
2011 年 05 月 04 日 (No. 525)

Taiwan's Ma seeks re-election after improving China ties -- BusinessWeek
改善兩岸關係後 台灣馬總統尋求連任(2011/04/25)

DPP selects Tsai Ing-wen to rival Ma Ying-jeou in 2012 Taiwan leader election -- Xinhua
民進黨選出蔡英文於 2012 年總統大選與馬英九競爭(2011/04/28)


Southern storms batter Alabama as weather system produces deadly tornadoes -- Washington Post
氣候系統形成致命龍捲風 美南暴風重創阿拉巴馬州(2011/04/29)

Six dead, 50 wounded in Taiwan train crash -- Herald Sun
台灣阿里山火車翻車 六死五十(2011/04/28)

Nintendo to launch new Wii in 2012 as profits dwindle -- Reuters
獲利衰退 任天堂將於 2012 年推出新版 Wii(2011/04/26)

Sony: Hacker stole PlayStation users' personal info -- CNN
索尼:駭客竊取 PlayStation 使用者個資(2011/04/27)

Science & Technology

Multimillionaire's private space ship 'can land on Mars' -- Register

Sony takes on Apple in tablet war -- BBC
平板電腦大戰 索尼迎戰蘋果(2011/04/27)

Strong weekend helps Flora Expo close in on 9 million visitors -- CNA

Lindsay Lohan makes clean breast of things for Leno -- Reuters

Nadal floors Ferrer to win sixth Barcelona title -- Reuters
【網球】納達爾擊敗費瑞爾 摘下第六座巴塞隆納公開賽冠軍(2011/04/26)

Judge rejects league's request for lockout return -- Reuters

Obama Releases Long-Form Birth Certificate


On Wednesday, the White House released copies of U.S. president Barack Obama's original long-form birth certificate, hoping to end once and for all persistent rumors that he was born outside the United States.
The certificate states that Obama was born at Honolulu's Kapiolani Hospital on August 4, 1961.
Doubters have maintained since the 2008 presidential campaign that Obama was born overseas and may be constitutionally ineligible to serve as president.
"We do not have time for this kind of silliness," Obama said to reporters at the White House. "I've been puzzled at the degree to which this (story) just kept on going."
"Normally I would not comment on something like this," the president said. But the country has "some enormous challenges out there" that it will not be able to effectively meet "if we're distracted."
"We're not going to be able to (meet those challenges) if we spend time vilifying each other," he continued. "We're not going to be able to do it if we just make stuff up and pretend that facts are not facts.

We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers."

In 2008, Obama released a shorter, legally binding "certification of live birth."
This, however, fell short of satisfying members of the so-called "birther" movement.
The movement found support in recent months from developer, reality TV star and possible 2012 presidential candidate Donald Trump, who loudly trumpeted their cause while demanding Obama produce the long-form document.
CNN's Anderson Cooper produced two days of programming devoted to debunking claims by the birthers, and Trump in particular.
  CNN 的安德森.古柏製作了兩天的節目,致力於證明出生地陰謀者的主張並不正確,尤其是川普的說詞。
According to White House legal counsel Bob Bauer, the administration made a special request to the state of Hawaii to get the long-form certificate released.
Usually, the state releases just the shorter, computer-generated live birth certification when people request such documentation.
The U.S. Constitution states that only "natural born" citizens can become president.
The vagueness of this clause has led followers of the birther movement to contend it disqualifies Obama from the presidency, since they believe he was born overseas.

long-form adj. 詳細格式的

Ben was required to fill out the long-form loan application since he didn't have an established credit history.

certificate n. 證明;證明書

doubter n. 懷疑者;持懷疑態度者

ineligible adj. 不合格的;不符合資格的

Because of her family's relatively high income, Beth was ineligible for college financial aid.

puzzle v. 迷惑;使困惑

Vincent was puzzled over the instructions to his son's bicycle.

comment v. 表達意見

Max commented on his wife's new hairstyle.

distract v. 使分心;轉移(注意力)

The prisoner distracted a guard while his friend escaped.

vilify v. 污蔑;誹謗;中傷

The press vilified the corrupt politician.

sideshow n. 雜耍;餘興節目

carnival barker n. 為玩樂場合叫嚷攬客的人

binding adj. 有法律約束力的

A contract is considered a legally binding agreement.

birther n. (歐巴馬)出生地陰謀論者

trumpet v. 宣揚;鼓吹

The company trumpeted the release of its first smartphone.

debunk v. 駁斥;揭穿……的真相

The historian debunked several prominent conspiracy theories in his latest book.

vagueness n. 含糊;不明確

contend v. 聲稱;主張

William contends that he is the hardest working individual in his office.

disqualify v. 使不合格;取消(某人)的資格

The officials disqualified the marathon runner for taking a shortcut.

once and for all 永久地;徹底地

once and for all one time and for all time 的縮略語,在這裡指的是「永久地;徹底地」,也有「一勞永逸」的意思
Jamie finally quit smoking once and for all.
