
2015 年 12 月 30 日 (No.768)


China tells US to stop flexing military muscle in Asia -- Taipei Times

Trump uses vulgar term to describe Clinton's 2008 presidential run -- Reuters
川普用難聽字眼形容希拉蕊 2008 年參選總統敗陣(2015/12/23)


Landslide devastates Chinese industrial park, 91 missing -- Reuters
山體滑坡摧毀中國深圳工業園區 91 人失蹤(2015/12/21)

Protesters in Chicago stage 'Black Christmas' in shopping district -- Miami Herald

HK pips New York as world's biggest IPO capital, 2016 outlook strong -- Reuters
擊敗紐約成為全球最大 IPO 城市 2016 年前景看好(2015/12/23)

Study finds women's products are priced higher than similar ones for men -- SFGate

Science & Technology

SpaceX landing hailed as giant leap for space travel -- Los Angeles Times
SpaceX 登陸成功 被譽為太空旅行的一大步(2015/12/23)

Gambling away dementia? Japan's seniors turn to chance to stay sharp -- CNN

Miss Universe host announces wrong winner before Miss Philippines crowned -- Reuters
主持人報錯冠軍 隨後才由菲律賓小姐上環球小姐后冠(2015/12/21)

Robert Downey Jr. receives pardon for 1996 drug conviction -- CNN
小勞伯道尼 1996 年持毒品遭定罪案獲赦免(2015/12/25)

Dirk Nowitzki moves into 6th place on NBA's all-time scoring list -- ESPN
【籃球】NBA 史上得分排行榜 德克諾威斯基前進至第六名(2015/12/24)

Drone crashes onto piste, misses champion skier by inches -- CNN
【滑雪】無人機墜毀在滑雪道上 差幾英寸就擊中滑雪冠軍選手(2015/12/25)

Military Jets May Be Armed with Lasers by 2020

軍事戰鬥機可望於 2020 年前配備雷射武器

The invention of guns took warfare to a whole new level.
Later, airplanes radically changed it again.
Now, experts say another big shift is coming, led by energy weapons, including lasers.
The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, said it's on track to demonstrate a working laser weapon on a fighter jet by 2020.
  美國空軍研究實驗室,或稱 AFRL,表示該實驗室按照進度預定要在二0二0年之前展示一款安裝在噴射戰鬥機上的實戰型雷射武器。
"It really is a national tipping point," said Kelly Hammett, chief engineer for the AFRL's directed energy directorate.
"We see the technology evolving and maturing to the stage where it really can be used."
  「那真的可說是個國家的分界點」,AFRL 的定向能量部總工程師凱利.漢彌特表示。「我們看到了科技演進並且成熟到真的可以運用的階段。」
Arming larger planes with laser weapons has been possible for years, but the more difficult challenge is to create lasers small, accurate and powerful enough for fighter jets, Hammett said.
The g-forces and vibrations of near supersonic speeds make that tough.
Hammett said he thinks those hurdles can be overcome within five years.
The AFRL is also working on another idea that sounds like something from Star Trek.
You might call it a defensive laser shield, as in, "Shields up, Mr. Sulu."
  AFRL 也在研究另一項聽起來有點像是源自於《星艦迷航記》中的概念。你可以稱之為防禦性雷射護罩,一如片中的對白:「蘇路先生,開啟防護罩。」
Here's how it works: A 360-degree laser bubble would surround a U.S. warplane.
That bubble would disable or destroy anything that comes inside, like a missile or another aircraft.
To invent such a shield, you'd need a turret that doesn't interfere with the aerodynamics of the warplane.
A turret like that has already been successfully tested under Hammett at AFRL in partnership with Lockheed Martin and DARPA, the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
  要創造這樣的防護罩,你得需要一個不會對戰機的空氣動力造成干擾的砲塔。像那樣的砲塔已經在漢彌特的主持之下在 AFRL 測試成功,合作對象包括洛克希德.馬丁公司和美國國防部的國防高等研究計畫署(即 DARPA)。
"It's a huge deal," Hammett said.

warfare n. 戰事;交戰

radically adv. 徹底地;極端地

directorate n. (政府)部門;董事會;理事會

accurate adj. 精準的;精密的

The most accurate shot won the archery competition.

vibration n. 震動

supersonic adj. 超音速的

Supersonic flight was a major breakthrough in aeronautics.

hurdle n. 困難;障礙

overcome v. 克服;解決

Mandy overcame several setbacks before her business was a success.

defensive adj. 防禦的;保衛的

The government insisted that its recent weapons purchase was only for defensive purposes.

shield n. 護罩;擋板

turret n. 砲塔;角塔;塔樓

interfere v. 干擾;妨礙

Noise from a nearby construction site interfered with the musical performance.

aerodynamics n. 空氣動力學;航空動力學

on track 按照計畫進行

track 是指「軌道;跑道」,on track 表示事情或狀況進展順利,按著原本預定的計畫進行,沒有出差錯。
The project is on track to be finished by late January.


tipping point 臨界點;爆發點

tipping point 指某個概念、議題或商品等,超越某個門檻後獲得大量動能而大有發展,而且通常是起因於一些不起眼的原因或改變。此一詞在 2000 年《引爆流行:小事如何產生大變化》(The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Malcolm Gladwell) 這本書出版後而廣為大眾使用,意指「臨界點;爆發點」。
The country's economy reached a tipping point when several banks were forced to close.

