
2014 年 9 月 17 日 (No. 701)


Supporters of Scottish independence take narrow poll lead for first time -- Reuters
蘇格蘭獨立 支持派民調首度微幅領先(2014/09/09)

Obama escalates ISIS campaign in Iraq, broadens it to war-ravaged Syria -- CNN
歐巴馬提升在伊拉克對伊希斯組織攻擊 擴大至飽受戰爭蹂躪的敘利亞(2014/09/12)


Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 'immensely thrilled' with pregnancy -- Washington Post
凱特有喜 劍橋公爵夫婦「非常興奮」(2014/09/09)

Dutch report suggests MH-17 shot from ground -- Reuters
荷蘭報告顯示 馬航 MH17 班機遭地面射擊(2014/09/10)

Alibaba talks corporate governance to potential IPO investors -- Reuters
阿里巴巴首次公開募股 向潛在投資人談企業管理(2014/09/08)

Taiwanese 'gutter oil' scandal spreads to Hong Kong, Macau -- Taipei Times

Science & Technology

Harvest 'supermoon' to loom large in Monday night sky -- Reuters

Apple unveils watch, larger iPhones in bid to retake innovation crown -- Reuters
蘋果發表手錶、更大 iPhone 試圖奪回創新寶座(2014/09/10)

Jennifer Lawrence nude photos being displayed publicly to protect privacy -- The Inquisitr
為宣傳保護隱私 珍妮佛羅倫斯裸照遭公開展出(2014/09/08)

Giant white rabbit by Dutch artist draws more than one million visitors in Taiwan -- The Strait Times

Cilic crushes Nishikori to claim U.S. Open title -- Reuters
【網球】西里奇重挫錦織圭 拿下美網公開賽冠軍(2014/09/09)

Ray Rice terminated by team, suspended by NFL after new violent video -- CNN
【美足】新家暴影片曝光 雷萊斯遭球隊開除NFL 禁賽(2014/09/10)

Obama Outlines Strategy for Combating ISIS

歐巴馬概述對抗 ISIS 的策略

It is time to go after ISIS in Iraq and Syria, President Barack Obama said Wednesday night in a nationally televised address intended to sell stepped-up military efforts to a war-weary public.
  該是針對伊拉克與敘利亞的 ISIS(伊希斯組織)發動攻擊的時候了,歐巴馬總統在週三晚間的一場全國電視轉播談話中指出,意在說服厭倦戰爭的大眾接受加強的軍事手段。
Announcing a broad campaign against the Sunni jihadists who have rampaged from Syria across northern Iraq, Obama announced an escalated U.S. military role as part of a strategy that includes building an international coalition to support Iraqi ground forces and perhaps troops from other allies.
U.S. air strikes have been hitting the jihadists in Iraq.
Those strikes will be expanded to ISIS targets in Syria, Obama said.
  美國已針對伊拉克境內的聖戰士發動空襲,那些攻擊行動將會擴展至敘利亞境內的 ISIS 目標,歐巴馬表示。
His address from the White House also sought to convince allies and the nation of a firm U.S. commitment to lead an international coalition to fight the jihadists who rampaged across northern Iraq and Syria this year.
They are known as ISIS, ISIL and Islamic State.
  他在白宮發表的談話也企圖說服盟友與全美人民,美國有堅定的決心領導國際聯盟對抗今年在敘利亞與伊拉克北部橫行肆虐的聖戰士。那些聖戰士稱為 ISIS(伊拉克與大敘利亞伊斯蘭國)、ISIL(伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯蘭國)以及伊斯蘭國。
"I have made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are," he said.
"That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq.

This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven."

  「我已明白指出,對於那些威脅我們國家的恐怖分子,不論他們身在何處,我們將會追捕到底」他說:「也就是說,我不會遲疑對敘利亞以及伊拉克的 ISIL 採取行動。這是我總統任內的核心原則:如果你威脅美國,就絕對找不到藏身處。」
The declaration answered calls from a growing number of U.S. politicians for such a step, with increasing public support.
Obama also announced another 475 American military advisers would go to Iraq, pushing the total figure to about 1,700.
At the same time, he made clear the strategy differed from all-out war again in Iraq less than three years after he withdrew combat forces from the country.

outline v. 概述;略述

The CEO outlined the company's sales strategy at the annual shareholders meeting.

stepped-up adj. 增加的;增強的

The team's stepped-up efforts in the second half allowed them to come from behind to win the game.

war-weary adj. 厭戰的

The presidential candidate's peace platform appealed to war-weary voters.

campaign n. 戰役

jihadist n. (伊斯蘭教)聖戰主義者

rampage v. 橫行;橫衝直撞

Looters rampaged through the city during the unrest.

escalate v. 逐漸上升;漸增

The protest escalated into a riot.

coalition n. 聯盟;聯合

ally n. 夥伴;同盟

air strike n. 空襲

hunt down v. 追捕到

Police hunted down the prison escapees.

hesitate v. 猶豫;躊躇;不願意

The teacher hesitated to punish the students until she was sure who was responsible for the prank.

all-out adj. 全力以赴的

The argument turned into an all-out fight.

withdraw v. 撤回;收回

The U.S. withdrew its last combat troops from Vietnam in 1973.

combat n. 戰鬥;搏鬥

go after 追捕

go after 原本指「追求;追趕;試圖得到」想要的事物,引申為「試圖追上、達成」,另外 go after sb. 也可以指「追捕;追逮」,如本文用法。
The local tax authorities went after businesses that were not reporting their sales.

