2012 年 11 月 21 日(No.606)

►Weekly Test
True or False: T F
1. Demise is the same as death.
2. A sow is a female pig.
3. If someone dies of foul play it is the same as dying of natural causes.
4. Terry Garner had never been bitten or attacked by any of his pigs before.
5. Michael Garner believed the hogs helped the farmer recover from his time in the military.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
a. amnesty
b. piglets
c. settled
d. suspended
e. took the reins
6. Jack of the family business after his father retired.
7. The government granted to some illegal immigrants.
8. The plaintiffs their lawsuit.
9. The farmer' s sow has eight .
10. The league the baseball player for one month following his arrest.