2011 年 12 月 07 日(No.556)

►Weekly Test
True or False: T F
1. To counsel someone is to give them advice.
2. To contract a disease is the same as to cure it.
3. If something is persistent, it lasts for a very brief period of time.
4. Few elderly in China are being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
5. Elderly AIDS patients in China are often seen as disgraces by their families.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
a. box office
b. deadly
c. embassy
d. findings
e. reaped
6. Jack went to the to renew his passport.
7. There are several species of snakes in Taiwan.
8. The new action thriller starring Daniel Craig led the weekend .
9. The journal published the of a new medical study.
10. The inventor significant financial rewards from his creations.