2014 年 03 月 12 日(No.674)

►Weekly Test
True or False: T F
1. If one makes waves, they cause no controversy or problems.
2. To whitewash something is to release potentially damaging information.
3. To buck a trend is to go against it.
4. Liz Wahl was fired for her support of Putin.
5. Wahl said her public announcement was not for personal gain.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
a. budget
b. collapse
c. dug up
d. referendum
e. terrorist
6. Scientists the skeleton of an adult mammoth.
7. The government exceeded spending limits outlined in the .
8. The bombing was blamed on a attack.
9. The state voted in a on legalizing marijuana use.
10. Rumors of a damaging lawsuit led to a in the company' s stock price.