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    2003 年 7 月 2 日 (No.116)
    如贈品送完,LiveABC 保留贈品替換權利
    變化而變換顏色,是實用又具風格的配件。( 價值 350 元)
    語等各種字庫之英文測驗,方便攜帶,是輕鬆學習的好幫手。 (價值 990 元 )
    制裁賓拉登 布希︰只是時間早晚的問題( 2003/6/25 )
    Bush: "Matter of time" for bin Laden, Saddam
    芮妮齊薇格將飾演藍調天后珍妮絲賈普林( 2003/6/25 )
    Renee Zellweger to play lead in Janis Joplin flick
    威廉王子生日宴 一自稱「喜劇恐怖份子」搞笑演員鬧場( 2003/6/23 )
    Comedy "terrorist" gate-crashes Prince William's birthday party
    巴黎航展 商機銳減( 2003/6/23 )
    Business at Paris Air Show off sharply
    美國網球公開賽獎金高達百萬( 2003/6/20 )
    Million dollars up for grabs at tennis' U.S. Open
    民主黨候選人於芝加哥公開譴責布希( 2003/6/23 )
    Democratic hopefuls denounce Bush in Chicago
    matter of time (until something happens) (某事發生,是)時間(早晚)的問題;遲早的事
    matter 當名詞,是「事件;問題」的意思。matter of time 就是「時間(早晚)的問題;遲早的事」。
    My younger brother drives too fast. It's just a matter of time until he has an accident.
    play the lead (role) in a movie/play 主演;在電影/戲劇中飾演主角
    play 當動詞時,有「扮演;飾演」的意思。lead role 是「主要的角色;主角」,其中 role 在此可省略。play the lead (role) in a movie/play 就是「在電影/戲劇中飾演主角」。
    Ewan McGregor first became famous when he played the lead role in "Trainspotting."
    gate-crash 鬧場;擅闖
    gate-crash 當動詞,是「(未經邀請)擅自參加;無票入場;闖入」的意思。
    My friend called the police after about 20 people gate-crashed her party.
    be off + adverb/be off X percent/points 下降;減少
    off 在此當形容詞,在商業用語中表示「減少的;蕭條的」,後面可接副詞,如頭條中的用法;也可接數字再接 percentpoints,如例句。
    The company's share price was off 3 percent.
    up for grabs 開放供人爭取的獎金;獎品等
    grab 是「急抓;奪取」的意思,在此當名詞。up for grabs 「公開讓人抓取」,也就是指「人人都有機會獲得的獎金;獎品等」。
    After they heard that there was $60 million up for grabs, many people decided to try their luck in the lottery.
    denounce 公開譴責
    denounce 為及物動詞,是「公開指責;公然抨擊」的意思。
    Representatives for the town denounced the government's plan to build a nuclear power plant.
      "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines"  魔鬼終結者Ⅲ
    It has been almost two decades since the original Terminator movie set a new standard for the science fiction-adventure genre in the middle of the 1980s.
    The first Terminator movie was a tour de force with its spectacular special effects and gripping storyline.
    This new installment "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" has even more spectacular action sequences and state-of-the-art special effects.
    It also has the most beautiful and lethal killing machine to date.
    If you remember the first two movies, cyborgs are trying to destroy the human race by sending killing machines -- or "terminators" -- back in time to kill the future leader of the human resistance, who is destined to eradicate the machines from the face of the earth.
    Arnold Schwarzenegger makes his long-awaited return to the Terminator series, but in what capacity?
    You will have to see the movie to find this out.
    set a new standard for something 為某事立下新的標準;為某事樹立新的典範
    set 當動詞時,有「設立;設置」的意思。set a new standard for something 就是「為某事設立新標準」。
    The new airline with its extra-wide seats sets a new standard for air travel.
    a tour de force 傑作;鉅作
    tour de force 為名詞,是「傑作;精心之作;絕招;特技」的意思。
    The pop group's second album was a huge success with many critics calling it a "tour de force."
    be someone's destiny to be/do something 某人一定會成為……/做某事
    destiny 當名詞時,有「命運;宿命;必然性」的意思。be someone's destiny to be/do something 字面上的意思是「某人的宿命會成為……/做某事」,也就是「某人一定會成為……/做某事」的意思。
    Tim's parents said that they knew it was their son's destiny to be somebody famous.
    come up in the world 飛黃騰達;平步青雲
    come up in the world 是某人本來的經濟狀況、社會地位、階級等並不是很好,經過努力而「變得富有;社會地位提高」的意思,類似中文的「飛黃騰達」。come up in the world 也可以寫成 rise in the world
    My sister has really come up in the world. She now owns her own company with over 3000 employees.
