
2012 年 09 月 19 日 (No. 597)

Japan buys disputed islands, China sends in patrol boats -- Reuters
日本買下爭議島嶼 中國派出巡邏船(2012/09/11)

US Ambassador Chris Stevens killed in consulate attack in Libya: officials -- China Post


Chicago teachers to go on strike; 400,000 students out of school -- CNN
芝加哥教師罷工 四十萬學童沒課上(2012/09/10)

U.S. to cover cancer treatment for 9/11 responders -- Reuters
美國將給付 911 救援人員癌症治療費用(2012/09/11)

Foxconn denies forced Chinese student labor on iPhone 5 lines -- CNN
富士康否認 iPhone 5 生產線強迫中國學生勞工(2012/09/12)

Moody's threat to strip U.S. of top rating -- CNN

Science & Technology

Eye control glasses offer new world to severely disabled -- Reuters

Apple's iPhone 5 bigger, faster but lacks "wow" -- Reuters
蘋果 iPhone 5 螢幕更大、速度更快 但少了「驚奇(2012/09/13)

Multiple organ failure and lung cancer claim life of Tao Dawei, 69 -- China Post
多重器官衰竭與肺癌奪走陶大偉生命 享年 69(2012/09/13)

Middle East crisis in spotlight at Toronto film fest -- Reuters

Murray wins historic first Grand Slam title at U.S. Open -- CNN

UEFA cracks down on 23 clubs by withholding prize money -- CNN
歐洲足球總會扣留獎金嚴懲 23 個球團(2012/09/12)

Scientists Identify New Monkey Species


Scientists believe they have stumbled upon a new species of monkey in the remote forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
While the small primate is unfamiliar to the zoological community and the rest of the outside world, it's well-known to local hunters.
The find -- only the second discovery of a monkey species in 28 years -- was published last week in the open-access journal Plos One.
In the journal article, scientists describe the new species that they call Cercopithecus Lomamiensis, which is known locally as Lesula.
The monkey's home is located deep in the Lomami forest basin.
In the age of searchable digital satellite maps available to all on the Internet, a discovery like this seems a throwback to an earlier age of exploration.
"We never expected to find a new species there," says John Hart, the lead scientist of the project, "but the Lomami basin is a very large block that has had very little exploration by biologists."
Hart's team was making a routine stop in a remote village when they came upon a strange looking monkey tethered to a post.
It was the pet of a local school director's daughter.
She adopted the young monkey when its mother was killed by a hunter in the forest.
Team members took photos and showed them to Hart.
"Right away I saw that this was something different.
It looked a bit like a monkey from much further east, but the coloring was so different," said Hart.
The monkey to the east is the semi-terrestrial owl-faced monkey.
Based on the photos, Hart believed that their shape and size could be similar, but the morphology or outward appearance was very distinct.
The Lesula had strikingly large, almost human-like eyes, a pink face and golden mane.
Far to the east, across several large river systems, the owl face is aptly named.
Its sunken eyes are set deep in a dark face with a white stripe running down from its brow to its mouth, like a line of chalk on a blackboard.

identify v. 鑑明;辨識

Doctors identified the cause of the patient's illness.

primate n. 靈長類動物

zoological adj. 動物學的

Nathan's zoological knowledge makes him an expert on animals.

access n. 接近、使用……的機會或權利

basin n. 盆地;(河川的)流域

throwback n. 返回;大倒退

exploration n. 探索;探險

biologist n. 生物學家

tether v. 拴住;繫住

Carla tethered her goat to a fence post.

terrestrial adj. 陸生的;陸棲的

The island is home to several terrestrial species.

morphology n. 形態學

outward adj. 外表的;表面的

Even if a strange dog's outward appearance is friendly, be careful approaching it.

distinct adj. 獨特的;明顯不同的

The valley has many distinct geological features.

mane n. (馬、獅等的)鬃毛

aptly adv. 適當地;適切地

sunken adj. 下陷的;凹陷的

The lock is located in a sunken recess in the door.

stripe n. 條紋;斑紋

chalk n. 粉筆

stumble upon 偶遇;碰巧發現

stumble 是「絆倒;快要跌倒」,後面用介系詞 acrossonupon 加事物或人,表示在沒有預期的情況下遇上某事物或人。也可以說 come uponcome acrossbump into
Monica stumbled across a rare vase in the antique store.

