2004 年 04 月 13 日(No.157)

►Weekly Test
True or False: T F
1. If an investment has a "yield" of 3 percent, its value increases by 3 percent.
2. If you "elaborate on" a point, you don' t talk about it.
3. If you are "plagued by" problems, you seldom have problems.
4. A manufacturer with "pricing power" can raise prices easily.
5. If you live "out in the sticks," you live downtown.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
a. is only as good as
b. made great strides
c. multichannel
d. rare
e. weighed
6. The Middle East peace process has lately.
7. The stamp sold for $189,000.
8. A cup of coffee the beans from which it is made.
9. My boss all the options before making a final decision.
10. The supermarket uses a distribution system.