椅子邊緣,因此這個片語即用來表示「非常緊張、焦慮」的意思
The star was on the edge of his seat when the Best Actor award was announced.
