
2015 年 06 月 03 日 (No.738)


Republican Santorum launches 2016 bid with appeal to middle class -- Reuters
共和黨桑托勒姆展開角逐 2016 總統大選 訴求中產階級(2015/05/27)

China to extend military reach, build lighthouses in disputed waters -- Reuters
中國將擴大軍事範圍 在爭議水域蓋燈塔(2015/05/28)


Hundreds evacuated in Texas after storms leave at least 15 dead -- Reuters
德州暴風雨造成至少 15 人死 數百人撤離(2015/05/27)

Ruling against mountain rescuers sparks uproar -- Taipei Times

Shake-up in key Samsung assets to cement heir's grip as succession looms -- Reuters
接班在即 三星主要產業重整鞏固繼承人掌權(2015/05/26)

G7 finance chiefs ponder flagging growth amid Greek crisis fears -- Reuters
G7 財經首長思索希臘危機恐懼下成長衰退(2015/05/28)

Science & Technology

Study: plankton are a major oxygen source on Earth -- VOA

South Korea's tally of MERS cases at 7; one suspected patient heads to China -- Reuters
南韓 MERS 病例統計 7 人 一名可疑病患前往中國(2015/05/29)

John Nash, Nobel Prize-winner who inspired A Beautiful Mind, killed in car crash -- The Sydney Morning Herald
啟發《美麗境界》 諾貝爾獎得主約翰納許車禍身亡(2015/05/25)

Hou's directing prize at Cannes thrills Taiwan -- Taipei Times

LeBron leads Cavs sweep of Hawks to reach NBA Finals -- Reuters
【籃球】雷霸龍帶領騎士大勝老鷹 進入 NBA 總決賽(2015/05/27)

FIFA officials arrested and indicted for corruption -- The Huffington Post

Investigators Issue FIFA a "Red Card"


Allegations of corruption at FIFA are nothing new to those who follow international soccer.
What was surprising to some last Wednesday was the sense that someone was finally doing something about them.
The U.S. Justice Department unsealed a 47-count indictment in federal court in Brooklyn that detailed charges against 14 people accused of racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering conspiracy.
The most serious are the racketeering charges, which allege that the officials turned soccer "into a criminal enterprise," according to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who spoke to reporters in New York.
A conviction could command a sentence of up to 20 years.
"The idea of being shocked about bribery and racketeering at FIFA is like being shocked about jumping into a pool and finding yourself wet," said Dave Zirin, sports editor at The Nation magazine.
"What makes this particularly different is the fact that this time it looks like the charges have real teeth.
I mean, coming from the U.S. Department of Justice, that's a first.
That's never happened before," he said.
The complexity of the investigation Lynch described was evident by the federal officials accompanying her, including an assistant U.S. attorney, FBI Director James Comey and Richard Weber, head of the IRS criminal investigation division.
"This really is the World Cup of fraud, and today we are issuing FIFA a red card," Weber said.
FIFA officials are accused of having taken bribes totaling more than $150 million over the past 24 years, and, in return, providing "lucrative media and marketing rights" to soccer tournaments as kickbacks.

allegation n. 宣稱;主張;陳詞

corruption n. 腐敗;貪污

unseal v. 開啟;拆開

Prosecutors unsealed an indictment against several alleged organized crime leaders.

indictment n. 控告;起訴;起訴書

accuse v. 指控;譴責

Justin accused his brother of stealing his trading cards.

racketeer v. 敲詐勒索;詐騙錢財

Several labor organizers were charged with racketeering.

fraud n. 詐欺;詐騙

money laundering n. phr. 洗錢

conspiracy n. 陰謀;密謀

enterprise n. 企業;公司

conviction n. 定罪;證明有罪

complexity n. 複雜(性)

accompany v. 陪同;伴隨

Richard accompanied his girlfriend to the train station.

lucrative adj. 有利可圖的;賺錢的

Vincent received a lucrative offer to turn his first novel into a movie.

kickback n. 回扣;佣金

have teeth 具有威力

字面意思是「有牙齒」,tooth 可比喻「強制實施的有效手段」,常作複數,have teeth 即表示「(官方組織、法律等)具有威力、效力」。
Legislators argued over how to ensure that the new law had teeth.

