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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2004 年 1 月 23 日 (No. 129)

    1. no U-turn 禁止迴車 6. traffic circle/roundabout 13. railroad crossing
    2. no right turn 禁止右轉   圓環   鐵路平交道
    3. no left turn 禁止左轉 7. falling rocks 當心落石 14. speed limit
    4. traffic light ahead 8. pedestrian crossing   最高/低速限
      注意號誌   當心行人 15. road construction ahead
    5. merge 匝道會車 9. stop 停車再開   前方道路施工
      (當動詞時表示「從次要 10. yield 讓路 16. intersection 十字岔路
         車道匯入主要車道」) 11. one-way traffic 單行道 17. slippery road 路面溼滑
        12. do not enter 禁止進入   18. winding road 連續彎路
    1. traffic light/signal 交通號誌/交通標誌
    2. green light 綠燈
    3. yellow light 黃燈
    4. red light 紅燈
    5. right of way (車輛等)先行權;路權(指某一個車道上的車擁有優先通行的權利。
    6. detour 改道;繞道
    7. crosswalk 行人穿越道
    8. pedestrian 行人
    9. sidewalk 人行道
    10. traffic 交通
    11. traffic jam 交通壅塞
    12. rush hour (交通)尖峰時間
    13. accident 意外;事故(通常較嚴重,可能有死傷
    14. fender bender 擦撞;不嚴重的車禍
        fender 是擋泥板;bender 是彎曲。fender bender 也有取其發音押韻的意味。)
    15. bus stop 公車站
    16. parking meter 停車收費表
    17. parking space 停車格
    18. toll 過路費;過橋費
    19. parking ticket 違規停車罰單
    20. speeding ticket 超速罰單
    21. street 街道
    22. alley
    23. lane
    24. driveway (從家中車庫至馬路上的)車道
    25. shortcut 捷徑
    26. road map 地圖;街道圖
    27. directions 方向
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Stop! You're going the wrong way down a one-way street! 
    This is a very busy intersection during rush hour. 
    Drive carefully when you have to merge with other traffic. 
    If you get caught driving over the speed limit, you will be given a speeding ticket.
    School buses must stop at all railroad crossings. 校車必須在每個平交道前暫停。
    Be careful of falling rocks when driving in the mountains. 在山上開車時要小心落石。
    We have to take a detour, because there is road construction ahead. 
    Learning how to drive through traffic circles takes practice. 
    We can't make a left turn here. Make a U-turn at the next intersection. 
    You should stop your car at the pedestrian crossing. 在行人穿越道前應該把車停下來。
    Make a right turn at the next intersection. 下一個十字路口右轉。
    You don't have the right of way up ahead. You must yield to oncoming traffic. 
    The driver just ran a red light. 那位駕駛剛剛闖紅燈。
    I am having a hard time finding a parking space. 停車位一位難求。
    What is the speed limit for this road? 這條路的速限是多少?
  • 成語 Idioms
  • be a sign of the times 時局變壞的象徵
    sign 是「符號;記號;象徵」的意思,times 是「時代」。sign of the times 字面上雖然是表示「世代的象徵;代表著某一年代的記號」的意思,其實多指「時局變壞的現象」。
      The growing number of unemployed people is a sign of the times.
    Dialogue 1 
    Lisa's brother Adam is teaching her how to drive.
    Adam: It's very important that you obey the rules of the road. 亞當: 遵守交通規則是很重要的。
    Lisa: I am not a total beginner, Adam. Now, I want to drive to the mall. There's a big parking lot there. I need to practice parking. 莉莎: 我又不是什麼都不懂的初學者,亞當。現在,我想開車到購物中心去。那裡有一個很大的停車場。我需要練習停車。
    Adam: Stop! This is a one-way street! You're going the wrong way! 亞當: 停!這是單行道!妳走錯路了!
    Lisa: Oops! Sorry. I'll turn around right away in this driveway. 莉莎: 糟糕!真抱歉。我馬上在這個車道上迴轉。
    Adam: No! You can't turn around. There are too many cars coming. Pull over and let them pass. 亞當: 不行!妳不能迴轉。太多車要過來了。靠邊讓它們過。
    Lisa: OK, I can turn around now. I know where I'm going. 莉莎: 好,現在我可以迴轉啦。我知道該怎麼做。
    Adam: Slow down! You're driving over the speed limit. Do you want to get a ticket? 亞當: 慢一點!妳超過速限了。妳想收到罰單嗎?
    Lisa: I think you need to relax, Adam. If it will make you feel better, I'll stop at the next intersection and let you drive instead. 莉莎: 我認為你應該放輕鬆一點,亞當。如果可以讓你感覺好一點的話,我下一個十字路口就停下來換你開。
    Adam: That is an excellent driving decision. 亞當: 這個決定真是太棒了。
    Dialogue 2 
    Carl and his girlfriend, Amy, are driving to a friends house, but they have gotten lost.
    Amy: I don't think taking that shortcut was a good idea. We should have made a right turn at that last intersection. 艾咪︰ 我不認為走那條捷徑是個好主意。我們早該在上個十字路口右轉的。
    Carl: Let's look at the map and the directions again. OK, so we got off the freeway here, and then we went straight through this intersection. 卡爾: 我們再看一次地圖和方向。好,所以我們剛才在這裡下高速公路,然後直走通過這個十字路口。
    Amy: Right, and then we crossed these railroad tracks, made a U-turn, and then a quick right turn, and... 艾咪︰ 沒錯,然後我們經過這個平交道,迴轉之後立刻右轉,再……
    Carl: Wait a minute. I think I found our problem. We shouldn't have made a U-turn after the railroad tracks. We should have gone straight for a while longer. 卡爾: 等一下。我想我發現問題所在了。我們不應該在過平交道之後迴轉。我們應該要再繼續直走一下。
    Amy: I think you're right. After we start going in the right direction, we should come to a traffic circle and then a traffic light. 艾咪︰ 我想你是對的。開始往正確的方向行駛之後,我們應該會遇到圓環和紅綠燈。
    Carl: We're definitely back on the right track. 卡爾: 我們絕對是開回正確的路上了。
    Amy: We need to remember that shortcuts only work if you don't get lost. 艾咪︰ 我們要記住,這些捷徑只在你不迷路的時候才有用。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. speed limit b. yield c. fender bender d. toll  e. detour
    f. stop sign g. U-turn h. merge i. intersection j. crosswalk
      Drivers stop when they see this large red sign.
      You do this when you turn your car around 180 degrees.
      Cars do this when two lanes of traffic come together.
      This is what you call the area where two roads meet.
      Pedestrians cross a road here.
      This tells you how fast you can drive on a certain road.
      You do this if you let another driver go in front of you.
      Use this word to describe a car accident that is not serious.
      This is the fee that must be paid to drive over bridges and on some roads.
      When road construction is being done, you might need to take one of these.


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