
2012 年 09 月 26 日 (No. 598)

Anti-Japan protests erupt in China over disputed islands -- CNN
列嶼爭議 中國爆發反日抗議(2012/09/17)

Obama, Romney tiptoe around housing morass as they woo voters -- Reuters
歐巴馬、羅姆尼向選民拉票 小心避開房市難題(2012/09/19)


Japan aims to abandon nuclear power by 2030s -- Reuters
日本設定目標 2030 年代核電(2012/09/17)

South African miners return to work as unrest spreads -- Reuters
南非礦工復工 混亂已經擴大(2012/09/19)

Stocks, more than housing, seen as initial QE3 winners -- Reuters
美推第三輪量化寬鬆貨幣政策 初步股市比房市受益(2012/09/17)

Hershey CEO weighing next steps in China -- Reuters

Science & Technology

First mother-to-daughter uterus transplant carried out in Sweden -- Reuters

Space shuttle Endeavour lands piggyback in California -- Reuters

Rainbow metallics reign supreme at Burberry show -- Reuters
彩虹金屬風稱霸 Burberry 時裝秀(2012/09/20)

Psy brings down Ellen's house with live Gangnam Style -- CrabbyGolightly.com
PSY《江南 Style》登艾倫秀 現場表演獲得滿堂彩(2012/09/21)

Tiger happy with 2012 season, despite major drought -- Reuters
【高球】雖大獎冠軍 老虎伍茲 2012 球季感到滿意(2012/09/19)

MLB nearing long-term TV rights with two broadcasters: WSJ -- Reuters

For iPhone Fans the Long Wait Is Over

iPhone 粉絲漫長等待終於結束

For the most devoted aficionados of Apple products, the waiting and speculating has been rewarded.
As last Thursday night became Friday morning around the world, those diehards who spent hours waiting in line were being greeted with open doors at Apple stores and other retailers selling the new iPhone 5.
  對於極度忠誠的蘋果產品愛好者來說,等待和猜測值得了。在上週四晚間至週五早晨時分,全球販售新款 iPhone 5 的蘋果門市及其他零售店開門迎接那些花了數小時排隊的死忠分子。
Announced September 12, the iPhone 5 features a bigger screen, lighter and slimmer frame, faster processor and, for the first time, 4G LTE wireless connections.
  九月十二日發表的 iPhone 5 特色包括螢幕較大,機身較輕、較薄,處理器速度變快,並且首度使用了 4G LTE 無線網路通訊。
If a handful of tech writers were unimpressed with the specs, that didn't stifle consumer interest.
Apple took two million preorders for the phone in the first 24 hours they were available last week, and some analysts expected sales of more than 10 million by Monday.
That first-day total was double the number of iPhone 4S preorders the company took last year, and an initial Friday shipping date was quickly pushed back.
People who preorder the phone now, or did so in the past few days, could be waiting more than three weeks for their phones to ship.
  iPhone 5 的首日總銷量是該公司去年 iPhone 4S 數字的兩倍,週五首批出貨日很快就被延後了。現在或過去幾天裡預購 iPhone 5 的人,可能要等三週以上手機才會出貨。
For those who opted to get personal, the doors at Apple retail stores opened at 8 a.m. local time Friday in the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and the UK.
The phone will roll out in 22 more countries on September 28.
  對那些選擇親自取貨的人,蘋果零售門市上週五在美國、澳洲、加拿大、法國、德國、香港、日本、新加坡和英國當地時間上午八點開門了。iPhone 5 將於九月二十八日在其他二十二國上市。
Despite morning rainfall in Tokyo, hundreds of eager customers lined up outside an Apple store in the city's Ginza shopping district.
Store employees handed out umbrellas to waiting customers, some of whom came sporting face paint to celebrate the occasion.
"It's almost like a festival, people just camping in the center of Ginza, just drinking and playing and talking to each other," said Taiyo Nakashima, a 34-year-old Web designer.
"It's not really just buying the phone. It's just enjoying the party, really."
The most popular single smartphone, the iPhone has sold more than 244 million units around the world since then-CEO Steve Jobs unveiled it six years ago.
  iPhone 是最受歡迎的一支智慧型手機,自從六年前當時的執行長賈伯斯將之公諸於世以來,在全球已經銷售超過二億四千四百萬支。

devoted adj. 投入的;忠誠的

The pop star's devoted fans met him at the airport.

aficionado n. 【西】狂熱者;愛好者

speculate v. 推測;推斷

Martin speculated on what his friends were planning for his birthday.

diehard n. 倔強的人;死硬派

slim adj. 苗條的;纖細的

The device's slim design makes easy to carry in one's pocket.

frame n. 框架;架構

processor n. 處理器

a handful of phr. 少量;一些

spec n. 規格 (= specification)

stifle v. 抑止;阻止

The country's strict censorship laws stifled free expression.

initial adj. 開始的;最初的

Initial reports from the site of the earthquake described extensive damage.

opt v. 選擇;挑選

Maggie opted for a late departure time to get a better price on her airline ticket.

district n. 區;行政區

sport v. (大膽嘗新地)穿戴

Fred sported a new suit when he arrived for his job interview.

unveil v. 揭露;首次公開

The electronics company unveiled three new tablet PCs.

roll out 推出(新產品)

roll 當動詞有「(輪子)滾動;(車)行駛;啟動;開始」的意思,片語 roll out 則表示「推出或公開(新產品)」,為口語用法。
The car company rolled out its new models in the spring.

