
2015 年 07 月 29 日 (No.746)


Taiwan's ruling party endorses conservative pro-China candidate Hung Hsiu-chu for presidential run -- ABC News

Cuba opens Washington embassy, urges end to embargo -- Reuters
古巴在華盛頓開設使館 呼籲終止禁運(2015/07/22)


Knife-wielding assailant stabs four in Taipei MRT -- Taipei Times
北捷攻擊者揮刀刺傷 4(2015/07/21)

Students protest in Taiwan over 'China-centric' education -- NDTV

Toshiba CEO to step down over accounting scandal -- Reuters

Gold claws back ground, European assets lose Greek tarnish -- Reuters
金價爬回基本盤 歐洲資產擺脫希臘污點(2015/07/22)

Science & Technology

Coffee drinking may lower inflammation, reduce diabetes risk -- Reuters

Oldest Quran fragments found at Birmingham University: experts -- NBC

Ed Sheeran helps Rixton's Jake Roche propose to Little Mix singer -- ABC News

Angelina Jolie to adapt Cambodian memoir for Netflix film -- Reuters
安潔利娜裘莉將改編柬埔寨回憶錄拍 Netflix 電影(2015/07/24)

Surfer Mick Fanning escapes shark attack during competition broadcast -- New York Times

Activists urge IOC not to award 2022 Games to Beijing -- Reuters
人權份子呼籲國際奧會不要授予北京 2022 冬奧主辦權(2015/07/24)

NASA Finds What Could Be Earth 2.0

美國 NASA 發現可能是地球二.0版星球

NASA said Thursday that its Kepler spacecraft has spotted "Earth's bigger, older cousin" -- the first nearly Earth-size planet to be found in the habitable zone of a star similar to our own.
  美國 NASA(NASA)於週四表示,其克卜勒號太空船發現了「一個體積和年紀都比地球大的表親」──這顆大小與地球近似的行星,是第一顆在類似於我們所在處的恆星適居帶所發現的星球。
Though NASA can't say for sure whether the planet is rocky like ours or has water and air, it's the closest match yet to be found.
  儘管 NASA 無法明確指出這顆行星是否像地球這樣由岩石構成或有沒有水和空氣,但這仍是至目前為止發現最近似的一顆。
"Today, Earth is a little less lonely," Kepler researcher Jon Jenkins said.
The planet, Kepler-452b, is about 1,400 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus.
It's about 60% bigger than Earth, NASA says, and is located in its star's habitable zone -- the region where life-sustaining liquid water is possible on the surface of a planet.
  這顆命名為克卜勒 452b 的行星距離地球一千四百光年左右,位於天鵝座裡。NASA 表示,這顆行星約比地球大百分之六十,位於其所屬恆星的適居帶裡──也就是維生所需的液態水可能存在於行星表面的區域。
A visitor there would experience gravity about twice that of Earth's, and planetary scientists say the odds of it having a rocky surface are "better than even."
While it's a bit farther from its star than Earth is from the sun, its star is brighter, so the planet gets about the same amount of energy from its star as Earth does from the sun.
And that sunlight would be very similar to Earth's, Jenkins said.
The planet "almost certainly has an atmosphere," Jenkins said, although scientists can't say what it's made of.
However, if the assumptions of planetary geologists are correct, he said, Kepler-452b's atmosphere would probably be thicker than Earth's, and it would have active volcanoes.
  那顆行星「幾乎可以確定有大氣層,」詹金斯說,儘管科學家無法確定是由什麼構成的。但他表示,如果行星地質學家的假設沒錯,那麼克卜勒 452b 的大氣層可能比地球厚,而且那顆行星有活火山。
It takes 385 days for the planet to orbit its star, very similar to Earth's 365-day year, NASA said.
Also, because it has spent so long orbiting in this zone -- 6 billion years -- it has had plenty of time to brew life, Jenkins said.
  那顆行星繞行恆星一圈要三百八十五天,非常近似於地球的一年三百六十五天,NASA 表示。由於那顆行星在那個區域繞行了那麼久──六十億年──所以有相當充裕的時間培育生命,詹金斯說。
"That's substantial opportunity for life to arise, should all the necessary ingredients and conditions for life exist on this planet," he said in a statement.

spot v. 發現;找出

Ryan spotted a rare hawk while hiking in the mountains.

habitable adj. 可居住的;適於居住的

Without a supply of fresh water and food, the island is not habitable.

constellation n. 星座;星群;星宿

sustain v. 維持;使繼續

Ben sustained himself on instant noodles through most of college.

gravity n. 地心引力

planetary adj. 行星的

NASA plans to focus on planetary discovery over the next decade.
美國 NASA 計畫接下來十年要著重於尋找行星。

odds n. 機會;可能性;勝算

assumption n. 假定;設想

geologist n. 地質學家

orbit v. 繞軌道運行

The satellite orbits the planet several times a day.

brew v. 釀造;醞釀

Steve brews beer in his basement.

substantial adj. 重大的;實質的

The stock made substantial gains over the last year.

should sb. V. 要是、如果……

原寫作 if sb. should + V....,表示假設語氣,意思是「要是……;如果…… 」,可省略 if 後將 should 置於句首倒裝,用法較為正式,適用於書寫中。
Ben is available, should Irene require any help on the project.

