
2015 年 08 月 12 日 (No.748)


Hillary Clinton takes on Jeb Bush on racial equality issues -- Reuters
種族平等議題 希拉蕊柯林頓槓上傑布布希(2015/08/03)

Taiwan political veteran James Soong enters presidential race -- Malay Mail Online


Taiwanese protesters march against controversial textbook changes -- euronews

Bounty hunter arrested after mistaking Phoenix police chief for target -- Reuters
誤把鳳凰城警長當目標 獎金獵人被逮(2015/08/07)

Robust U.S. services sector keeps Fed rate hike in play -- Reuters
美國服務業強勁 聯準會可望升息(2015/08/06)

Lexus plans a second 'flagship' model, hints at large SUV -- Reuters
凌志計畫第二「旗艦」車款 暗示是大型休旅(2015/08/07)

Science & Technology

Empire State Building aglow with Cecil the lion and more to spotlight endangered animals -- PBS
帝國大廈閃亮映飾獅王西塞爾等圖片 聚焦瀕絕動物(2015/08/03)

Contrary to popular myth, 'the pill' prevents womb cancer, study finds -- Reuters
與大眾迷思相反 研究發現避孕藥能預防子宮癌(2015/08/04)

Snoop Dogg found carrying $422,000 in cash when stopped at Italian airport, has half impounded -- National Post
史努比狗狗停留義大利機場時被發現攜帶 422 千美元現金 半數被沒收(2015/08/03)

Madagascar mess-ups keep tourist 'paradise' marooned -- Reuters
馬達加斯加局勢混亂 旅遊「天堂」被孤立(2015/08/04)

Athletics roiled by mass doping allegations after blood test leak -- Reuters
血檢報告外流爆大規模使用禁藥 田徑圈大震盪(2015/08/04)

Gritty Gabashvili stuns top seed Murray in Washington -- Reuters
【網球】加巴什維利堅韌不拔 於華府技驚第一種子莫瑞(2015/08/07)

Record-Breaking Freediver Missing and Feared Dead

破紀錄自由潛水選手失蹤 恐已喪生

The world's best freediver is feared dead after going missing during a recreational dive off the coast of Spain.
Natalia Molchanova, the most decorated freediver in the world with 41 world records and 23 world champion titles, was diving in the Balearic Sea near to the Spanish island of Formentera on Sunday when she failed to surface.
Freediving is a form of underwater diving in which divers hold their breath instead of using a breathing apparatus such as scuba gear.
An August 4 joint statement from Molchanova's family and AIDA International, the worldwide federation for breath-hold diving said, "Natalia Molchanova was recreationally freediving off the coast of Spain on August 2, 2015 when she was separated from her peers.
She was diving without fins to around 30 to 40 meters (98 to 132 feet) and (supposedly) got into (a) strong underwater current.
"Search efforts have been ongoing during daylight hours and the next day since she was reported missing by three peers.
She disappeared while diving approximately two miles (3.2 km) northwest of the port of La Savina, at Poniente de es Freus."
Molchanova's family and peers appear to have accepted that she is presumed dead.
Her son, 28-year-old Alexey Molchanov, also a champion freediver with a total of four world records, told the New York Times, "It seems she'll stay in the sea. I think she would like that."
Molchanova's feats include holding her breath for nine minutes and diving to a depth of 101 meters using a monofin.
Last September, Molchanova broke the world record for dynamic freediving by swimming 237 horizontal feet in a swimming pool using one breath and a monofin.

decorate v. 授予勳章

The military decorated the veteran officer several times over his career.

surface v. 出現;浮出檯面

The diver surfaced near his boat.

apparatus n. 機構;設施

scuba n. 自攜式水中呼吸器;水肺

gear n. 設備;裝置

federation n. 聯合會;聯盟

peer n. 同儕;同輩

current n. 水流;氣流

approximately adv. 大概;近乎

presume v. 假設;推測

Searchers eventually presumed that the missing swimmer had drowned.

feat n. 功績;壯舉;英勇事跡

monofin n. 海豚蹼泳蛙鞋

dynamic adj. 動態的;不斷變化的

Randy is a dynamic artist who works in several different mediums.

horizontal adj. 水平的;橫的

The teacher divided the top and bottom areas of the whiteboard with a horizontal line.

go missing 失蹤

go 後面加形容詞,表示「變成……;變為…… 」的意思,尤指惡化。missing 在此為形容詞,表示「失蹤的;行蹤不明的;找不到的」。
Ned's cat went missing while he was on vacation.

