
2011 年 07 月 06 日 (No. 534)

Gadhafi could face rape charges, international prosecutor says -- CNN
國際刑庭檢察官表示 格達費恐遭起訴強姦罪(2011/06/28)

Analysts blame faulty assumptions for prolonged Libya war -- CNN


New Yorkers cheer historic vote in gay pride parade -- CNN
同志驕傲遊行 紐約市民慶祝歷史性法案投票過關(2011/06/27)

Locals upset by CNN report on 'revolting' century eggs -- China Post
國人不滿 CNN 報導皮蛋是「噁心」食物(2011/07/01)

Greek unions call 48-hour strike to protest planned cuts -- CNN

Supply chain to 'fully recover' from Japan disaster by fall -- CNN

Science & Technology

More Americans buying e-readers than tablets, study says -- CNN
研究顯示 美國人買電子書閱讀器多過平板電腦(2011/06/28)

Google launches Google+, a quasi-Facebook competitor -- CNN
類似臉書網站 谷歌 Google+ 開張較勁(2011/07/01)

Lindsay Lohan freed from home confinement -- CNN

Taiwan's 'little monsters' getting creative to meet Lady Gaga -- CNA

Frank McCourt given reprieve in ownership battle for Dodgers -- China Post
【棒球】道奇經營權之爭 法蘭克.麥可寇獲准延緩破產(2011/06/30)

Yani Tseng becomes youngest golfer to win four majors -- KESQ

News Corp. Dumps Ailing Myspace for a Fraction of Cost

新聞集團低價拋售委靡的 Myspace

A new owner has moved into Myspace.
Specific Media, a digital advertising network, announced Wednesday that it had acquired the floundering social network from News Corp.
  Myspace 易主新東家。線上廣告公司 Specific Media 週三宣佈,已經自新聞集團手中買下這個苟延殘喘的社交網站。
While specific details of the deal remained under wraps, several media outlets reported the sale price at around $35 million -- a figure significantly below the $580 million Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., owner of Fox News, shelled out for Myspace back in 2005.
  雖然這筆交易的特定細節仍未公佈,數個新聞媒體報導這筆買賣金額大約三千五百萬美元,這個數字遠低於福斯新聞老闆魯波特.梅鐸主掌的新聞集團在二○○五年買下 Myspace 花的五億八千萬美元。
Specific Media CEO Tim Vanderhook heaped kudos on Myspace in a written statement, describing it as a "recognized leader" in social media, and said he plans to use Myspace to "drive the next generation of digital innovation."
  Specific Media 總裁提姆.范德伍克在 Myspace 上以書面聲明歌功頌德了一番,說這個網站是社交媒體中「公認的領導者」,並表示他計畫運用 Myspace 來「推動新世代的數位創新應用」。
Music and entertainment artist Justin Timberlake will also "take an ownership stake" and "play a major role" in developing a vision for Myspace's future.
Specific Media said it will release more details of its plans for the social media site later this summer.
  身兼音樂人與藝人的賈斯汀也將「擁有所有權股份」並且「扮演重要角色」協助發展 Myspace 未來的遠景。Specific Media 表示,他們將於今年夏末發布更多有關該社交網站的計畫細節。

Specific Media said it will build on MySpace's social networking infrastructure "to deploy socially-activated advertising campaigns, enabling brands to turn their campaigns viral by allowing users to share their favorite ads with friends.".

  Specific Media 說,未來將會建基於 Myspace 網路社交基礎架構之上,「來佈署社交驅使的廣告活動,藉由讓使用者與朋友分享他們喜愛的廣告,讓品牌能夠將其廣告活動變成病毒式行銷。」
Myspace's audience, already steadily draining away to competing sites, may not take well to the idea of being targeted primarily as fodder for ad campaigns, according to some industry analysts.
  根據一些產業分析家指出,Myspace 的閱聽眾已經逐步流失被其他競爭網站吸收,可能不會甘願成為主要用來推動廣告活動的對象。
Once on top of the social media heap, Myspace's fortunes faltered as rivals maneuvered to claim the throne.
Facebook's user base sits at more than 600 million.
In contrast, MySpace's active user base has shrunk to just 130 million.
The number of unique visitors is steadily declining: Analytics service Compete says Myspace was down 6.34% in May and down 54.47% for the year.
  曾經居於社交媒體之冠,Myspace 的財產卻隨著對手伺機篡位而衰減。Facebook 的用戶群人數落在約六億人之譜。相反的,Myspace 的活躍用戶群已經縮水到僅剩一億三千萬人。不重複的訪客數量持續下滑:數據分析服務公司康普特表示,Myspace 五月下滑百分之六.三四,全年則下滑百分之五十四.四七。
The online network cut 500 employees from its staff in January, trimming personnel by 47%.
At the time, Myspace attempted to rebrand itself as a social site, integrating content with Facebook by allowing users to stream their Facebook interests and likes into their Myspace page.
  這家線上網站一月裁撤了五百位員工,人事削減幅度達百分之四十七。同時,Myspace 試圖重新塑造為社交網站的品牌,整合 Facebook 的內容,允許使用者串連他們 Facebook 上的興趣和喜好到自己 Myspace 的網頁上。

acquire v. 併購;購得

Our company acquired a competing software vendor.

flounder v. 艱苦掙扎

Several banks floundered during the financial crisis.

news outlet n. 新聞媒體

shell out v. 付款;支付

Ben shelled out $100 for the concert tickets.

heap v. 對(某人)大加讚揚(或批評等)

Janet heaped praise on her staff.

kudos n. 榮譽;名聲

infrastructure n. 基礎設施;基礎建設

deploy v. 部署;調度

The company deployed sales staff to several key markets.

activate v. 啟動;活化

We plan to activate our new growth strategy at the beginning of the year.

drain away v. 漸漸枯竭;流盡

Much of the area's work force drained away to seek employment elsewhere.

fodder n. 素材;(人或東西)只能是……的料

falter v. 衰弱;衰退;支吾其詞;畏縮

David never falters when speaking in public.

maneuver v. 操縱;使花招

Several employees maneuvered to be considered for the vacant management position.

trim v. 削減;除去

The president trimmed several government programs to balance the budget.

integrate v. 合併;整合

This phone integrates many new features.

a fraction of 一點點

fraction 是指「小部份;少量;片段」, a fraction of 則用來形容「一點點;一小部份」,常指時間、花費、成本等
Online auctions are a great way to find items at a fraction of the retail price.


under wraps 保密;隱藏

wrap 在這裡當名詞「遮蓋物」,字面意思是把東西置放在覆蓋物下遮起來,引申為「隱藏;隱瞞某事」,常搭配 keepremain 等動詞使用
Keeps the name of the winner under wraps until the awards banquet.
