
2014 年 3 月 12日 (No. 674)


Obama budget draws fire from GOP -- Reuters

Crimean referendum stirs passions -- Voice of America


China train station killings described as a terrorist attack -- CNN

NATO airstrike kills at least 5 Afghan soldiers -- CNN
北約空襲造成至少 5 名阿富汗士兵身亡(2014/03/06)

Mt Gox collapse could ultimately help Bitcoin - NY regulator -- Irish Times
紐約管制局:Mt Gox 崩潰最終可望有益於比特幣(2014/03/04)

Gates reclaims Forbes title of world's richest billionaire -- CNNMoney

Science & Technology

Gene therapy may offer 'functional' cure for HIV -- Financial Express
基因療法可望針對 HIV 提供「功能性」療效(2014/03/06)

Scientists dig up giant virus more than 30,000 years old in Siberia -- CNN

Oscars 2014: '12 Years a Slave' wins Best Picture, 'Gravity' notches seven Academy Awards -- Daily News
2014 奧斯卡:《自由之心》贏得最佳影片、《地心引力》拿下七座小金人(2014/03/03)

John Travolta apologizes to Idina Menzel for flub -- Reuters
約翰屈伏塔唸名字 向伊迪娜曼佐道歉(2014/03/06)

Rory McIlroy blows victory chance at PGA National as Russell Henley takes honors -- CNN
【高球】PGA 全國錦標賽麥克羅伊搞砸勝機 羅素亨利奪冠(2014/03/03)

Clips hand Lakers another blowout in sixth win in past seven meetings -- ESPN
【籃球】快艇對湖人再度大勝 交手七次六勝(2014/03/07)

Anchor Quits Russian Network on Air over Pro-Putin Propaganda

俄國電視台主播不滿親普丁政令宣導 在節目上辭職

Another member of state-funded Russia Today made waves on Wednesday -- not by standing behind Moscow, as the news network is wont to do, but by bucking it.
  週三又有一位國資媒體 Russia Today 成員掀起波瀾──不是因為她像這個新聞台一向支持莫斯科,而是因為她採取反對立場。
From the anchor chair, Liz Wahl closed a show talking about the "ethical and moral challenges" she faces working for Russia Today, also known as RT.
She spoke of being from a family who fled to America to escape Soviet forces during the 1956 Hungarian revolution, being the daughter of a U.S. military veteran and being the partner of a physician who works at a U.S. military base.
  主播麗茲.沃爾在節目結束之際談及她因為在 Russia Today 服務,或稱 RT,而面臨「倫理與道德挑戰」。她談到自己的家人在一九五六年匈牙利革命期間為了逃避蘇聯軍隊而逃往美國,也談到自己的父親是美國退伍軍人,伴侶是在美國軍事基地工作的內科醫生。
"And that is why, personally, I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin," Wahl said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"I'm proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth," she added. "And that is why, after this newscast, I'm resigning."
Not that she would've necessarily lasted much longer, after her comments.
In a statement, RT said, "When a journalist disagrees with the editorial position of his or her organization, the usual course of action is to address those grievances with the editor, and, if they cannot be resolved, to quit like a professional."
  倒不是說她在發表了那段評論之後還有可能待上多久。在一份聲明裡,Russia Today 表示:「一名記者一旦不同意自己所屬機構的編輯立場,一般的做法是向編輯提出不滿,而問題若是無法解決,則是秉持專業態度辭職。」
"But when someone makes a big public show of a personal decision, it is nothing more than a self-promotional stunt," said the network.
Talking Wednesday night to CNN's Anderson Cooper, Wahl said the idea she did this "for personal gain... couldn't be farther from the truth."
She said she'd "hesitated to speak on this for a while for fear of repercussion," but decided to act now based on her belief "the propagandist nature of RT (had come) out in full force" over its coverage of the Ukraine crisis.
  沃爾在週三晚間接受 CNN 安德森.古柏採訪,她說,如果有人認為她這麼做「是為了個人利益……這樣的說法絕對不符事實」。她表示,她原本「因為害怕後續效應,而猶豫了好一會兒該不該針對這點發言」,但後來由於認為在烏克蘭危機的報導上「Russia Today 徹底發揮了政令宣傳的本性」,而決定在這時候採取行動。
"RT is not about the truth; it's about promoting a Putinist agenda," Wahl told CNN. "And I can tell you firsthand, it's about bashing America."
  「電視台 RT 的報導並不注重事實,只致力於宣揚普丁的政治議程,」沃爾向 CNN 表示:「而且我可以用親身經驗告訴你,該台的報導是以抨擊美國為要務。」

propaganda n. (政治)宣導;鼓吹

wont adj. 慣常於;慣於

The boy stomped in the puddles after the rain shower, as children are wont to do.

buck v. 【美】【口】強烈反抗;反對

The company bucked the trends of seeking venture capital and looked for alternative funding sources.

veteran n. 退伍軍人;老手;老將

whitewash v. 粉飾;掩飾

The government whitewashed events that led to a crackdown on protestors.

disseminate v. 散佈;傳播

The internal communications department disseminates information to all company's staff.

newscast n. 新聞廣播

grievance n. 委屈;不平;抱怨

stunt n. 招數;噱頭

repercussion n. 彈回;反衝;(常複數)後果;影響

coverage n. 新聞報導

agenda n. 討論事項;議程

firsthand adv. 第一手得來地;直接地

bash v. 痛擊;猛攻

The article bashed the president's new budget.

make waves 興風作浪

make waves 字面解釋是「製造風浪」,也就是中文說的「興風作浪;製造糾紛」的意思。
The columnist made waves when he wrote a piece revealing classified information about government surveillance programs.


in full force 全員出動

force 是「軍隊;軍力」的意思,in full force 就是用來形容「全員出動;傾巢而出」,亦可引申為「充分發揮」。
Police turned out in full force before the heavily contested election.

