
2015 年 04 月 08 日 (No.730)


Taiwan applies to join AIIB under 'One China,' sparking protests -- The Diplomat

US fighter aircraft land in Tainan due to emergency -- Taipei Times


At least 54 dead, 15 missing after Russian trawler sinks off Kamchatka -- The Japan Times
俄國拖網漁船於堪察加半島外海沉沒 至少 54 死、15 失蹤(2015/04/02)

India's IT plans suffer from power cuts, congestion - and monkeys -- Reuters

China central bank governor calls for vigilance on deflation -- Reuters

Wall St. earnings estimates may not foretell currency impact -- Reuters

Science & Technology

Tsunami warning issued for Taiwan, but then retracted -- Taipei Times
臺灣發布海嘯警告 但隨後解除(2015/03/31)

Dutch architects show off 3D house-building prowess -- Reuters
荷蘭建築師展現 3D 蓋房高超本領(2015/04/01)

Ferrell, Hart poke fun at racial stereotypes in 'Get Hard' -- Reuters

Famous '2001' spaceship to go on display -- CNN
知名《2001 太空漫遊》太空船將公開展示(2015/04/03)

NFL's Falcons fined, stripped of draft choice for piping in fake noise -- Reuters
【美足】NFL 獵鷹隊傳送假噪聲 遭罰款、取消選秀權(2015/03/31)

U.S. Olympic Committee says committed to Boston bid for 2024 Games -- Reuters
美國奧委會表示全力助波士頓爭取主辦 2024 奧運(2015/04/01)

Jay Z Launches First Artist-Owned Streaming Service

Jaz Z 推出首個藝人自有串流服務

Jay Z, along with some of the biggest artists in music, made waves on Monday with the announcement of TIDAL, the first ever artist-owned streaming service.
  週一 Jay Z 和一些音樂圈的大咖藝人宣佈 TIDAL 掀起波瀾,這是有史以來第一個藝人擁有的串流服務。
"We come to you with one voice in unity," artist Alicia Keys said during the live event.
"The first ever artist-owned global music and entertainment platform!"
The event brought together the likes of Kanye West, Daft Punk and Madonna along with a ton of hype.
For example, a clock on the service's site was counting down to the live-stream event, and the rapper's entertainment company, Roc Nation, tweeted Saturday about a "special announcement."
  這場盛會讓肯伊.威斯特、傻瓜龐克和瑪丹娜等人齊聚一堂,還有一大堆熱鬧的宣傳活動。例如,服務網站上的時鐘為這場實況串流活動倒數計時,以及饒舌歌手 Jay Z 的娛樂公司 Roc Nation 週六就發布有關「特別聲明」的推文。
It also came with many of the same artists turning their Twitter avatars blue to bring attention to Jay Z's streaming service.
  同樣這些藝人還有許多把他們的 Twitter 化身變藍色,吸引人注意 Jay Z 的串流服務。
"Together, we can turn the tide and make music history," West tweeted. "Start by turning your profile picture blue. #TIDALforALL"
As for the service itself, TIDAL is a subscription-based music service offering high-quality music and sound.

This differs from other streaming music providers, such as Spotify, which offer both premium and free ad-based options.

  至於 TIDAL 這個服務本身,基本上是訂閱音樂服務,提供高品質的音樂與聲音。這和其他提供高階和含廣告免費兩種選擇的串流音樂服務平台不同,例如 Spotify

"This is a platform that's owned by artists," Jay Z said in an interview to the New York Times.

"We are treating these people that really care about the music with the utmost respect."

  「這是藝人們擁有的平台,」Jay Z 在訪問中對《紐約時報》說:「我們以最高的尊重對待這些真的關心音樂的人。」

The argument over artist compensation and music streaming has been a large point of contention.

It was one of the reasons popular artist Taylor Swift pulled her music from Spotify in November.

Swift's catalog -- with the exception of her latest smash album 1989 -- has been streaming on TIDAL since Tuesday morning.

  關於藝人分紅和音樂串流的爭論一直是爭議的一大重點。這是當紅藝人泰勒絲十一月時把她的音樂從 Spotify 下架的原因之一。泰勒絲的目錄,除了她最新的熱門專輯《1989》之外,從週二上午開始在 TIDAL 上串流。

launch v. (首次)上市;發行;發起

The designer launched a new line of fragrances during Fashion Week in Paris.

stream v. 串流傳輸

Max streams video from the Internet to his television.

unity n. 團結;和諧;一致

platform n. 平台

hype n. 廣告;宣傳;噱頭

avatar n. 化身;(網路)虛擬人物

profile n. 簡介;個人檔案

subscription n. 訂閱;訂購

premium adj. 高等的;優質的

Ben signed up for premium service from his cable company.

utmost adj. 最大的;極度的

Vanessa made the utmost effort to help her friend get a job at her company.

compensation n. 報酬;津貼

exception n. 例外;特例

smash adj. 【口】轟動一時的;極為成功的

The movie was a smash hit.

make waves 興風作浪

make waves 字面意思是「製造風浪」,用來表示製造麻煩或引發爭議,也就是中文說的「興風作浪」的意思。
Louis tried not to make waves during the meeting, but felt he had to speak his mind about a policy he didn't agree with.


turn the tide 扭轉局勢

tide 在此為名詞指「潮流;趨勢」,turn the tide 表示「扭轉局勢;力挽狂瀾」的意思,後面可以加 against 再接對象。
Reinforcements turned the tide in the battle.

