

 2003年1月1日 Wednesday (No.090)
權威 ATC 360 Media 製作,200 多名專業英語老師
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環保署堅決實施限用塑膠袋措施( 2002/12/24 )
EPA to press ahead with plastics ban
香港李嘉誠看好 3G 通訊科技( 2002/12/24 )
Hong Kong's Li Ka-shing bets on 3G technology
美國阻撓世貿組織販售便宜愛滋藥( 2002/12/23 )
United States stymies WTO bid to sell cheap AIDS drugs
三名勇於揭弊女性獲選時代雜誌年度風雲人物( 2002/12/23 )
"Time" names whistle-blowers Persons of the Year
The Clash 主唱心臟病發逝世 得年 50 歲( 2002/12/24 )
The Clash front man dies at 50 of heart attack
剛果衝突再起 聯合國大加譴責( 2002/12/25
U.N. denounces fresh fighting in Congo
press ahead 堅決進行
press ahead 是「堅決進行」某個活動、任務,不論遇到任何阻礙都不會因此退縮,另一個說法為 press on
Despite the slow economy, the company pressed ahead with its plans for expansion.
bet on 看好
bet 有「打賭;下注」的意思,bet on 則是「確信某事為真;確信某事會發生」。
The man is betting on the success of his business. In fact, he's investing all his life savings in it.
stymie 阻撓
stymie 有「阻撓;妨礙」的意思,除了這裡的主動式用法外,被動式 be stymied by something 也常見。
The poor economy has stymied consumer spending.
whistle-blower 揭發事情的人
此語源自片語 blow the whistle on,原指「吹哨子以糾正某事」,後來則引申為「揭發他人做的壞事」。而 whistle-blower 則用來稱呼「揭露企業、組織等不法情事,使之公諸於眾的人」。
The whistle-blower told the judge that her bosses stole shareholders' money.
front man 主唱;負責人
front man 可指「樂團的主唱」,也可指「名義上的領袖;負責人」。
Mick Jagger is the front man of the Rolling Stones.
denounce 譴責
denounce 是「譴責;抨擊」的意思。至於這裡的 fresh fighting 是指「衝突發生不久後,又再度發生衝突」。
Representatives of Italian soccer clubs denounced the recent violence at soccer matches.
  Underwater Safari 水底探險
Taipei Sea World in Taipei's Shilin district is well worth a visit at this time of year.
You can watch sharks, electric eels, and piranhas -- those scary fish that star in horror movies -- be fed daily.
The great thing about Taipei Sea World is that you can get very close to these dangerous creatures without putting yourself in danger.
Visitors to the aquarium can get an idea of what goes on underwater by walking through an 18-meter tunnel and marveling at the many fascinating creatures.
This trip is a must, if only just for the piranhas.
  台北海洋館最棒的地方,就是你不用親身涉險,卻能近距離接觸這些危險的生物。水族館的訪客可以體驗走在 18 公尺深的海底隧道裡,仔細觀看許多奇妙生物的感覺。光是看食人魚就非常值得來此一遊。
  詳情請電恰: (02) 2880-3636
well worth a visit 非常值得一遊
worth a + N. 這樣的句型意指「值得……」,而 well 是用來形容 worth 表「非常;很」的意思。
There isn't much to do in my home town, but the whisky distillery is well worth a visit.
put (someone) in danger(使某人)置身危險之中
在這個用法中,通常受詞會置於動詞 putin danger 之間,動詞 put 有「使處於某狀態」的意思。
I chose not to drive on the icy roads because I didn't want to put my family in danger.
get an idea of (something) 知道某事
get an idea of (something) 在這裡是指「對某事物有大略的認識與瞭解」。
I wanted to get an idea of life in New York before moving there.
be to die for 非常渴求……;非常想要
字面上看 be to die for 是「可為……而死,」這是用此來誇張的「比喻某事物好到讓人可以為它而死的地步,讓人非常渴求」。
We must visit that cafe over there. The cheesecake is to die for.
Frankie is having a date with Claire. Frankie is trying to impress his date with his worldly knowledge.
Frankie: The food in this restaurant is to die for. 法藍基: 這家餐廳的食物好吃得不得了
Claire: Gosh, Frankie. Never in a million years did I expect this. 克萊兒: 天哪,法藍基,我想都沒想過會來這麼棒的餐廳。
Frankie: I take wining and dining seriously, Claire. 法藍基: 克萊兒,我對款待客人是很講究的。
Claire: And the menu's in French. I'm out of my league here. 克萊兒: 這裡的菜單是法文的,我一點都看不懂
Frankie: That is not a problem. I speak French, also. 法藍基: 這不是問題,我也會說法文。
Claire: You do? 克萊兒: 你會嗎?
Frankie: Yes, I used to live in Paris. 法藍基: 會,我以前住過巴黎。
Claire: What's that great smell, by the way? 克萊兒: 什麼東西味道這麼香?
Frankie: Oh, that would be my new cologne. It is called "Pour Homme." 法藍基: 喔,是我新買的古龍水,叫做 Pour Homme(注:Pour Homme 是法文,英譯為 for man。)
never in a million years 從未……
這也是誇張的用來形容「幾百萬年來從未……」,要注意的是,never 擺在句首時,句子要倒裝,因此之後要先接動詞再接主詞。
Never in a million years did I expect to be the winner of an Oscar.
wining and dining 款待
wining and dining 指「款待」的意思,且是以好酒好菜非常慎重地招待客人。
The CEO was criticized for spending five thousand dollars a month wining and dining his clients.
be out of one's league 超過某人的理解或能力範圍
字面上看來 out of one's league 是「在某人的聯盟之外」的意思,引申指「超過某人的理解或能力範圍」的意思。
Many people believed that the politician was out of his league as leader of the party.

Many students choose a school based on the fact that the school is in a university city such as Harvard, Oxford, or Cambridge. Language schools in these cities most likely have no connection to any of the universities in these cities, so you should still take great care when selecting your language school.


True or False
If something is "stymied," it is stopped.
If a dessert is "to die for," it tastes bad.
A man who "presses ahead" with a plan, cancels his plan.
A "whistle-blower" is a criminal.
Another word for "denounce" is praise.

Fill in the Blanks
a. front man   b. betting on c. out of my league d. Never in a million years e. wining and dining
This job is too difficult for me, I'm __________ .
That man spends a lot of money __________ his wife.
__________ did I think I'd win the lottery.
Bono is the __________ of the group U2.
I'm __________ our next product to be a success.


內容橫跨中外影視藝術界,精選最熱門影藝名人新聞,分為四大單元:頂尖名流眾目所歸光鮮亮麗影藝拾穗神迷目眩票房爭輝頓挫抑揚引領風潮。(包含書 + 2 片互動光碟 + 3 片朗讀 CD)

本書內容精選自 CNN 互動英語第 1∼15 期
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