
2012 年 05 月 09 日 (No. 578)

Chinese dissident seeks exile, strains U.S.-China ties -- Reuters
中國異議分子欲流亡美國 中美關係緊張(2012/05/03)

Obama invites African leaders to G8 food security talks -- Reuters
歐巴馬邀請非洲領袖參加 G8 糧食安全會談(2012/05/04)


Taipower should reform before rates are hiked: Consumers' Foundation -- CNA

Animal rights activists call for an independent agency -- China Post

For businesses in China, a minefield of bribery risks -- Reuters

Apple earnings lift iPhone supplier stocks -- CNN
蘋果獲利抬高 iPhone 供應商股價(2012/05/01)

Science & Technology

Dams fall as Washington state eyes salmon revival -- China Post
華盛頓州拆除水壩 期待鮭魚復甦(2012/05/01)

Harvard and MIT launch edX to offer free online classes -- CNN
哈佛、麻省理工推出 edX 提供免費線上課程(2012/05/03)

Jack White knocks Adele off top of UK album charts -- Reuters
傑克懷特打下艾黛兒 榮登英國專輯榜冠軍(2012/05/01)

'Scream' beats Picasso as biggest auction sale ever at US$119.9 mil. -- China Post
《吶喊》打敗畢卡索 11990 萬美元拍賣售出史上最高(2012/05/04)

New LA Dodgers owners explore ways to boost value -- Reuters

LeBron James leads Heat to victory over hobbled Knicks -- Boston Herald
【籃球】尼克隊拖泥帶水 雷霸龍帶領熱火獲勝(2012/05/04)

Samsung Galaxy S III Set to Go Head-to-Head with iPhone 4s

三星銀河 S3 手機即將與 iPhone 4S 正面對決

Samsung has launched its Galaxy S III smartphone, which it hopes will help solidify the company as the leading challenger to Apple and its iPhone 4S.
  三星推出了銀河 S3 智慧型手機,期盼能有助於鞏固該公司身為蘋果及其 iPhone 4S 頭號挑戰者的地位。
The new handset, with a whopping 4.8-inch screen and an 8-megapixel camera, was unveiled at a slick launch party in London on Thursday, complete with a backing orchestra.
Billed by Samsung as having been "designed for humans," the phone features voice and eye-recognition technology that the company hopes will position the handset ahead of its rivals in the crowded smartphone market.
Samsung has overtaken Nokia as the world's best-selling mobile phone maker, and Juniper Research reported Tuesday that Samsung also overtook Apple in smartphone sales in the first quarter, in what it described as "increasingly a two-horse race."
The new Galaxy handset, which runs the most up-to-date version of Google's mobile operating system -- Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich -- recognizes when a user is looking at it, and ensures the screen doesn't go dark while it has eye contact.
  新的銀河手機採用最新版的谷歌手機作業系統──安卓 4.0 冰淇淋三明治──能夠辨識使用者是否看著螢幕,確保螢幕不會在使用者觀看的時候關閉。
S Voice technology -- Samsung's equivalent of Apple's Siri -- enables users to wake up their phone with a simple voice command.
And voice recognition goes further.
Saying: "Hi, Galaxy... picture," for example, opens the phone's camera app, and saying "cheese" takes a picture.
Face-recognition software then identifies Facebook friends within images, and prompts the user to share them.
  S Voice 語音辨識科技──三星相當於蘋果 Siri 的功能──可讓使用者藉著簡單的語音命令喚醒手機。而且,語音辨識還不僅止於此。舉例而言,你只要說:「嗨,銀河……照片,」手機的照相應用軟體就會開啟;只要說「笑一個」就能夠拍下照片。接下來,臉部辨識軟體能夠在影像當中辨識出臉書中的朋友,並且提示使用者分享這些影像。
Samsung, a sponsor of the Olympics, revealed it will be sending devices enabled with mobile payment technology to the 2012 games in London.
Chris Hall, editor of technology Web site Pocket-lint, said he was "pleasantly surprised" by the new phone.
  科技網站 Pocket-lint 的編輯克里斯•霍爾表示,他對這支新手機感到「驚喜」。
"When you compare it to the nearest rival, it feels like they have pulled off a bit of a trick," he said.
"They have put some effort into software innovations, particularly the eye recognition.
The voice recognition feels like the reaction to Siri on the iPhone, but I don't know many people who actually talk to their phones."
  「只要你將這支手機與最接近的競爭對手相比,即可感覺到他們似乎玩出了一些花招,」他說:「他們在軟體創新上投入了一些心力,特別是在眼球辨識。語音辨識感覺是針對 iPhoneSiri 所提出的對策,但我沒見過有多少人會真的跟手機說話。」

head-to-head adj. 正面衝突的;對決的

The two chess champions faced off in head-to-head competition.

solidify v. 鞏固;(使)團結

The politician solidified his lead by winning several primaries.

handset n. 手持電話;手機

whopping adj. 【口】極多的;非常驚人的

The whopping cost of the ring was more than Eric could afford.

megapixel n. 百萬畫素

slick adj. 外表華麗的;圓滑的;順暢的

The advertising company came up with a slick marketing campaign.

bill v. 公告;宣告

The studio billed the film as a family-friendly comedy.

rival n. 競爭者;敵手

overtake v. 趕上;追過

After five years in business, the company overtook most of its competition.

up-to-date adj. 最新的;使用最新資訊、技術等的

Make sure you are running up-to-date security software.

version n. 版本

equivalent n. 相等物

command n. 命令;指令

prompt v. 引起;激起

The screen prompts users to enter a password.

sponsor n. 贊助商;贊助者

pull off 成功做到

Danny pulled off several funny pranks in the office.

