
2011 年 03 月 09 日 (No. 517)

Gadhafi clings to power amid growing support for protests -- CNN
儘管支持抗議聲浪持續高漲 格達費仍緊握政權(2011/03/01)

DPP's Annette Lu formally launches presidential bid -- Taipei Times


17 Brazilians electrocuted during pre-carnival parade -- Xinhua

Manning charged with 22 new counts, including capital offense -- Wired News
曼寧遭起訴 22 項罪名 包含死罪(2011/03/03)

Oil above $99 as Libya's oil industry in chaos -- AP
利比亞石油產業陷入混亂 油價超過 99 美元(2011/02/28)

Buffett adds one to successor list as Rose completes first year -- Bloomberg
巴菲特接班人名單新添一筆 麥特•羅斯任滿一年(2011/03/01)

Science & Technology

Japan camera prettifies subjects, even adds "makeup" -- Reuters
日本相機可美化主角 甚至添加「化妝」效果(2011/02/28)

Steve Jobs emerges from medical leave to unveil iPad 2 -- Los Angeles Times
賈伯斯病假期間現身發表 iPad 2(2011/03/03)

The King's Speech reigns supreme at Oscars -- The Australian

Dior fires "odious" Galliano over racist slurs - Reuters
種族歧視爆粗口 迪奧開除「可憎」設計師加利安諾(2011/03/02)

Williams was treated for blood clot in lungs -- New York Times

NFL labor dispute has prosperous league on the brink of shutting down -- Washington Post
【美足】NFL 勞資紛爭致使富裕的聯盟瀕臨停工(2011/03/04)

Apple Debuts iPad 2

蘋果 iPad 2 首度亮相

Apple debuted the iPad 2 on Wednesday with a surprise appearance by CEO Steve Jobs in San Francisco.
The company's iconic leader showed off the latest iteration of the gadget that's become practically synonymous with tablet computing.
  蘋果在週三於舊金山發表 iPad 2,執行長史提夫•賈伯斯意外現身。該公司的這位代表性的領導人展示了這個電子用品的最新特色。現在,蘋果的這項產品儼然成為平板電腦的同義詞。
"So, what's new?" said Jobs, who took the stage to a standing ovation at the event. "It's an all-new design."
For starters, Jobs said, the iPad 2 will be "dramatically faster" than the first-generation iPad.
  首先,賈伯斯說,iPad 2 的速度將會比第一代的 iPad「快上許多」。
While other companies have entered the touch screen tablet market in recent months, Apple had a huge head start on the competition.
That lead has narrowed somewhat as rivals have begun releasing their own products.

Hoping to widen its lead once again, Jobs listed the features that put the iPad 2 squarely on the cutting edge of the tablet sector.

  賈伯斯希望再次拉大領先距離,而提出了各項可讓 iPad 2 穩坐平板電腦界尖端寶座的特色。
To begin with, the new version of the device -- which ships in the U.S. on March 11 -- will be thinner and lighter than its predecessor.
The iPad 2 has slimmed down to 1.3 pounds from 1.5.
  首先,將在三月十一日於美國上市的新版 iPad 將比前身更薄更輕。iPad 2 從前一代的一點五磅減重為一點三磅。
In an apparent concession to user demands, the new version will feature front and rear-facing cameras designed for video chatting.
Apple's FaceTime chat app and Photo Booth image-editing program will come preinstalled on the device to take advantage of the cameras.
  顯然為了因應使用者需求,新版 iPad 將有前後雙鏡頭以供視訊通話。蘋果的聊天應用程式 FaceTime 與影像編輯軟體 Photo Booth 將內建於 iPad 2,以充分發揮雙鏡頭的功能。
The iPad 2 will be available in both white and black, unlike black-only iPhone 4.
While Jobs promised state-of-the-art graphics performance, the iPad 2 will not feature the Retina Display high-resolution screen that is a feature of the iPhone 4.
Battery life remains the same as the current iPad -- about 10 hours.
  iPad 2 將推出白、黑兩色,不像 iPhone 4 只有黑色。雖然賈伯斯承諾給予消費者最高水準的影像表現,但 iPad 2 卻沒有配備 iPhone 4 的高解析度視網膜螢幕。電池續航力與舊版的 iPad 一樣,約為十個小時。
The new iPad can be connected to a television via an HDMI output, potentially making it a powerful presentation tool.
  新版 iPad 可以透過 HDMI 輸出埠與電視連接,因此可以成為功能強大的簡報工具。
"Teachers want to hook iPads up to their flat screens in the classrooms," Jobs said. "And you can even charge the iPad while you're using it."
  「老師會想要把 iPad 連接在教室的平板電視上,」賈伯斯說:「你甚至可以一邊使用 iPad 一邊充電。」。

debut v. 首次亮相;初次登台(或上場)

The designer debuted her new line of dresses at the fashion show.

iconic adj. 代表性的;形象的;偶像的

The Coca-Cola logo is key to the iconic brand.

iteration n. 版本;重複

gadget n. 科技小玩意兒;小裝置

synonymous adj. 同義的;等同於……的

The entertainer's name became synonymous with celebrity excess.

standing ovation n. 起立鼓掌

rival n. 競爭對手

squarely adv. 不偏不倚地;明確無誤地

cutting edge n. (事物發展的)最前端;尖端

sector n. 領域;部門

predecessor n. 前任;原先的東西

slim down v. 精簡(機構);變苗條

Designers slimmed down the car to make it more streamline.

concession n. 給予;讓步

preinstall v. 預先安裝;內建

The vendor preinstalls console units with several games.

state-of-the-art adj. 最先進的;最高級的

The movie uses state-of-the-art 3-D computer graphics.

graphics n. 繪圖;圖像

output n. 輸出端

hook up v. 接通電子設備(或電源)

Brent hooked up his MP3 player to a set of speakers.
MP3 播放器接上一對喇叭。

for starters 首先;一開始

為轉折語,意思是「首先;一開始」,常用於起始說明原因或論點,也可以說 for a start、for openers、to start/begin with、first of all、in the first place。
For starters, Jan told the waitress to bring her a glass of wine while she looked over the menu.
