
2013 年 02 月 06 日 (No. 617)


Senate approves Kerry as secretary of state -- Reuters

Clinton touts 'smart power' in farewell talk -- CNN


Fire rips through crowded Brazil nightclub, killing 233 -- CNN
大火燒毀巴西一擁擠夜店 奪 233(2013/01/28)

Court cuts sentence for man in fatal child abuse -- China Post

Euro surges to 14-month high, Fed decision awaited -- Reuters
歐元飆漲14 個月來新高 聯準會決策未明(2013/01/30)

Exclusive: Citigroup may exit consumer banking in more countries -- Reuters

Science & Technology

South Korean rocket successfully puts satellite in orbit -- CNN

Canned air for sale to combat smog in China -- Los Angeles Times
罐裝空氣上市 對抗中國霧霾(2013/02/01)

'Pride and Prejudice,' story that launched a thousand spinoffs, turns 200 -- CNN
小說《傲慢與偏見》啟發無數副產品 今出版兩百週年(2013/01/29)

Beyonce admits singing 'with my prerecorded track' at inauguration -- CNN

Novak Djokovic pulls off historic three-of-a-kind at Australian Open -- Los Angeles Times

Arab-American groups call Coke Super Bowl ad ''racist'' -- Reuters

Fan Reaction Mixed on New Star Wars Announcement

《星際大戰》發布新消息 影迷反應褒貶不一

More than 30 years ago, Irvin Kershner was announced as the director of The Empire Strikes Back, the follow-up to Star Wars.
Kershner was a curious choice -- a director of documentaries, star vehicles and TV episodes -- but in the days before the Internet, the announcement raised hardly a fuss.
On the other hand, last week J.J. Abrams -- a seemingly unimpeachable choice, with his producing, directing and writing experiences on Lost, Fringe, Super 8 and the rebooted Star Trek -- was announced as the director of the forthcoming Star Wars VII.
And the world went nuts.
  另一方面,上週宣布 J.J. 亞伯拉罕將執導即將開拍的《星際大戰 VII》──他似乎是個無可挑剔的選擇,製作、執導及編劇過《Lost 檔案》、《危機邊緣》、《超級 8》以及重拍的《星際爭霸戰》。結果,全世界卻陷入了瘋狂。
"Another franchise for him to ruin," a reader named "hey" wrote on CNN's Marquee blog.
"Lost sucked, Cloverfield sucked and now the new Star Wars movies are going to suck worse than the last 3," added an online commenter named "horrible pick."
  「又一套系列電影要毀在他手上了,」一個名叫「嘿」的讀者在 CNN 的《Marquee》部落格上寫道。「《Lost 檔案》很爛,《科洛弗檔案》很爛,現在新的《星際大戰》電影一定會比前三部更爛,」另一個名叫「糟糕選擇」的線上評論者寫道。
Imagine the kind of reaction Kershner would have gotten today.
"There would have been blood in the water," says Shaun Rosado, a pop-culture blogger who puts out a weekly podcast called Shauncastic!
  想像看看,卡舒納在今天會引起什麼樣的反應。「一定會像水裡的鮮血引來鯊魚圍攻一樣,」肖恩.羅沙多說,他是一位流行文化部落客,每週發布一則 播客節目,稱為《肖恩挖苦秀!》。
But that's the world we live in now, says Suzanne Scott, a self-described "fan-scholar" who teaches at Occidental College in Los Angeles.
"What I find so interesting is, when you talk about the online, 24-hour news cycle, you have these knee-jerk responses. It's panic," she says.
"It shows the power and pervasiveness of fan culture."
In many ways Abrams would seem a logical selection.
He's kind of a "Lucas 2.0," with his producing, directing and writing experience.
"Hate him or love him, here's a guy who's worked in multiple genres across multiple media and has his own production company -- which is way more established than George Lucas was when Star Wars came out," says Dan Herbert, a film professor at the University of Michigan.
The new movie also gives the franchise a chance to reach a new generation -- something that was undoubtedly on Disney's mind when the studio purchased Lucasfilm last year for $4 billion.
Rosado foresees more synergy with Disney's theme parks; Herbert sees an opportunity to make the post-Star Wars generation excited about the franchise, perhaps for the first time.

follow-up n. 續集;後續事物

curious adj. 奇怪的;難以理解的

The art museum is a curious choice for a child's birthday outing, but that's where Mike wants to go.

episode n. (電視或廣播劇的)一集;一節

fuss n. 無謂的激動、騷動

unimpeachable adj. 無可懷疑的;清白的

Craig seemed like an unimpeachable choice for team captain.

reboot v. 再啟動;再開動;(使)再運作

The comic book publisher rebooted the stories of some of its most popular superheroes.

forthcoming adj. 即將到來的

The director's forthcoming film is expected to be one of his best yet.

nuts adj. 瘋狂的;發瘋的

Fans went nuts when they spotted the pop star in the airport.

franchise n. 系列電影

commenter n. 批評家

knee-jerk adj. 直覺的;不經思考的

The announcement of new gun regulations sparked a knee-jerk reaction from pro-firearms interest groups.

pervasiveness n. 無所不在;遍佈

genre  n. (文藝作品的)類型

established adj. 著名的;已確立的

The film studio will only take a chance on established properties that the public is familiar with.

foresee v. 預見;預知

The civil rights leader foresaw a time where there was no inequality or prejudice.

synergy n. 共同合作;協同作用

star vehicle 明星工具

vehicle 表示「媒介;工具」,star vehicle 直譯為「明星工具」,是指為展露某個演員的特色或才華而拍攝的電影、影集或戲劇等。
The film was seen as the perfect star vehicle for an up-and-coming actress.

