
2011 年 10 月 12 日 (No. 548)

China, Russia vetoes thwart U.N. Security Council resolution on Syria -- CNN
中俄動用否決權 阻撓聯合國安理會敘利亞決議案(2011/10/05)

Palin will not run for president in 2012 -- CNN


Amanda Knox freed, but truth about student's slaying elusive -- CNN
亞曼達.諾克斯獲釋 但學生遭殺害案真相不明(2011/10/04)

Afghans hold anti-U.S. rally on eve of war anniversary -- Reuters

Taiwan stocks freefall with no sign of easing -- China Post
台灣股票狂瀉 毫無趨緩跡象(2011/10/04)

Local stocks linked to Apple see decline -- China Post

Science & Technology

Study shows unprecedented loss of ozone above Arctic -- CNN

Steve Jobs, Apple's visionary, dies at 56 -- New York Times
蘋果公司前瞻者史提夫.賈伯斯逝世 享年五十六歲(2011/10/06)

'Phantom' to celebrate 25 years with live broadcast -- China Post

Oprah top paid woman entertainer, Gaga catches up -- Reuters
歐普拉居女性演藝人員收入榜首 女神卡卡急起直追(2011/10/06)

Tumbling Tiger set to drop out of world's top 50 -- Reuters
【高球】老虎伍茲跌跌撞撞 預計將摔出世界前五十名(2011/10/03)

NBA to axe games if no labor deal by Monday -- Reuters
【籃球】若週一未達成勞資決議 NBA(2011/10/05)

Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs Dies at 56


The tech world lost one of its preeminent personalities Wednesday when Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died from complications relating to cancer. He was 56.
The visionary in the trademark black turtleneck launched Apple in a Silicon Valley garage, shaped it into the world's leading tech company and started a mobile-computing revolution with wildly popular devices such as the iPhone.
  科技界在週三喪失了一名卓越人物:蘋果共同創辦人史提夫.賈伯斯因癌症引發的併發症去世,享年五十六歲。這位身穿招牌黑色高領衫的遠見家,在矽谷的一間車庫裡創立了蘋果,將其打造成全球頂尖的科技公司,並且藉由 iPhone 等廣泛受到喜愛的產品掀起了一場行動運算革命。
Driven and dedicated to his singular vision, Jobs pioneered the concept of the personal computer and of navigating them by clicking onscreen images with a mouse.
Later in his career, he introduced the world to the iPod portable music player, the iPhone and the iPad tablet, forever altering the way we consume content in the digital age.
  賈伯斯衝勁十足且全心投入自身卓越的眼光,他率先倡導了個人電腦的概念,以及藉著滑鼠點選螢幕上的影像而操控電腦的構想。在他事業生涯的後期,他為世人帶來了 iPod 可攜式音樂播放器、iPhone 以及 iPad 平板電腦,永遠改變了我們在數位時代消費內容的方法。
Friends and fans alike mourned the passing of a technology titan.
"Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives," Apple said in a statement. "The world is immeasurably better because of Steve."

Some likened him to a modern-day Leonardo da Vinci, citing his ability to transform entire industries with his inventions.

"Steve Jobs is one of the great innovators in the history of modern capitalism," New York Times columnist Joe Nocera said in August. "His intuition has been phenomenal over the years."
Jobs' death was not unexpected.
For several years, he waged an ongoing battle with cancer, at times taking medical leaves to deal with his treatment.
He finally stepped down as Apple CEO in August.

Jobs' dropped out of Oregon's Reed College after one semester.

After a brief stint designing video games for Atari, he quit that job to backpack across India and experiment with psychedelic drugs.

Jobs would later credit those experiences with shaping his creative vision.

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.

So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future," he told Stanford University graduates during a commencement speech in 2005.

"You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.

This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."


preeminent adj. 卓越的;顯著的

Alex is the preeminent authority on exotic animals in this area.

complication n. 併發症

visionary n. 有遠見者;夢想家

trademark n. 商標;特徵

pioneer v. 當先驅;成為開拓者

The university pioneered research into finding a cure for cancer.

alter v. 改變;修改

Dennis altered his profile picture on Facebook.

alike adv. 一樣地;似地

titan n. 地位高、影響力大之人;巨擘

liken to v. 把……比作

Critics likened watching the bad movie to slow torture.

intuition n. 敏銳的洞察力

phenomenal adj. 傑出的;不凡的

Justin did a phenomenal job on his presentation.

wage v. 開始;發動(戰爭、戰鬥等)

Julia is waging a personal war on polluters in her town.

ongoing adj. 持續的;不間斷的

Jack has an ongoing dispute with one of his neighbors.

stint n. 工作或活動的一段期間

psychedelic adj. 幻覺的;迷幻藥的

The concert featured a psychedelic light show.

commencement n. 【美】學位授予典禮;畢業典禮

step down 下台;辭職

原本是指「從高處走下來」,用來比喻「辭職;退位;下台」,同義詞為 resignretire。
Kevin stepped down as president of the student body after a cheating scandal.

