
2015 年 05 月 13 日 (No.735)


Carly Fiorina's HP record clouds her campaign launch -- CNN
卡莉菲奧莉娜啟動參選總統活動 在惠普紀錄蒙陰影(2015/05/08)

Cameron returning to power, Labour routed in Scotland -- Reuters
工黨於蘇格蘭潰敗 卡麥隆再掌權(2015/05/08)


Nepal asks foreign rescuers to leave as hopes fade -- New York Times
希望逐漸渺茫 尼泊爾要求外國救援人員撤離(2015/05/06)

Top Qaeda figure dies in Yemen drone strike -- New York Times
無人機空襲葉門 蓋達高層人物(2015/05/08)

Buffett celebrates 50th year at Berkshire, faces tough questions -- Reuters
巴菲特歡慶掌舵柏克夏 50 年 面臨嚴峻質問(2015/05/04)

Wary of bond 'cliff,' Fed plans cautious cuts to portfolio -- Reuters
防基金「懸崖」 聯準會打算就投資組合做預防性減資(2015/05/07)

Science & Technology

Microsoft unveils website that estimates your age by analyzing photos -- National Monitor
微軟推出網站 分析照片估算你的年紀(2015/05/04)

Overweight diabetes patients outlive slimmer ones - study -- Reuters

Rihanna's Met Gala gown inspires hilarious Internet memes -- New York Daily News
紐約大都會博物館慈善晚宴 蕾哈娜禮服啟發網路搞笑圖片模因(2015/05/06)

Miley Cyrus admits her relationships haven't all been 'straight, heterosexual' -- New York Daily News

Mayweather cements legacy with Pacquiao win -- Reuters
【拳擊】梅威瑟勝帕奎奧 鞏固個人傳奇(2015/05/04)

NBA-Warriors' Curry wins NBA's Most Valuable Player award -- Reuters
【籃球】NBA 勇士隊科里獲最有價值球員(2015/05/05)

Conservatives Sweep UK Parliamentary Election


In what is threatening to be an election nightmare for the opposition Labour Party, new exit polls suggest the Conservatives were surging to a sensational majority win.
"It has clearly been a very difficult and disappointing night for the Labour Party," Ed Miliband told supporters as he retained his own seat.
He cited a "surge of nationalism in Scotland" as having affected the Labour Party's results.
Labour's woes started dramatically in Scotland early Friday when a 20-year-old student became Britain's youngest lawmaker since 1667 -- ousting one of Labour's top figures in the process.
Politics student Mhairi Black, representing pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP), took Paisley and Renfrewshire South, a constituency outside Glasgow, from Douglas Alexander, Labour's election chief and a former Cabinet minister.
And the damage at the hands of the SNP continued.
  政治學學生瑪莉.布萊克代表支持獨立的蘇格蘭國家黨 (SNP),拿下格拉斯哥市外的佩斯利與南倫弗魯郡選區,打敗工黨的競選總幹事暨前內閣部長道格拉斯.亞歷山大。蘇國黨手上的破壞力還不只於此。
Labour's Scottish leader, Jim Murphy, lost his parliamentary seat to Kirsten Oswald, another largely unknown challenger, while former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's old seat also went to the nationalists.
The SNP's Alexander Salmond, who led Scotland as First Minister and pushed for the unsuccessful independence referendum last year, won a seat at Westminster.

By contrast, the Conservatives appeared to be closing in on victory after what was predicted to be a very close election.

Prime Minister David Cameron held his seat, as did Chancellor George Osbourne -- Britain's finance minister -- while London Mayor, Boris Johnson, claimed his place in parliament.


As votes continued to be counted Friday, two British broadcasters adjusted their forecasts, with CNN affiliate ITN suggesting Cameron's Conservatives would win an absolute majority of 327.

The BBC is forecasting 325 for the Conservatives.

That would also be enough to govern alone -- parties need at least 323 seats to achieve an absolute majority.

  隨著週五持續計算選票,兩家英國電視台調整了他們的預測,CNN 的合作電視台 ITN 指出卡麥隆領導的保守黨會贏得三百二十七席的絕對多數。BBC 則預測保守黨拿下三百二十五席。那也已經足夠單獨執政──政黨需要至少三百二十三席達到絕對多數。

sweep v. 在……大獲全勝

The ruling party swept the parliamentary elections.

exit poll n. 出口民調(指投票後對投票結果的民意調查)

surge n., v. 猛衝;激增

The stock's price surged in late trading.

sensational adj. 造成轟動的;驚人的

The doctors administered the drugs and were excited by the sensational results.

majority n. 過半數;大多數

nationalism n. 民族主義;國家主義

affect v. 影響

The scandal affected the candidate's approval rating.

woe n. 不幸;困愕;悲痛

oust v. 驅逐;強迫(某人)放棄職權

A runoff vote ousted the incumbent mayor.

constituency n. 選民;選區

referendum n. 公民投票

forecast n. 預測;預料

affiliate n. 分支機構;附屬機構

close in on 逼近並攻擊

close in 有「包圍;封鎖;變短」等意思,後面加 on 再接受詞,寫作 close in on sb./sth.,描述敵人、黑暗或時間等以具威脅性的方式「逼近」。
The cell phone maker closed in on its nearest competitor after releasing a line of new products.

