
2012 年 11 月 28 日 (No. 607)


Praise and pressure as Obama begins historic Myanmar visit -- Reuters
歐巴馬進行歷史性造訪緬甸 亦讚譽亦施壓(2012/11/19)

China's Xi warns of unrest if graft not tackled -- Reuters
中國習近平警告若不處理貪污問題 政權將動盪不安(2012/11/20)


Israeli strike in Gaza kills at least 11, including children -- New York Times
以色列空襲加薩造成至少 11 死 包含孩童(2012/11/19)

2 dead in Texas highway pileup of 140 vehicles -- USA TODAY
德州高速公路 140 輛車追撞成 2(2012/11/23)

Yahoo shares reach 18-month high as investors warm to new CEO -- Reuters
投資人開始喜歡雅虎新執行長 股價達 18 個月來新高(2012/11/20)

Bernanke's "cliff" comments break two-day rally -- Reuters

Science & Technology

HIV infections fall, ending AIDS "feasible": U.N. -- Reuters
聯合國表示 HIV 感染案例下降 愛滋病「有可能」終結(2012/11/21)

Black Friday debut for Wii U launches next-gen gaming war -- Reuters
黑色星期五 Wii U 亮相 掀起新一代遊戲戰爭(2012/11/22)

Jackie Chan: upcoming film will be last big action movie -- Reuters

Justin Bieber will not face charges from paparazzo run-in -- Reuters
小賈斯汀與狗仔起爭執 將不會面臨起訴(2012/11/22)

Stepanek the hero as Czech Republic seal Davis Cup glory -- CNN
【網球】捷克共和國拿下台維斯盃榮耀 史提潘尼克成英雄(2012/11/19)

D'Antoni at the helm as Lakers beat Nets -- Reuters
【籃球】狄安東尼領軍 湖人擊敗籃網(2012/11/21)

Grampa Style: Elderly Chinese Farmer Models Daughter's Fashion Creations

外公 Style:中國老農為孫女時裝擔任模特兒

Liu Qianpin may not look like the average Chinese farmer, but looks can be deceiving.
Decked out in aviator sunglasses and a selection of thigh-high tights and frilly skirts, the 72-year-old is causing quite a sensation in his native country.
In the past few weeks, images of Liu have appeared on Taobao, the Chinese version of eBay, marketing clothes for Yecoo, a business set up by his granddaughter Lu Ting and four of her friends.
  過去幾週,劉謙平的照片出現於淘寶網上,這是中國版的 eBay,為悅蔻行銷服飾,悅蔻是他的孫女呂婷與四個朋友共同創立的公司。
Lu said she invited her grandfather to visit her in the southern province of Guangzhou earlier this month, and while unpacking boxes of clothes to sell, he pulled out -- and slipped on -- a hot pink cloak.
Struck by how well he wore it, a friend started taking photos that were later posted online.
In the images, Liu's posing demurely in bright green leggings, clutching a handbag and wearing a layered pink shawl.
Sometimes he wears a wig, sometimes not, but the aviator sunglasses are always present.
Liu has attracted a lot of attention on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
"That's a good example of ‘enjoying life at the moment.' The old man enjoys it. And it's making me happy too!" wrote one user.
Another writes, "I love this grandpa! And I hope life for all elderly people can be as interesting."
Liu's fame has also translated into higher sales for the fledgling company, which only launched in May.
Sales have surged fivefold since his image appeared on the site.
"It wasn't intended to raise the sales. It's just for fun, for both my grandfather and me. I'm surprised that this went viral online," Lu said.
The line of clothes Liu models has now been dubbed "Grandpa style."
They will keep taking photos, Lu says, as long as Liu enjoys it.
If anything, Liu has proven that some Chinese parents will do anything to ensure their children's success.
  劉謙平穿著展示的那一系列服飾,現在已被稱為「外公 style」。呂婷說,只要她外公喜歡,他們就會繼續拍照。別的不提,至少劉謙平證明了一點:有些中國父母只要為了確保子孫成功,什麼事都願意做。

aviator n. 飛行員

tights n. 緊身衣(常用複數)

frilly adj. 鑲褶邊的;褶邊的

The dancer wore a frilly tutu.

sensation n. 轟動;引起轟動的人或事物

slip v. 匆忙地穿(或脫)

Betty slipped on a sweater before going outside.

cloak n. 斗篷;披風

demurely adv. 裝作一本正經地;佯作害羞地

legging n. 緊身褲

clutch v. 緊抓;緊握

Martha clutched her purse as she walked through the crowd.

shawl n. 披肩

version n. 版本;款;型

translate v. 轉變成;變為

More hits on Mark's Web site translates into higher ad sales.
fledgling adj. 剛開始的;無經驗的
The fledgling company was funded by an outside investor.

surge v. 飆漲;激增;急劇上升

Sales of the toy surged during the holiday season.

fivefold adv. 五倍地

dub v. 戲稱為;起綽號

Jeremy dubbed Donna's apple pie the best he has ever tasted.

deck out 精心打扮

deck 在此為動詞,指「裝飾;打扮」,deck sb./sth. out 表示「精心打扮」,後面加 with 接用來打扮的物品,而加 in 才可接打扮穿著的衣物。
Anita decked herself out in her favorite Christmas sweater and Santa hat before visiting her relatives.

