
2011 年 09 月 14 日 (No. 544)

U.S.: Gadhafi not believed to be in Niger convoy -- CNN

2012 candidates woo voters on Labor Day -- CNN
2012 大選候選人勞動節爭取選民支持(2011/09/07)


Suspected teen arsonists sought as other wildfires rage in Texas -- CNN
追捕可疑青少年縱火犯 德州又生野火肆虐(2011/09/09)

Dog boom as China's attitudes on pets, palates change -- CNN
中國對寵物態度、飲食口味轉變 養狗潮興起(2011/09/05)

Yahoo sacks CEO Carol Bartz by phone for failing to turn company's fortunes around -- The Australian
無力扭轉公司命運 雅虎致電解僱執行長卡蘿.巴茲(2011/09/07)

Greek backsliding sparks euro exit talk -- Reuters

Science & Technology

Chrome overtakes Firefox in browser battle -- Taipei Times
覽器大戰 Chrome 超過 Firefox(2011/09/06)

Oprah to conduct first live chat on Facebook -- Reuters

Italian opera tenor Licitra dies after accident -- Reuters

A-listers not spared in pandemic film "Contagion" -- Reuters
傳染病電影《全境擴散》 A 咖演員也躲不過(2011/09/05)

Foul weather sets up hectic schedule at U.S. Open -- Reuters

Nadal flexes muscles on and off the court -- CNN

Homeowner Discovers Drunken Moose in Apple Tree


It was a dark and stormy night when Per Johansson, returning home from his job in Saro, Sweden, happened upon an otherworldly scene.
"It was raining really badly. In the wind I heard something screaming with a very dark voice," Johansson told CNN. "At first I wondered if it was the crazy neighbors, but then I heard it again and went and checked.
I saw something really big up in a tree in my neighbors' yard and it was a moose.
It must have been drunk after eating fermented apples and as it was reaching out for more fruit it must have slipped and fallen into the tree."
  「當時雨真的下得很大。風雨中我聽到有什麼在叫,聲音很陰鬱,」強納森告訴 CNN:「起先我在想是不是發神經的鄰居,但是我又聽到,就跑去查看。我看到我鄰居院子裡的樹上有一個龐然大物,是一隻麋鹿。牠一定是吃了發酵的蘋果後醉了,而且當牠想更進一步吃更多蘋果時,一定是滑了一跤而跌進樹裡。」
The local fire and rescue department was summoned. They responded with a fire engine and a jeep with a winch.
"We got the alarm at 9.59 p.m. on September 6 that a moose was stuck in a tree," said Anders Gardhagen, spokesman at the Gothenburg Fire and Rescue Services.

"When we arrived we used the winch to bend down the apple tree so the moose could get himself out of the tree.

Once free, the moose collapsed on the ground and fell asleep.
So we let him sleep it off and went back home" Gardhagen told CNN.
  「我們到達後,利用絞盤把蘋果樹往下拉彎,讓那隻麋鹿可以自行脫困。麋鹿一脫困後就癱倒在地上昏睡了過去。所以我們就任牠睡個夠然後返家,」哥賀登這麼告訴 CNN
"Moose are attracted by the apple trees, and in the autumn when the apples have fallen off the trees we normally have at least one of these cases of intoxication.
These apples, which ferment in their bellies, aren't part of their natural food, so they can get quite angry from this drunkenness," Gardhagen said.

Johansson's 10-year-old son, Gustav made sure to take lots of pictures of the ordeal.

CNN purchased three photos from Gustav, who plans to spend the money on a PlayStation.

  強納森的十歲兒子葛斯塔夫給這場風波拍了許多照片。CNN 向葛斯塔夫買了三張照片,他打算把錢用來買 PlayStation

When dawn came the day after it was freed from the tree, the moose had not yet left.


"When I went out for the newspaper it was still lying there on the ground, sleeping.

By the time I left for work it was walking around the neighbor's yard on very shaky legs." Johansson said.

"Today the moose came back and walked around the yard. I think it likes it here."


moose n. 麋;北美麋

otherworldly adj. 非現實世界的;超自然的

The dense fog gave the graveyard an otherworldly feel.

ferment v. 使發酵;醞釀

Roger fermented fruit to make his own wine.

slip v. 滑跤;失足

Ted slipped on a patch of ice.

summon v. 召集;召喚

The management summoned security guards to remove the unruly customer.

winch n. 絞車;錨機

collapse v. 垮掉;癱倒

The runner collapsed on the ground after crossing the finish line.

sleep off v. 【口】藉由睡覺來消除

Alex slept off the huge meal.

intoxication n. 醉;中毒

ordeal n. 苦難;折磨;考驗

purchase v. 購買;收購

Bob purchased a comic book with his allowance.

shaky adj. 不穩固的;發抖的;緊張不安的

Brenda was still feeling shaky 30 minutes after the car accident.

happen upon 恰巧發現;偶然看到

happen 在此為「碰巧發生;偶然出現」的意思,upon 為介系詞,後面加受詞,表示「恰巧發現;偶然看到」,主詞通常為人
The hikers happened upon a deer tangled in a wire fence.

