
2012 年 02 月 15 日 (No. 566)

Three-state sweep revives Santorum's White House hopes -- Reuters
桑托榮三州大勝 重燃角逐白宮希望(2012/02/09)

Iran shrugs off latest U.S. sanctions, trade suffers -- Reuters
伊朗不理美國最新制裁 市場遭殃(2012/02/08)


Attacks in Syria's Homs resume after Russian peace foray -- Reuters
俄羅斯和平訪問落幕 敘利亞繼續攻打荷姆斯(2012/02/08)

Police mull charges for Makiyo's friend over taxi assault -- Taipei Times
涉計程車暴力事件 警方考慮提告 Makiyo 友人(2012/02/07)

BP preparing "vigorously" for oil spill lawsuits -- Reuters

Greeks seek elusive bailout deal as EU tempers fray -- Reuters
歐盟炮火緩和 希臘希望解決未定的紓困案(2012/02/08)

Science & Technology

German police use Facebook pictures to nab crooks -- Reuters

U.S. government, military to get secure Android phones -- CNN
美國政府與軍方將獲得保密 Android 電話(2012/02/09)

Exultant Giants fans celebrate Super Bowl with parade -- Reuters
【美足】巨人隊球迷歡欣鼓舞 遊行慶祝超級盃(2012/02/08)

Cavaliers point guard Irving to miss more games -- Reuters

Madonna dazzles with slick Super Bowl halftime show -- Reuters

Film shows starlet might have assaulted taxi driver -- CNA

Linsanity Sweeps the NBA

林來瘋熱潮橫掃 NBA

It's the kind of underdog story every sports fan loves.
Jeremy Lin, the American-born son of Taiwanese parents, went from virtual obscurity to talk of the Big Apple and the number-one trending topic on Twitter thanks to three life-changing nights of NBA basketball.
  這正是體育迷最津津樂道的小人物翻身的故事。林書豪出生於美國,父母是台灣人,他從一個沒沒無聞的小人物變成了紐約的熱門話題,同時也是推特上排名第一的趨勢議題,而這一切都得歸功於 NBA 籃球場上三個讓他的人生為之改變的夜晚。
The 23-year old point guard would revive the New York Knicks' season with a trio of jaw-dropping performances, all while spawning a cottage industry for punsters.
In less than a week, a wave of "Linsanity" has swept from the basketball courts of New York, across the U.S. and the Pacific to break on the shores of Asia.
  這位二十三歲的控球後衛以三場令人瞠目結舌的演出,使得紐約尼克隊的球季起死回生,同時也為愛講雙關語的人製造發揮的機會。不到一個星期,一波「林來瘋」熱潮已然從紐約的籃球場掃過全美,過了太平洋來到亞洲 。
Just six years ago, Lin was a hotshot point guard at Palo Alto High School in California, leading his school to a 32-1 record and state title.
In spite of his high school hoops record, few universities showed serious interest in Lin's on-court skills.
Eventually he opted to attend Harvard, gaining entry into the prestigious Ivy League school on the strength of his academic rather than athletic achievements.
Still, those that knew him recognized his potential.
"He was just a person that totally got it was about winning," Palo Alto coach Peter Diepenbrock told the Harvard Crimson. "Especially at the high school level, that's very rare."

While at Harvard, Lin continued to find success on the court, and was soon building up a small but loyal fan base.

"I think people are very interested in stories like this where there's a player who seems to have excelled at every level, but for whatever reason has not gotten the opportunities you'd hope he would get," said Paul Okada, a co-founder of the active fan site JeremyLin.net.
After going undrafted to the Golden State Warriors and spending most of his time on the bench, Lin was traded to the Knicks.
It looked as if he was again destined to ride the pine until an injury to fellow teammate Carmelo Anthony propelled Lin into the starting lineup last early week.
Then the fireworks began.
Over the next three games Lin averaged 25.3 points and 8.3 assists.
Even fans of the opposing team chanted his name.
"He puts everybody in the right spots and he just calms everything down," said Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni.
"And we're getting good shots every time down.
And he makes the defense even tougher."
It seems opponents and fans alike are finding it hard to stop the Linsanity.

underdog n. 處於劣勢者;競爭失敗者

obscurity n. 不引人注目;默默無名

trio n. 三個一組;三件一套

jaw-dropping adj. 震驚的;令人跌破眼鏡的

The magician put on a jaw-dropping performance.

spawn v. 造成;釀成;大量生產

The successful singer spawned many imitators.

cottage industry n. 少數人熱衷的活動;小規模產業;家庭工業

punster n. 喜歡說雙關語的人;愛說俏皮話的人

sweep v. 席捲;颳起

The slow food fad has swept the globe.

hotshot n. 高手

hoop n. 籃;籃球的籃框

opt v. 選擇

Janice opted to go to a university close to home rather than across the country.

strength n. 優勢;強項

excel v. 突出;勝過他人

Betty excels at multitasking.

undrafted adj. 選秀落選的

Jim's cousin was an undrafted player for a Major League baseball team.

destined adj. 命中注定的

Donald seems to be destined for fame.

propel v. 推動;驅策;激勵

The hit song propelled the singer to the top of the charts.

lineup n. 陣容;列隊

assist n. 助攻

break on the shore 熱潮到達某地

break 描述的是海浪接近陸地「破浪」的情況,break on the shore 意思是「打達某地的岸邊」,引申為「熱潮或流行到達某地」。
The band was big in the U.K. before they broke on the shores of the U.S.


ride the pine 坐冷板凳

pine 是「松樹;松木」,由於很多板凳是松木製的,所以在這裡也指「板凳」,因此 ride the pine 解釋為「坐冷板凳;等待上場的機會」。
Vincent rode the pine for most of his freshman year playing college football.

