
2012 年 01 月 25 日 (No. 563)

Take another shot in 2016, Lee tells Tsai -- China Post

Ecstatic crowds greet Burma's opposition icon Suu Kyi as she registers her candidacy for parliament -- The Daily Mail
民眾欣喜若狂 恭迎緬甸反對黨人物翁山蘇姬登記參選國會議員(2012/01/19)


Italian cave divers race against time to find survivors on ship - Reuters
搜尋船難生還者 義大利洞穴潛水員分秒必爭(2012/01/17)

Truck full of dogs crammed into tiny cages and bound for Chinese restaurants is intercepted by animal lovers -- The Daily Mail
中國卡車滿載狗隻擠狹籠 前往餐廳途中被愛護動物人士攔截(2012/01/19)

Shares fall as euro zone downgrades rekindle fears - Reuters
歐元區降級再度引發憂懼 股票下跌(2012/01/16)

Unemployment at highest level since 1995 as young people pay the price of slowing economy -- The Daily Mail
英失業率創一九九五年來新高 經濟遲滯 年輕人遭殃(2012/01/19)

Science & Technology

Microblogging use in China quadruples in 2011: report -- Reuters

U.S. online piracy bill headed for major makeover -- Reuters

"Artist," "Descendants" shine at Golden Globes - Reuters

'Angry Brides' game targets sexist Indian dowry demands -- China Post

Falla through as Fish flounders at Melbourne Park - Reuters
【網球】墨爾本公園費希苦戰 法拉晉級(2012/01/18)

Family man Beckham ends speculation by penning new two-year deal with Galaxy -- The Daily Mail
【足球】愛家男貝克漢平息臆測 與銀河隊簽兩年新約(2012/01/19)

Italian Cruise Captain Arrested as Search Continues for Missing Passengers

義大利郵輪船長被捕 失蹤乘客搜尋工作持續

Italian rescuers and divers continued their perilous work last week, locating a second "black box" and the remains of more passengers in the wreckage of the Costa Concordia cruise ship.
Officials confirmed 11 people dead as of midweek after the ship ran aground late January 13 off a Tuscan island near the Italian mainland's western coast.
As of late last week, nearly two dozen people remained missing from the ship which was lying on its side off Giglio.
Meanwhile, a judge ordered that the ship's captain be held on house arrest pending a later decision on whether he should be released.
Capt. Francesco Schettino could face charges that include manslaughter, shipwreck and abandoning a ship when passengers were still on board, according to chief prosecutor Francesco Verusio.
A dramatic transcript of conversations between Schettino and the Italian coast guard was published by the Corriere della Sera newspaper in which the captain gives conflicting accounts of what happened when the ship struck rocks Friday, leading to what passengers described as a chaotic and surreal scene as they rushed to evacuate.
Initially, Schettino tells an official he had abandoned the vessel, according to the transcripts, which prosecutors say match those they are using in their investigation.
But as the official presses him on his decision, Schettino appears to alter his story and say he had not abandoned ship but was "catapulted into the water" at some point after the ship ran into a rock, began taking on water and started listing.
The transcripts go on to show that in a later conversation an Italian coast guard official demands Schettino return to his vessel.

"You get on board! This is an order!" the coast guard official instructed Schettino.

"You have declared 'Abandon ship.' Now I'm in charge. You get on board. That clear?" the port official said.
Rescue and recovery efforts continued Tuesday, with divers searching the ship for survivors and remains.
By late last week, the exact number of missing remained unclear.
Roughly 4,200 people were onboard the Costa Concordia when it ran aground, which included approximately 3,200 passengers and 1,000 crew members, the vast majority of whom made it off the ship safely.

perilous adj. 危險的;冒險的

The mountain pass can be perilous in winter.

remains n. 遺骸;遺體

wreckage n. (機體)殘骸

pending prep. 在……之前

The book's galleys must be approved pending publication.

manslaughter n. 過失殺人

shipwreck n. 船難

conflicting adj. 相衝突的

The two suspects gave conflicting accounts of the crime.

account n. 描述;說明

evacuate v. 撤離

Passengers evacuated the airliner after the emergency landing.

alter v. 改變

Ginny altered her account of the accident.

catapult v. 拋;投;擲

Ben tripped, catapulting the bag of groceries he had been carrying.

list v. (船身等)傾斜

The bus listed to one side after the driver accidentally drove into a ditch.

vast adj. 龐大的;大量的

Siberia is known for its vast wilderness.

run aground 擱淺;觸礁

aground 是副詞,可表示「著陸」或「上岸;落到水底」,run aground 表示船「擱淺;觸礁」。
The ship ran aground in a storm.


take on water (船)進水;(往裡面)漏水

take on 有「承載;承擔」的意思,take on water 則是個慣用語,指船隻「進水」。
The boat took on water from a crack in its hull.

