
2012 年 03 月 07 日 (No. 569)

Russia on collision course as Putin plots return -- Reuters
普亭計畫重掌政權 俄羅斯走向衝突(2012/03/02)

Obama, Republican leaders call election truce to have lunch -- Reuters


At least 12 killed as tornadoes strike Midwest -- Reuters
龍捲風侵襲美中西部 至少 12 人死亡(2012/03/01)

Greek man shoots two, takes hostages over layoff -- Reuters
不滿資遣 希臘男子射殺兩人並挾持人質(2012/03/02)

Science & Technology
Tablet reading is becoming the norm -- CNN

Yahoo threatens Facebook as patent war looms - Reuters
雅虎威脅臉書 專利戰近在眼前(2012/02/29)


China's factories rebound, smaller firms lagging behind -- Reuters
中國工廠回春 小公司衰退落後(2012/03/01)

HTC shares soar, new phone models get upbeat reviews -- Reuters
宏達電股價飆升 新機模型獲樂觀評價(2012/02/28)

Lindsay Lohan no longer party girl, now a "homebody" -- Reuters
琳賽羅涵不再當跑趴女 現在是「宅女(2012/03/01)

Pride sweeps France over Oscar wins for "The Artist" -- Reuters
《大藝術家》贏得奧斯卡獎 榮耀席捲法國(2012/02/29)

Knicks dig deep to roar past Cavs in second half -- Reuters
【籃球】尼克下半場拼命 怒號超越騎士(2012/03/01)

Matt Kenseth stays cool to keep rivals at bay -- Reuters
【賽車】麥特.肯錫冷靜以對 對手望塵莫及(2012/02/29)

Tensions with Iran Drive up Oil Prices


Prices for oil rose to their highest levels since 2008 on fears that tensions with Iran could potentially disrupt supplies through the Strait of Hormuz.
The price of a barrel of Brent crude hit $128.40 a barrel and eclipsed $110 on the New York Mercantile Exchange after a disputed report Thursday on Iran's Press TV and other Middle East media outlets of a pipeline explosion in Saudi Arabia.
The price for Brent crude dropped to $125.45, while the NYMEX price fell to $108.50 on early trading Friday.
"I think the main problems are coming from supply disruptions, or some fear to supply disruptions, particularly Iran," U.S. Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke told a U.S. House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday. "So I'm not sure what could provide relief in the very short term."
The price of North Sea Brent crude has risen more than 15 percent this year, while NYMEX crude has risen more than 8.5 percent because of growing tensions surrounding Iran that may lead to the closure of the Strait of Hormuz, a critical pathway for petroleum exports.
"Frankly, it has nothing to do with supply and demand there -- these are geopolitical situations," said Angel Gurria, head of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. "So it has to be solved at that level."
While worries in the Middle East have caused a spike, oil prices face longer-term pressure due to increased demand from China and other emerging economies.
At 9.4 million barrels a day, China consumes half the amount of oil of the U.S., according to 2010 data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
But while U.S. usage has remained flat, China's oil consumption rises about 5 percent per year.

disrupt v. 使……混亂;中斷

Military conflicts disrupted trade in the region.

strait n. 海峽

barrel n. 桶;一桶的量

eclipse v. 超越;使……黯然失色

The young star's fame eclipsed that of his father, who was also an actor.

mercantile adj. 商業的;貿易的

Jon's great grandfather ran a mercantile store in rural Oregon.

dispute v. 爭論;爭執;對……提出質疑

The runner-up disputed the election results.

press n. 新聞;通訊社

outlet n. 通路;商店

reserve n. 儲備;儲備金

pathway n. 路線;途徑

petroleum n. 石油

frankly adv. 確實;坦白說

geopolitical adj. 地理政治學的

Donald's friends discussed geopolitical issues over coffee.

spike n. 價錢飆漲

long-term adj. 長期的

Philip prefers long-term investments over get-rich-quick schemes.

emerging adj. 新興的

The company has put a lot of money into emerging markets.

usage n. 使用;處理

flat adj. 平的;平坦的

The stock price remained flat for most of the quarter.

drive up 使……上升

drvie 作動詞除了有「開車;駕駛」的意思外,還可以解釋為「驅動;迫使」,因此 drive up 字面上是「驅使某物向上」,可進一步解釋為「使……上升」的意思。
Higher demand drove up energy prices.


have to do with 與……有關

have to do with 這個片語解釋為「與……有關」,若放入 nothing,變成 have nothing to do with,則可解釋為「與……無關」。
Beatrice's fear of water has to do with a bad experience she had as a child.

