
2015 年 01 月 21 日 (No.719)


White House admits should have sent 'higher-profile' official to Paris rally -- Fox News

Frank Hsieh lauds Ko Wen-je for transparency -- CNA


Taiwan confirms first case of H5N8 bird flu -- The Japan Times
台灣證實出現首例 H5N8 禽流感(2015/01/12)

Explosives strapped to girl kill 20 people at Nigerian market -- CNN
女童身綁爆裂物於奈及利亞市場引爆 造成 20 人死亡(2015/01/13)

Asia buoyed by benign China trade data, dollar slips vs. yen -- Reuters
中國貿易數據看好振奮亞股 美元對日元走跌(2015/01/14)

World Bank cuts global economic outlook despite oil price drop --Reuters
儘管油價下跌 世界銀行仍下修全球經濟展望(2015/01/16)

Science & Technology

Driverless Mercedes, super-fast phone chargers: Coolest tech at CES 2015 -- CNN
2015 CES 大展最酷科技:無駕駛賓士、超快手機充電器(2015/01/12)

BPA and 'BPA-free' alternative linked to fetal brain changes -- Los Angeles Times
雙酚 A 與「不含雙酚 A替代物與胎兒腦部變化有關(2015/01/15)

'Boyhood' prevails in Golden Globes that may alter Oscar race -- Reuters
金球獎《年少時代》拿大獎 恐改變奧斯卡競爭結果(2015/01/13)

Offbeat films 'Birdman,' 'Budapest Hotel' capture Oscar's eye -- Reuters

Federer claims 1,000th career win in Brisbane final -- Reuters
【網球】布里斯本決賽費德勒拿下生涯第 1000(2015/01/12)

Two climbers complete historic ascent of Yosemite's El Capitan in California -- Reuters
兩名攀岩手完成歷史性攀登 登上加州優勝美地酋長巨石(2015/01/16)

China's Xiaomi Set to Take a Slice of Apple's Smartphone Pie


Xiaomi revealed a slate of new products in Beijing on Thursday, including a flagship smartphone that the Chinese company said would rival Apple's iPhone 6 Plus.
  週四小米在北京推出一批新產品,包括一支旗艦智慧型手機,這家中國公司聲稱這支手機足以和蘋果的 iPhone 6 Plus 匹敵。
The company showed off four major new products to thousands of cheering fans.
Top billing was given to the Mi Note, which features a 5.7-inch screen, a Sony camera and the ability to simultaneously store two SIM cards.
  這家公司對上千名歡呼喝采的擁護者展示了四大新產品,主角是小米 Note ,配備五點七吋螢幕、索尼鏡頭以及雙卡雙待的功能。
Xiaomi is the world's most valuable start-up, albeit one with little name recognition outside Asia.
Founded less than five years ago, the company is now the world's third-largest smartphone maker, moving 61 million units in 2014 and raking in more than US$12 billion in sales.
Late last year, Xiaomi said it had raised US$1.1 billion in funding from some of the tech industry's most powerful players.
The company is now valued at US$45 billion -- bigger than LG, Motorola and Sony put together.
Chairman Lei Jun said the Mi Note is thinner and lighter than Apple's rival product.

Prices will be set at US$370 for a 16GB model and US$450 for the 64GB model.

  董事長雷軍表示,小米 Note 比蘋果的競爭產品更薄也更輕,十六 G 版本的訂價為三百七十美元,六十四 G 版本則是四百五十美元。

Xiaomi also unveiled the Mi Note Pro, which it described as "literally the best smartphone in the world to date."

Listed for US$530, the phone boasts download speeds of up to 450 Mbps.

  小米也推出了小米 Note 頂配版,該公司號稱為「全球至今真正最佳手機」。這支手機訂價五百三十美元,宣稱下載速度可高達四百五十 Mbps

Other products launched Thursday include headphones and a tiny set-top box.


The privately-owned company is known in China for its cheap phones and ardent fans.

The devices -- which critics deride as Apple knockoffs -- have typically been sold for little more than the cost of parts and labor.

Xiaomi makes most of its profits from selling add-ons and apps.


Lei did not shy away from Apple comparisons on Thursday.

He frequently compared the Mi Note to the iPhone 6 Plus, highlighting specs that favored his offering.

Perhaps the biggest of these is price -- the Mi Note will cost about half what an iPhone 6 Plus commands in China.

  雷軍在週四並未迴避與蘋果的比較。他一再拿小米 NoteiPhone 6 Plus 相比,強調自家產品規格的優勢。其中最大的優勢也許是價格──小米 Note 的要價僅是 iPhone 6 Plus 在中國售價的一半左右。

slate n. 候選名單

flagship n. 旗艦;最大;頭號

rival v., adj. 對抗;匹敵

Tokyo rivals New York for its variety of culinary offerings.

simultaneously adv. 同時地;同步地

start-up n. 新成立的公司

albeit conj. 儘管;雖然

The company makes a more expensive -- albeit better quality -- car than its closest rival.

rake in v. 賺進(大筆金錢)

The studio raked in profits from the hit film.

unveil v. 揭露;首次公開

The architect unveiled plans for the new public library at a press conference.

boast v. 以……而自豪;包含;擁有

The resort boasts two golf courses and three swimming pools.

ardent adj. 熱烈的;激動的;忠誠的

Mindy is an ardent supporter of the president.

knockoff n. (售價低廉的)冒牌服裝;名牌仿製品

add-on n. 額外;附件

highlight v. 強調;突顯

The article highlights safety concerns with several popular toys.

spec n. 規格(常用複數,為 specification 的簡稱)

top billing 宣傳的焦點

過去劇場為節目做宣傳時,會將演出人員的名單公佈出來,而領銜主演的男女主角就會被置於名單首位,做為宣傳的重點,因此 top billing 亦引申表示「宣傳的焦點」。
The young actor received top billing in his latest action movie.


shy away 避免;迴避

shy 在這裡當動詞,指「閃躲;躲開」,這個片語是指「閃避、迴避某事」,後面可用 from 再加上迴避的事物。
The singer never shies away from controversy.

