
2014 年 11 月 26 日 (No. 711)


Historians pan Lien Chan's remarks on Ko's ancestor -- Taipei Times

Japan to dissolve parliament, hold snap elections after news of recession -- CNN
日本傳出衰退消息 首相將解散國會並舉行提前選舉(2014/11/19)


Buffalo area hit with epic snow -- with more coming -- Philly.com
水牛城地區遭空前雪襲擊 還有更多要來(2014/11/20)

Duchess of Alba: Spain's richest aristocrat dies aged 88 -- BBC News
西班牙最富有貴族艾爾巴女公爵逝世 享壽 88(2014/11/21)

Toyota aims to replicate Prius success with fuel cell Mirai -- Reuters
豐田企圖以燃料電池車 Mirai 再造 Prius 成就(2014/11/19)

Chocolate makers warn that the world is running out of chocolate -- Fox News
巧克力製造商警告 全球巧克力快吃光(2014/11/20)

Science & Technology

Bolt from the blue: warming climate may fuel more lightning -- Reuters

Russian website streams thousands of private webcams -- CNNMoney

Australian actor Chris Hemsworth named 'sexiest man alive' by People magazine -- Reuters

'Hunger Games' becomes symbol of resistance -- Reuters

Energized Taiwanese rout Japan, capture 21U Baseball World Cup title -- CNA
【棒球】台灣隊火力十足擊潰日本隊 拿下 21U 棒球世界盃冠軍(2014/11/17)

The Lakers' 1-9 start has left Jeremy Lin speechless -- USA TODAY
【籃球】湖人隊開打至今 19 負讓林書豪無言以對(2014/11/19)

Obama Orders Sweeping Immigration Reforms


U.S. President Barack Obama is ordering the most sweeping overhaul of the immigration system in decades, despite the fact that Republicans claim he is acting illegally by moving unilaterally to shield five million undocumented immigrants.
Obama rejected accusations by conservatives that he is offering a free pass to undocumented immigrants and warned in a prime-time address that he would bolster border security and make it harder for unauthorized outsiders to get into the country.
"Today our immigration system is broken, and everybody knows it," Obama said. "It's been this way for decades, and for decades we haven't done much about it."
Obama is pressing ahead and making broad changes to the immigration system without the consent of Congress, which has failed to pass a comprehensive reform bill.
The announcement prompted an angry response from House Speaker John Boehner.
"By ignoring the will of the American people, President Obama has cemented his legacy of lawlessness and squandered what little credibility he had left," Boehner said. "Republicans are left with the serious responsibility of upholding our oath of office."
A key element of Obama's plan is to instruct immigration authorities to target those undocumented immigrants who are dangerous rather than law-abiding undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and residents and others.
He said they will go after "felons, not families; criminals, not children; gang members, not a mom who's working hard to provide for her kids."

The changes will offer those who qualify the chance to stay temporarily in the country for three years, as long as they pass background checks and pay back taxes, but they will not be offered a path to eventual citizenship or be eligible for federal benefits or health care programs.

And, in theory, the measures could be reversed by a future president.

sweeping adj. 影響廣泛的;大範圍的

The election brought sweeping change to the country's legislature.

overhaul n. 全面檢查;徹底改革

unilaterally adv. 單方面地

accusation n. 指控;控告

bolster v. 加強;鞏固

News of a strengthening economy bolstered the president's approval ratings.

consent n. 同意;贊成

comprehensive adj. 全面的;詳盡的

The candidate campaigned on a promise to institute comprehensive tax reforms.

prompt v. 促使;導致

Worries about a deadly flu virus prompted many to seek vaccinations.

cement v. 鞏固;加強

Scoring the winning run in the baseball game cemented Roger's spot in the team's starting lineup.

squander v. 浪費;揮霍

Martin squandered his lottery winnings rather than saving or investing them.

credibility n. 可信度;可靠度;確實性

uphold v. 維持;支持

The Supreme Court's ruling upheld a decision by a lower court.

abide v. 遵守;忠於某事物

Those who abide by the law have nothing to fear from law enforcement officials.

felon n. 重罪犯

eligible adj. 有資格的;適合的

Members of the fitness club are eligible to join one free yoga class a week.

reverse v. 反轉;扭轉;推翻

The city council reversed an earlier decision to ban alcohol beverages from public parks on holidays.

press ahead (with sth.) 堅決進行(某事)

press 當動詞原意為「壓;擠」,引申為「堅決進行」。press ahead 指不管各種困難、反對或打擾等,仍「堅決進行」某事,後面可加 with 再加堅決進行的事,也可以說 press on。
Eric is pressing ahead with his plan to run in the marathon next month despite spraining his ankle during training.

