
2015 年 08 月 05 日 (No.747)


Tsai reiterates DPP stance on Diaoyutai Islands -- Taipei Times

Curriculum Protests: KMT, DPP exchange barbs over activist Lin's suicide -- Taipei Times
反課綱抗議:運動人士林同學自殺 國、民兩黨互(2015/07/31)


2,000 migrants try to storm Channel Tunnel in France to reach UK -- CNN
2000 名移民試圖從法國闖入海底隧道進入英國(2015/07/29)

Killer of Cecil the lion should be extradited, Zimbabwe says -- Reuters

Formosa Plastics Group rocked by bribery scandal -- CNA

China stocks bounce back as intervention restores stability -- Reuters
干預措施回復穩定 中國股市反彈(2015/07/29)

Science & Technology

Pharmaceutical companies under fire for high price of cancer drugs -- Sentinel Republic
癌症用藥索價高 藥廠備受批評(2015/07/27)

Google is set to dismantle Google Plus -- Business Today
谷哥將解散 Google+(2015/07/29)

Bobbi Kristina dies after seven months in coma -- Irish Examiner
昏迷七個月 芭比克莉絲汀娜去世(2015/07/27)

'Demolition' with Jake Gyllenhaal to launch 40th Toronto film festival -- Reuters
傑克葛倫霍《崩壞人生》將為第 40 屆多倫多影展揭開序幕(2015/07/29)

IOC expects U.S. bid despite Boston pullout -- Reuters
儘管波士頓退出 國際奧委會仍預期美國參加申請(2015/07/28)

Tulowitzki homers in debut for Blue Jays -- Reuters
【棒球】托洛威斯基初登藍島隊 轟出全壘打(2015/07/30)

Officials Believe Debris May Be from Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight


Officials are expressing growing confidence that debris found on the shores of a remote Indian Ocean island is from a Boeing 777 -- most likely that of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
  官員表示他們愈來愈有把握在印度洋一座偏遠島嶼海岸上發現的殘骸為一架波音 777 客機所有──極可能是屬於失蹤的馬來西亞航空 370 號班機。
"We are getting closer. At this stage, we are highly confident -- but it still needs confirmation -- that it is a part from a 777 aircraft," said Martin Dolan, the chief commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, the agency coordinating the underwater search for the remains of MH370.
  「我們愈來愈接近了。在這個階段,我們相當肯定──但仍然需要證實──這是一架 777 客機的殘骸,」澳洲運輸安全局局長馬丁.朵蘭表示,該局負責統籌馬航 370 號班機殘骸的水底搜尋行動。
"The only 777 aircraft that we're aware of in the Indian Ocean that could have led to this part floating is MH370," Dolan told CNN's Erin Burnett OutFront on Thursday.
  「就我們所知,在印度洋裡可能造成這塊殘骸漂流的 777 客機,就只有馬航 370 號班機,」朵蘭在週四向 CNN 的《艾琳當家》節目表示。
Aviation investigators still have to make a definitive judgment on whether the part found Wednesday by people cleaning a beach on the French island of Reunion is from the Malaysian jetliner that disappeared nearly 17 months ago with 239 people aboard.
If it is confirmed, the piece of wreckage would be the first bit of physical evidence recovered from MH370.
It could help resolve some questions about the deeply puzzling fate of the aircraft, but leave many others still unanswered.
  若經確認後,那麼這塊殘骸就會是馬航 370 號班機被人找到的第一件實體證據。針對那架飛機令人深感困惑的命運,這塊殘骸可能有助於化解部分疑問,但仍然會有其他許多問題無法解答。
Boeing investigators are confident that the debris, which appears to be a wing component, is from a 777 aircraft, according to a source close to the investigation.
  波音調查人員相信這塊看似機翼組件的殘骸為 777 客機所有,接近於調查行動的一個消息來源指出。
Images of the debris also appear to match schematic drawings for the right wing flaperon from a Boeing 777.
A flaperon helps the pilot control the aircraft.
It is lightweight and has sealed chambers, making it buoyant.
  這塊殘骸的影像也似乎與波音 777 客機右側襟副翼的簡圖吻合。襟副翼的用途在於協助飛行員控制飛機。襟副翼的重量很輕,而且有密室,所以能夠漂浮。
New debris, which washed ashore Thursday and appears to resemble remnants of a suitcase, is also part of the investigation, Reunion Island police officials confirmed to CNN.
  留尼旺島警方官員向 CNN 證實指出,週四有個看起來似乎是行李箱殘餘部份的新殘骸沖上岸,目前也正在調查中。

debris n. 廢棄殘骸;破瓦殘礫

confirmation n. 確定;確證;批准

commissioner n. 運動組織的行政管理者;專員;委員

coordinate v. 統籌;協調

The travel agent coordinated activities for Jen's family while they were visiting Hong Kong.

remain n. 剩餘(物);殘留(物)(多用複數)

definitive adj. 最後的;決定性的

Theresa found the definitive French cafe in which to spend her first morning in Paris.

wreckage n. 殘骸

recover v. 恢復;復原

Megan recovered a box of photos from her home after the fire.

puzzling adj. 令人百思不解的

Police faced a puzzling mystery when trying to solve the case.

schematic adj. 概要的;示意的; 概略的

Engineers prepared a schematic drawing of the building before planning the renovations.

flaperon n. (飛機的)襟副翼

seal v. 密封;封緘

Lucy sealed the jars of preserved fruit after filling them.

buoyant adj. 有浮力的;能浮起的

The shipwreck survivors stayed afloat by clinging to a buoyant piece of debris.

remnant n. 殘餘部份;殘餘物

wash ashore 沖上岸

ashore 為副詞表示「向岸;上岸」,wash ashore 指「沖上岸」,主詞即沖上岸的物品。英文中另有 wash up 這個片語,也是指「沖刷上岸」的意思,作及物動詞時沖上岸的物品是受詞,作不及物動詞是則是主詞。
A dead whale washed ashore on a popular tourist beach.
  Items from a missing sailboat washed up after a recent storm.

