2015 年 07 月 22 日(No.745)

►Weekly Test
True or False: T F
1. Topographry refers to the surface features of a planet or region.
2. Something that is pockmarked is smooth and featureless.
3. Crisp describes something that is blurry or dull.
4. Some of Pluto' s mountains are comparable in size to the Rocky Mountains.
5. Pluto' s mountains are believed to be made from frozen water.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
a. attractions
b. glimpse
c. masterpiece
d. pushed
e. stampede
6. The family spent the day visiting all the theme park' s .
7. The author' s first novel is considered to be a literary .
8. A of angry elephants leveled the village.
9. The president his new tax reforms through the legislature.
10. Tour participants caught a of a pair of whales during the boat ride.