
2015 年 09 月 02 日 (No.751)


North, South Korea resume talks amid tension -- CNN
情勢緊張 南北韓重啟對談(2015/08/24)

Jeb Bush again defends use of 'anchor babies' term, says referred to Asians -- Reuters
傑布布希再度為使用「錨嬰」一辯解 表示是指亞洲人(2015/08/25)


2 Virginia journalists fatally shot in on-air attack; suspected gunman dead -- Business Insider
維州 2 名記者直播遭槍殺致死 涉案槍手身亡(2015/08/27)

More than 70 migrants suffocated to death in Austrian truck tragedy -- Mashable
奧地利卡車慘案 70 多名移民窒息喪命(2015/08/28)

Global stocks tumble further amid doubts about China and emerging economies -- New York Times
中國與新興經濟體引憂 全球股市再(2015/08/24)

Taiwan's stocks jump as rescue fund sees first action since 2011 -- Bloomberg
2011 年來首見救市基金啟動 台股大漲(2015/08/25)

Science & Technology

Cutting-edge 3D printer prints in 10 materials simultaneously -- CNET

Global life expectancy rises, but people live sicker for longer -- Reuters
全球平均餘命提高 但人們生病愈重愈久(2015/08/28)

Street artist Banksy opens new Dismaland theme park in England -- euronews
街頭藝術家班克西在英格蘭創立新主題樂園 Dismaland(2015/08/24)

Boy trips in museum and punches hole through million-dollar painting -- The Guardian
男童在展館絆倒 把價值百萬美元畫作撞破個洞(2015/08/25)

Junior League World Series: Chinese Taipei blanks Virginia -- Detroit Free Press
【棒球】世界次青少棒錦標賽:維吉尼亞隊掛零 中華台北奪冠(2015/08/25)

Vincenzo Nibali: Cyclist kicked out of Tour of Spain after hitching lift -- CNN

Toupee or Not Toupee: Audience Member Confirms Authenticity of Trump Hair

是假髮還是真髮 觀眾確認川普頭髮的真實性

It's not every day you get to meet a presidential candidate, let alone get invited up on stage to touch their hair.
But that was just what happened when the Republican front-runner set out to dispel rumors swirling around his dramatically coiffed head.
When Mary Margaret Bannister attended Thursday's Upstate Chamber Presidential Series with her husband to hear what leading Republican candidate Donald Trump had to say, she never imagined she would be onstage in front of 1,400 performing an impromptu inspection of the alleged Trump toupee.
"It was a very bizarre experience," Bannister told CNN.
"You know, I was just listening to the speech, and then it just kind of happened. He made eye contact with me," she said.
  「那是個非常奇異的經驗,」班尼斯特向 CNN 表示。「我當時就是聽著演說,結果事情就那麼發生了。他和我目光相接,」她說。
Trump called on Bannister randomly and swears he's never met her before, so in theory, Bannister was an impartial toupee-tester, or follicle feeler, per se.
"I think he definitely had in mind that he wanted to tell everybody that his hair was real and needed someone to come up," the stay-at-home mother of four and former school teacher told CNN.
  「我想,他肯定是心裡想要告訴所有人他的頭髮是真的,因此需要有人上台證實,」這位曾任學校教師但目前在家照顧四名子女的母親向 CNN 表示。
After a brief feel and laugh, Bannister confirmed to the attendees and the rest of the world on live television that the real estate mogul turned front-running presidential candidate did, in fact, have real hair and was not wearing a toupee as was referenced in Thursday morning's New York Times, which is what catalyzed Trump's whole schtick in the first place.

toupee n. (男士的)假髮

authenticity n. 真實性;可靠性

front-runner n. 領先者;最可能獲勝的參賽者

dispel v. 消除;驅散

Improved telescopes and space probes dispelled the long-held belief that there were canals on Mars.

swirl v. 旋轉;打轉

The barista swirled the foam on top of the coffee drink to create the shape of a leaf.

coif v. 給……作頭髮;給……戴上頭巾

Madeline meticulously coifed her hair before going out.

impromptu adj. 未事先準備的;即興的

Jack's coworkers threw him an impromptu party when they learned he was retiring.

alleged adj. 外傳的;據信……

The alleged mastermind of the cyber attack was arrested by police.

bizarre adj. 古怪的;異常的

Vincent's bizarre behavior worried his classmates.

impartial adj. 不偏不倚的;公正的

Maggie and Lucile found an impartial judge to determine whose pie was better.

follicle n. 毛囊

attendee n. 出席者;在場者

mogul n. 大亨;有權勢的人

catalyze v. 催化

The inspiring speech catalyzed the politician's popularity with many voters.

schtick n. 滑稽的場面;笑料

per se 就其本質而言;本身

副詞 per se 源自拉丁文,是指「本身;就本身而言」,等於 in itself 或是 by itself
Beth is not a dishonest person, per se, but don't believe everything she says.

