
2013 年 01 月 16 日 (No. 614)


Venezuela opposition furious over likely Chavez inauguration delay -- Reuters
查維茲可能延後上任 委內瑞拉反對派憤怒(2013/01/07)

Ma's reforms made to placate public: Su -- China Post


State firm bonuses hit with 1.2 months' cap -- China Post
國營企業紅利設 1.2 個月上限(2013/01/07)

Activists call for animal protection amendment to spare lives of strays -- China Post
社運人士要求修改動保法 流浪動物一命(2013/01/10)

Morgan Stanley to cut 6% of its workforce -- CNN
摩根史坦利將裁減 6% 員工人力(2013/01/09)

China exports rebound but 2013 outlook remains murky -- Reuters
中國出口回升 2013 年前景仍黯淡(2013/01/10)

Science & Technology

Biofuels cause pollution, not as green as thought - study -- Reuters
研究顯示生質燃料造成污染 不如以為的那麼環保(2013/01/08)

Studies find hardy Earth microbes may resist conditions on Mars -- Reuters

David Bowie breaks long silence with new music release -- Reuters

Bond foiled again in best picture Oscar mission -- Reuters

McIlroy breaks with first sponsor, Nike waits in wings -- Reuters
【高球】麥克羅伊與第一家贊助商分手 耐吉做足準備搶進(2013/01/08)

Blazers come from behind to beat Heat 92-90 -- Taiwan News
【籃球】拓荒者後來居上 9290 擊敗熱火(2013/01/11)

Scientists Record First Video of a Giant Squid in Its Natural Habitat


The first-ever video footage of a giant squid swimming in the ocean depths is "an enormous breakthrough," according to a prominent marine conservationist who wrote a book about the quest to find the mysterious creatures.
"People have been searching for them for hundreds of years, literally," said Richard Ellis, author of The Search for the Giant Squid: The Biology and Mythology of the World's Most Elusive Sea Creature.
Scientists and television broadcasters released images this week of the 10-foot-long giant squid they had filmed deep in the Pacific Ocean, far off the coast of the Japanese mainland, during hundreds of hours of underwater research.
The mission that finally tracked down the creature involved 55 dives in two special submersible vehicles that spent a total of more than 285 hours far beneath the waves.
Some of the dives went deeper than 3,000 feet.
The discovery is significant for both science and mythology, in which giant squids have long played a notable role, Ellis said in an interview on CNN.
  這項發現對於科學與傳說而言都非常重要,因為巨烏賊長久以來在這兩個領域中所扮演的角色都很重要,艾利斯在與 CNN 的一場訪談中表示。
"We're going to learn how this thing moves," he said. "How it swims, what it does with its arms when it swims."
He described the squid as having eight arms and "two very, very long tentacles which it uses to grasp its prey."
Its limbs have suckers lined with sharp teeth.
The carcasses of dead giant squid that washed ashore eventually proved that the creatures were real, but finding live ones in the wild has proved extremely challenging.
The first still photographs of one of the huge creatures were captured in 2004, and footage was taken of one floating on the surface of the water in 2006.
But researchers and cameramen had never before managed to catch a glimpse of them in the ocean abyss where they live.
The team of scientists and filmmakers on the mission came from a variety of institutions, including the National Science Museum of Japan, the Discovery Channel and the Japanese broadcaster NHK.
  參與這項任務的科學家與拍攝人員來自多個不同機構,包括日本國立科學博物館、探索頻道以及日本 NHK 電視台。

habitat n. (動植物的)棲息地

footage n. 錄影畫面;錄影紀錄

breakthrough n. 突破;重大發展

prominent adj. 著名的;重要的

Maxine has a prominent position on the university faculty.

quest n. 尋找;探索

submersible adj. 能沈入水中的;能潛航的

The smugglers entered the country by sea in a submersible vehicle.

mythology n. 神話

notable adj. 著名的;顯著的

One of Clive's notable achievements is publishing three novels in one year.

tentacle n. 觸鬚;觸角;腕足

prey n. 獵物;被捕食的動物

sucker n. 吸盤

carcass n. (動物的)屍體、遺骸

ashore adv. 向岸;上岸

capture v. (用照片等)記錄;拍攝

The security camera captured video of the bank robbers.

glimpse n. 一瞥;瞥見

abyss n. 深淵

institution n. 公共團體;機構

track down 追蹤

track 當名詞時表示「行蹤」,當動詞則有「追蹤」的意思,而 down 有「沿路」的意思,所以 track down 表示「一路尾隨追蹤」。
Though she was adopted, Martha tracked down her birth parents.

