
2012 年 10 月 31 日 (No. 603)

George McGovern, an unabashed liberal voice, is dead at 90 -- CNN
直言不諱自由派前美國參議員喬治麥高文逝世 享壽 90(2012/10/22)

Analysis: In foreign policy debate, Romney and Obama get domestic -- Reuters
分析:外交政策辯論中 羅姆尼、歐巴馬回歸國內問題(2012/10/23)


Tainan hospital fire claims 12 lives -- China Post
台南一醫院大火奪走 12 條人命(2012/10/24)

Sandy pounds Bahamas, 21 dead in Caribbean -- Reuters
颶風珊迪重創巴哈馬 加勒比海地區 21 人喪生(2012/10/26)

Ex-Goldman director Gupta sentenced to two years' jail -- Reuters

Spain unemployment hits record high at 25 percent -- Reuters
西班牙失業率達史上新高 25%(2012/10/26)

Science & Technology

Apple set to unwrap mini-iPad to take on Amazon, Google -- Reuters
蘋果將發表迷你 iPad 迎戰亞馬遜、谷歌(2012/10/23)

Pharmacy linked to meningitis deaths failed on sterility measures -- Reuters

DeGeneres honored for lifetime as U.S. entertainer -- Reuters

James Bond blends old and new charms as 007 turns 50 -- Reuters
007 五十週年 詹姆士龐德新舊魅力交融(2012/10/24)

Giants rout Cardinals to reach World Series -- Reuters
【棒球】巨人隊擊敗紅雀 打進世界大賽(2012/10/23)

FIFA awards goal-line technology licenses -- CNN

Irish Inventor Stumbles upon Magical Material


It's the ultimate repair tool.
A silicone material that can be shaped like Play-Doh, can bond to almost any surface and after a few hours of exposure to air becomes a super tough, durable rubber.
Sugru, named for the Irish word for "play," is now being used to fix leaky pipes, create custom-made handles and even help a disabled, fingerless canoeist modify one of her paddles.
Unlike existing moldable putty, Sugru doesn't go rock hard when dry, but stays flexible, waterproof and heat resistant up to 180 degrees Celsius.
"We think that Sugru can be something as big as or bigger than duct tape, superglue or anything else that you use to repair," says its Irish-born inventor Jane Ni Dhulchaointigh.
However, like many inventions before, it only came into existence by chance.
When she was a design student at the Royal College of Art in London, Ni Dhulchaointigh had been trying out new combinations of materials when she started mixing silicone adhesive and wood-waste into small balls.
They looked like wood when finished, but when you threw them on the floor they would bounce.
It was only as she began using bits of the material around her home to repair things that she had what she calls her "eureka moment" and came to realize its real usefulness and application.
"Every time I'd make up a batch of it for my experiments, I'd have bits left over," Ni Dhulchaointigh said.
"I modified a kitchen knife that was really uncomfortable.
My sink plug was just slightly too small, so I just made a little ring to make that work."
Perhaps, the most unique thing about Sugru is that its practical uses are being demonstrated not by its inventor, but by the general public.
Thousands of people have posted comments and pictures on Twitter, YouTube and other Web sites showing how they have put the material to good use.
  塑格魯最獨特的一點,也許就是其實際用途並非由其發明者示範,而是一般大眾。數以千計的人士在推特、YouTube 及其他網站上發表了評論與照片,展現他們如何為這種材料找出好用法。
"We get emails every day with pictures and stories of what people have done.
They do things with it that we couldn't have dreamed of.
It feels like magic sometimes," Ni Dhulchaointigh said.

ultimate adj. 終極的;極限的

Steve described bungee jumping as the ultimate thrill.

silicone n. 矽膠

exposure n. 暴露;曝光

custom-made adj. 訂做的;訂製的

The singer wore a custom-made jump suit.

canoeist n. 駕獨木舟者

modify v. 調整;稍作修改

Rex modified his bike to make it lighter.

moldable adj. 可塑造的

The artist used moldable putty to make a figurine.

putty n. 【建】油灰

flexible adj. 彈性的;可彎曲的

Ted used a flexible tube to siphon fuel from his car.

waterproof adj. 不透水的;防水的

It could rain, so wear something waterproof.

resistant adj. 抗……的;有抵抗力的

The fabric is resistant to mold.

duct tape n. 萬用強力膠帶(俗稱「大力膠」)

superglue n. 強力膠;超效黏合劑

adhesive n. 膠黏劑

eureka adj. 靈光乍現的;突發靈感的

Scientists had a eureka moment when they discovered the new drug.

batch n. 一批;一批生產的量

stumble upon 意外發現

stumble 本來是指「絆倒;跌跌撞撞地走」,stumble upon... 是「無意間碰到」的意思,也可以說 stumble acrossstumble into
Explores stumbled upon the ruins of an ancient civilization.

