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    2003 年 8 月 27日 (No.124)
    動員龐大的人力物力拍攝成20部英語短劇,(共72段實況影片),全部由美籍演員實況演出,精彩幽默,完整收錄在 VCD 及 CD-ROM ,實為史上絕無僅有的英語會話教材,值得珍藏。
     ◎ 影音 CD 版:定價 550 元,85折特價 323
        ( 書+朗讀 CD )
     ◎ 互動光碟版:定價 1,200 元,85折特價 578
        ( 書+2片互動光碟+朗讀CD )
    更多介紹     我要購買    
    Research: Twins less prone to suicide
    New Zealand faith healer in hot water for medical malpractice
    泛美運動會 古巴擊敗勁敵美國奪下棒球金牌 (2003/8/14)
    Cuba beats out archrival U.S. for Pan Am baseball gold
    British Airways gets green light to resume flights to Baghdad
    熱浪侵襲巴黎 引發健康危機(2003/8/13)
    Heat wave sparks health crisis in Paris
    Anti-Defamation League expresses concern over Gibson's "Passion"
    prone 傾向
    prone 是形容詞,「有……傾向的;易……的」。be prone to 後接動詞,就表示「有……的傾向;容易……」的意思。
    Cars parked near the ocean are prone to rust.
    in hot water 陷入困境;惹禍上身
    in hot water 字面上的意思是「在熱水裡」,原來是形容人身處在一個超過自己所能控制的狀況裡,引申為「惹上麻煩;陷入困境」。類似的用法還有 in deep waterin deep、in over one's head
    The student was in hot water after he was caught cheating on the exam.
    archrival 勁敵
    arch 當成字首時,表示「主要的;第一的」; rival 則是名詞,指「對手;競爭者」。兩個字合用成為 archrival「主要的對手」,也就是「勁敵」的意思。
    Virgin Atlantic is continuing to steal market share from its archrival, British Airways.
    get the green light 得到允許;獲准
    green light 原來是指交通號誌裡的「綠燈」,而綠燈就表示「可以通行」,引申為「同意;允許」。因此,get the green light「得到一個綠燈」就是「獲得同意;獲准」的意思,通常後面會接 to do something 表示「獲准做某事」。也可以寫成 give the go ahead to someone (to do something) 「同意某人做某事」。
    The restaurant became very busy after it got the green light to serve alcohol.
    spark 激起;引起;引發
    spark 當動詞時,有「激發;誘發」的意思。頭條中的用法是指「引起某(較大型的、較嚴重的)事件」。
    A profit warning from the company sparked a wave of sell orders.
    express concern over 對……表示關切
    express 在這裡當動詞,是「表達;表示」的意思,concern 是「關心;注意」。因此, express concern over something/someone 就是「對(某事、物/某人)表示關切」的意思。特別注意介系詞要用 over 。類似的用法還有 express interest in「對……感興趣」。
    Analysts expressed concern over the company's narrowing operating margins and falling sales.
      Kolin i-library 歌林 MP3 晶典電子書
    When it comes to convenience and portability, e-books are the way to go.
    With an e-book, bibliophiles can conveniently access a library of books anywhere on the planet at any time.
    An e-book's light weight and small size make it extremely portable, too.
    What more could a tech-savvy bookworm ask for?
    The Kolin i-library's incredibly advanced power system outdoes the competition hands down.
    The i-library only consumes power when a page is flipped, which is an amazing feat of engineering indeed.
    This results in one set of batteries being able to turn an astonishing 15,000 pages.
      歌林 MP3 晶典電子書驚人的先進電力系統,壓倒性地勝過其他對手。歌林 MP3 晶典電子書只有在您翻頁時才消耗電力,這的確是一項了不起的技術。這樣的技術使得翻閱一萬五千頁的內容只需消耗一組電池。
    The Kolin i-library is much more than a run-of-the-mill e-book reader.
    It also comes with 49 book cards containing: the Bible; a virtual library of classic novels; and the collected works of Jin Yong, the martial-arts-novel master.
      歌林 MP3 晶典電子書不只是一台普通的電子書。它有四十九張書卡,其中包含有︰聖經、古典小說的虛擬圖書館,並收錄了武俠小說大師金庸的作品。
    If you are considering purchasing a reading device that will allow you to download and read e-books on the move, the Kolin i-library is a sure bet.
    The Kolin i-library is one device that readers will no doubt have trouble putting down.
      如果你正在考慮買一台閱讀工具讓你能夠下載,又能在行進中閱讀電子書,歌林 MP3 晶典電子書絕對是最佳選擇。歌林 MP3 晶典電子書無疑會是一個讓讀者們愛不釋手的器具。
      For more information go to www.vigour.com.tw.
    way to go 將會流行起來;將成為趨勢
    DVDs are a much better medium than videotapes. DVDs are the way to go.
