2013 年 01 月 09 日(No.613)

►Weekly Test
True or False: T F
1. If something plummets, it declines rapidly.
2. When something is crucial, it is extremely important.
3. A watchdog is someone on the lookout for crime or wrongdoing.
4. China was listed as one of the least corrupt countries.
5. Greece rose in this year' s clean business rankings.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
a. bailout
b. deliberately
c. prosecution
d. sector
e. transparency
6. Kim lost the game to her little sister.
7. With greater , the public is aware of what their leaders are doing.
8. The failed banks required a government to stay in business.
9. After working in government, Brian took a job in the private .
10. The scandal resulted in the of several prominent officials.