    Terry and Susan are talking to each other on the train as they head home from work.
    Terry: This will be the last time I take the train. I'm buying a new car. 泰瑞: 這是我最後一次搭火車。我要買新車了。
    Susan: Wow! You sure are coming up in the world. What are you getting? 蘇珊: 哇!你真是飛黃騰達囉。你買哪一台?
    Terry: I've decided on a new station wagon. That way, I can get all my fishing gear in the back without messing up the front. 泰瑞: 決定要買一台新的客貨兩用車。那樣的話,我就可以把我全部的漁具都放在後面,前座就不會一團糟了。
    Susan: My uncle swears by station wagons. Since he got married and started a family, that's all he's ever had. 蘇珊: 我叔叔就是客貨兩用車的忠實愛用者。從他結婚成家之後,就只開那種車。
    Terry At first, I wasn't really sold on getting a station wagon, but my wife convinced me to go for one because they're so convenient. 泰瑞: 一開始,我實在不是很想買客貨兩用車,可是我太太說服了我,因為它們很方便。
    Susan: Does Helen drive, then? 蘇珊: 那麼,海倫會開車嗎?
    Terry: She sure does. Actually, she's a good driver, even though she just got her license. 泰瑞: 她當然會。雖然她才剛拿到駕照,不過其實她的技術很好。
    Susan I sure wish I could drive. I've been meaning to take driving lessons, but it's just so difficult to find the time. 蘇珊: 好希望我會開車。我打算要去學,可是實在找不出時間。
    Terry: I can put you in touch with the instructor my wife used. He's great, and he'll pick you up and drop you off at your house. 泰瑞: 我可以幫妳連絡我太太的教練。他人很好,而且他會到妳家接妳上下課
    Susan: Does he give lessons on the weekend? 蘇珊: 他週末有授課嗎?
    Terry: He only works weekends and evenings. He's busy though, so you may have to book early. I'll give you his number tomorrow at work. 泰瑞: 他只在週末和每天下午授課。他很忙,所以妳最好早點兒預約。明天上班我會給妳他的電話。
    decide on something/decide to do something 決定某事/決定做某事
    decide 為動詞,是「決定;決意」的意思。decide 後面接介系詞 on 再接名詞,表示決定某事;而決定做某事則直接用 decide to do 某事。
    My wife and I have decided on a trip to Greece for our next vacation.
    swear by something 對某事/物深具信心;熱愛某事/物
    swear by 是動詞片語(phrasal verb),後接名詞表示「信賴某事/物;對某事/物很有信心」。
    My grandmother swears by German mustard. She uses no other mustard when she cooks.
    be meaning to do something 想要做某事;打算做某事
    mean to 等於 intend to 是「意欲;打算」的意思。be meaning to do something 就是「意欲做某事;打算做某事」的意思。
    I had been meaning to call you about my expired membership, but I've been extremely busy lately.
    put someone in touch with someone else 幫某人連絡另外某人
    in touch with someone 是「連絡某人;與某人連絡」的意思。口語中,幫某人連絡另外一個人,就用 put someone in touch with someone else
    The man put his friend in touch with a student who can design Web sites.
    drop someone/something off 讓某人/物下車;卸貨;運送
    drop off 是動詞片語(phrasal verb),有「讓……下車」的意思。值得注意的是,drop off 後面的介系詞要用 at
    The man offered to drop his colleague off at the gym on the way home.
    True or False
    A performance that is a "tour de force" is a poor one.
    When you "gate-crash" a party, you are invited to that party.
    If you "denounce" an act, you support it.
    If a car is "up for grabs," it is available.
    If you "swear by" a certain type of shampoo, you like that shampoo.
    Fill in the Blanks
    a. essential for   b. dropped her son off c. played the lead role d. decided on 
    e. was off
    The woman __________ at school before she went to work.
    There were many dishes to choose from, but I __________ the fish.
    Tom Cruise __________ in "Top Gun."
    The company's share price ________ 6 percent after the announcement.
    A comfortable bed is _________ a good night's sleep.
     原價4,320元 週年慶優惠價1,990
     原價8,640元 週年慶優惠價3,880
     原價3,840元 週年慶優惠價1,690
     原價7,680元 週年慶優惠價3,290