    就傳播工具而言,DVD 比錄影帶方便多了。DVD 將會成為一種趨勢。
    bibliophile 愛書人;藏書家
    bibliophile 這個字原本是由兩個字合成的,biblio 是「書;書本」,而 phile 則是「喜愛;愛好」的意思。因此,兩個字合起來就成了 bibliophile「書籍愛好者;書籍收藏者」。
    Ted loves everything about books. He is a real bibliophile.
    tech savvy 科技通
    savvy 當名詞時,有「智慧;見識;本領」的意思。tech savvy 在這裡翻譯成「科技通」,用來形容人對於新科技非常有概念,可以悠遊於日新月異的科技裡。
    Young people in Taiwan are very tech savvy. They are comfortable with new technology.
    outdo someone/something 勝過(某人/某事、物)
    outdo 在此當動詞,是「勝過;超過」的意思。
    Jill outdid all the women at the party by appearing in an elegant dress and expensive jewelry.
    run of the mill 普通的;一般的
    mill 當名詞時,是「磨坊」的意思。run of the mill 原來是指直接從磨坊出來的製品,未經過加工及檢查,也就是「很粗糙的」,引申為「普通的;不特別的」的意思。
    This is not a run-of-the-mill car. Its windows are bulletproof.
    have trouble putting something down 愛不釋手
    put something down 是「把某物放下」的意思,而 have trouble putting something down「把某物放下有困難」,也就是「無法放下某物」,意近於中文的「愛不釋手」。類似的說法還有 be not able to put something down
    This video game is addictive! I can't put it down.
    overworked and underpaid 工作量過大且薪水太低
    overworked 是形容詞,「超過正常工作的」的意思,也就是「超時或超量工作」; underpaid 則是表示「所得到的報酬低於所付出勞力應得的」。overworked and underpaid 並不是一個片語,但這兩個詞經常連用,即指「工作量過大且薪水太低」,而通常這種狀況發生就容易引起工作者的反彈。
    Staff at the restaurant failed to give customers good service because they were overworked and underpaid.
    Judy is feeling overworked and underpaid. She is talking with her boss, Henry Smith.
    Henry: Good afternoon, Judy. How are sales going this month? 亨利: 午安,茱蒂。本月的銷售量如何?
    Judy: Sales are fine. In fact, they are up a little over last month. I really appreciate you taking the time to see me, Mr. Smith. 茱蒂: 成績還不錯。事實上,上個月有微幅上揚。我很感激您花時間見我,史密斯先生。
    Henry: You're welcome, and you know me--I always have an open-door policy in this office. Now, how can I help you today? 亨利: 妳太客氣了,況且,妳是知道我的──我在公司永遠都是秉持開放的政策。好啦,有什麼需要我幫忙的嗎?
    Judy: Well, I've been putting in a lot of hours during the past six months, and it is reflected in the sales figures for the past two quarters. 茱蒂: 嗯,我過去這半年埋首工作,而成果都反應在過去兩季的銷售成績上了。
    Henry: Yes, you have been doing a great job, Judy. 亨利: 是啊,妳做得很好,茱蒂。
    Judy: I was wondering if I could be compensated for all of the time I've been putting in. 茱蒂: 不知道對於我投入的這些時間,我能夠獲得什麼樣的補償。
    Henry: Judy, you know that we do expect our staff to work overtime when required. You are not alone in this regard. 亨利: 茱蒂,妳知道我們都期待員工能在必要時加班。關於這一點,妳並不是唯一被這樣要求的。
    Judy: I know. But the hours and the stress are starting to take a toll on my personal life. I'm never able to spend quality time with my kids. 茱蒂: 我知道。但是這些加班的時間和壓力已經開始影響我個人的生活。我沒辦法多花一些時間陪我的孩子。
    Henry: I see. So what do you propose? 亨利: 我了解。那麼,妳有什麼建議呢?
    Judy: I'd like to be paid for any overtime that I'm expected to work, or if that's not possible, I'd like to get a raise for the hours that I do work. 茱蒂: 我希望當我被要求加班時能夠有加班費,如果不行的話,我希望能夠加薪。
    Henry: Mmm. You've put me on the spot here, Judy. I'll have to get back to you on this. How about if I speak to you again tomorrow morning? 亨利: 嗯。妳這麼說讓我很為難,茱蒂。我會給妳一個答覆。明天早上我再跟妳談,如何?
    Judy: That would be fine. And thanks again for taking the time to see me. 茱蒂: 好的。再次謝謝您花時間見我。
    take the time to 花時間
    take the time 在口語中是表示「特別空出一段時間;花費一段時間」,後面可接 do something,表「花時間做某事」;或接 see someone 指「撥冗接見某人」。
    Our boss is great. He always takes the time to find out about his staff's concerns.
    take a toll on (someone/something) 嚴重影響;損害
    toll 當名詞時,有「(令人遺憾的)犧牲;損失」的意思。take a toll on 後面接人或事、物,就表示「影響;損害(某人/事、物)」。注意介系詞用 on
    Bill's poor diet is really starting to take a toll on his health.
    put someone on the spot 使某人處於難堪的地位;使某人處於困境
    spot 在此是指「(尷尬的)處境;(難堪的)狀況」,put someone on the spot「將某人放在難堪的狀況上」,就是「使人顯得尷尬」的意思。對話中為茱蒂突然向她的老闆要求加班費或加薪,使她的老闆一時難以回答,而顯得很尷尬。
    The reporter put the CEO on the spot by asking him how much his expenses are every month.
    get back to 答覆
    這裡的 back 是「回覆;答覆」的意思。而 get back to someone 就是「回答;答覆(某人)」,通常用在談話中提及作決定時。
    I'll have to get back to you once I make up my mind about what color car I want.
    True or False
    If you "put someone on the spot," that person may feel uncomfortable.
    An "overworked and underpaid" employee should feel energetic when he goes home.
    A child that "is in hot water" is having a bath.
    If you are "tech savvy," you hate technology.
    An "archrival" is a good friend.
    Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
    a. taking the time to see me b. got the green light c. take a toll d. prone e. expressed concern over
    My PC is __________ to crashing when I copy and paste text.
    I thanked my boss for __________.
    The mayor __________ the city's traffic.
    The company ________ to build the factory near the river.
    The strong euro has begun to _________ on the German economy.

