2014 年 08 月 20 日(No.697)

►Weekly Test
True or False: T F
1. If something happens in the wake of an event, it precedes the event.
2. If something is intact, it is broken or damaged.
3. A person who is sober is not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
4. Robin Williams was suffering from the early stages for Parkinson' s disease.
5. Parkinson' s disease mainly affects the liver.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
a. airstrike
b. impromptu
c. reached out
d. sequel
e. stake
6. The president to the opposition party for cooperation.
7. Brian' s co-workers threw him a/an party when he was promoted.
8. The computer company bought a major in one of its rivals.
9. The rebel base was damaged in a/an .
10. The original film was better than its .