2011 年 08 月 31 日(No.542)

►Weekly Test
True or False: T F
1. If something comes on the heels of an event, it precedes it.
2. If one goes out of their way, they are making an extra effort.
3. To oversee something is the same as to supervise it.
4. Jobs successfully reversed Apple' s downward slide in the late 90s.
5. Jobs will not stay on as chairman of the Apple board.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
a. confessed
b. departure
c. fill in
d. ruled
e. transplant
6. Brian' s left the company with a position to fill.
7. Could you for me if I take a day off?
8. The suspect to his crimes.
9. The singer' s death was accidental.
10. The patient underwent a kidney operation.