
2011 年 12 月 21 日 (No. 558)

Russian mogul joins the race against Putin -- New York Times
俄羅斯大亨加入選戰對決普汀 (2011/12/13)

Chinese village blockaded after mass anti-government protest -- Reuters
大規模反政府抗議 中國村莊遭封鎖(2011/12/15)


Taoyuan airport renovations cause fast food ceiling collapse -- China Post

Canada condemned at home and abroad for pulling out of Kyoto treaty -- The Guardian
加拿大退出京都議定書 國內外同聲譴責(2011/12/16)

No hit toy to brighten retailers' Christmas -- New York Times
無強打玩具 零售商聖誕節開心不起來 (2011/12/13)

Olympus ex-CEO attacks Japan investors as comeback bid struggles -- Reuters
爭取復位不順 奧林巴斯前執行長抨擊日本投資人(2011/12/16)

Science & Technology

Google unveils 'Find My Face' tool -- CNN
谷歌發表 「認臉」工具(2011/12/12)

Scientists home in on missing link of physics -- Reuters
科學家對準物理消失的環節 (2011/12/14)

Contents of Jackson's final home reach auction -- Reuters

Chelsea Clinton debuts as TV reporter -- China Post

Lakers' Bryant upset at Odom's looming departure -- SL.com

Japan gov't backs bid for Tokyo to host 2020 Summer Olympics -- China Post
日本政府支持東京爭取主辦 2020 年夏季奧運(2011/12/15)

First “Goldilocks Planet” Discovered Outside Our Solar System


Astronomers have confirmed the first planet outside our solar system in the so-called "habitable zone" -- the area around a star where a planet could exist with liquid water on its surface.
The planet, Kepler-22b, was discovered by NASA's Kepler mission.
  天文學家已確認在我們的太陽系外發現第一顆位於所謂「適居帶」內的行星 —— 適居帶就是指恆星周圍能夠讓行星的表面保有液態水的區域。這顆名為「克卜勒 22b 」的行星是由美國太空總署的克卜勒任務所發現的。
The planet's radius is about 2.4 times that of Earth.
It is located about 600 light years away.
Its orbital period is shorter than that of Earth: a "year" on Kepler-22b is 290 days instead of 365.
  這顆行星的半徑約是地球的二點四倍,距離地球約六百光年。其軌道週期比地球短:在克卜勒 22b 行星上,一年為兩百九十天,而不是三百六十五天。
Separate projects this year confirmed two other planets in the habitable zone, but their stars are much cooler than our Sun, and their orbits are much like Venus or Mars, scientists say.
Kepler-22b is what is sometimes referred to as a "Goldilocks planet," neither too hot nor too cold to support life.
  今年的其他計畫也確認發現了另外兩顆位於適居帶的行星,但這兩顆行星繞行的恆星溫度都比我們的太陽低,而且它們的軌道也比較像金星或火星,科學家表示。克卜勒 22b 就是有時人稱的「歌蒂拉行星」,不太熱也不太冷,適合生物生存。
Kepler-22b is 15% closer to its star than we are to the Sun.
However, since Kepler-22b's star is dimmer, lower in temperature and smaller than our Sun, researchers' modeling suggests it is a similar temperature to the Earth, said Bill Borucki, Kepler principal investigator at NASA's Ames Research Center.
  克卜勒 22b 和其恆星的距離比地球與太陽的距離近。不過,由於克卜勒 22b 的恆星亮度比太陽暗,溫度比較低,體積也比較小,因此研究人員的分析模型顯示這顆行星的溫度與地球相當,比爾•博魯奇表示,他是美國太空總署艾姆斯研究中心的克卜勒任務首席研究員。

"If the greenhouse warming were similar on this planet and had a surface, its surface temperature would be something like 72 Fahrenheit, a very pleasant temperature here on Earth."

The warmer a planet, the more evaporation of water there would be, Borucki said.
A planet can't have a surface temperature that's very hot without losing all of the surface water.
The Kepler mission reported in February that it had found 54 planet candidates in the habitable zone.
Kepler-22b is the first of these to be confirmed, and those results will be published in The Astrophysical Journal.
There are still 48 potential planets from that batch.
  克卜勒任務在二月報告指稱發現了五十四顆位於適居帶的候選行星。克卜勒 22b 是最早確認的一顆,這些發現結果也將刊登於《天文物理期刊》。那批行星中還有四十八顆行星可能符合歌蒂拉行星。
Researchers find planets by examining the brightness of stars as a function of time; brightness drops when a potential planet crosses the star.
Three transits are required for a planet confirmation.
The period of the transit of Kepler-22b was 7.4 hours.
It did not appear to give off its own light, indicating it is a planet and not a star.
  研究人員發現行星的方式,是把恆星的亮度當成時間函數加以檢驗。可能是行星的星體一旦經過恆星前方,恆星的亮度就會降低。一顆星體必須經過三次凌日,才能確認為行星。克卜勒 22b 的凌日週期為七點四小時,而且本身似乎不會發光,可見得這顆星體是行星而不是恆星。

astronomer  n. 天文學家

habitable  adj. 適於居住的

The plane crashed onto a habitable island in the middle of the Pacific.

radius  n. 半徑;範圍

orbital  adj. 軌道的;環繞一定路線的( orbit 為名詞「繞行軌道」)

The company launched an orbital communication satellite.

refer to as  v. 把 …… 稱作

Friends sometimes refer to James as "big Jim."

dim  adj. 微暗的;暗淡的

Baxter replaced the dim light bulb with a brighter one.

principal  adj. 主要的;首要的

The detective is the principal investigator on the case.

evaporation  n. 蒸發(作用)

candidate  n. 候選者

potential  adj. 潛在的;可能的

We are interviewing several potential candidates for the job.

batch  n. 一批;一組;一群

function  n. 函數

cross  v. 越過;渡過

Susan crossed the street at the intersection.

transit  n. 凌日(指行星行經地球與太陽之間)

give off  v. 散發;發出

The food gave off a delicious aroma.

indicate  v. 顯示;指出

The sign indicated that there was a rest stop ahead.

Goldilocks   剛剛好的;合宜的

Goldilocks 「歌蒂拉」是一個英國童話裡的金髮小女孩的名字,她誤闖三隻熊的家,但她只吃不冷不熱的麥片粥、只睡不軟不硬的床,因此 Goldilocks 常被用來比喻「剛剛好的」,因此 Goldilocks planet 也被譯作「適居星球」。
The country's Goldilocks economy made it a stable environment to do business.

