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  • Weekly Headline News 一週頭條
  • Movie 熱門電影
  • Sentence Pattern 基本句型
  • Weekly Test 每週小測驗
    2004 年 2 月 18 日 (No.149)

    Cuban Grammy nominees denied U.S. visas
    Court decision opens door for high school athletes to go pro
    思科對科技業景氣不表樂觀 科技類股下挫(2004/2/5)
    Cisco drags down techs
    開發廉價之產氫方式 科學家小有進展(2004/2/6)
    Scientists inch closer to cheap hydrogen production
    Mass. court paves the way for gay marriages
    選戰報導不實 克拉克之子炮轟媒體(2004/2/4)
    Clark's son blasts media for campaign coverage
    deny 拒絕
    deny 為動詞,是「拒絕;否認」的意思。通常使用被動式,如頭條以及例句中的用法。
    The student was denied entry into the club because he did not have any ID.
    opens door for 敞開大門
    opens door for 字面上看起來就是「為……開門」的意思,但在這裡並非具體地有一個開門的動作,而是抽象的含意,表示「為(某人)開一條通路;留一條捷徑」,使之可以較便捷的方式做某事。
    The removal of high tariffs will open the door for overseas exporters to enter the Taiwan market.
    drag down 下挫
    drag 是「拉;拖曳」的意思,drag down 就表示「向下拉;拉下來」,頭條中是指 Cisco 這間公司發表了對於科技業前景的看法後,將科技類股的股價「向下拉」,也就是使科技股的價格「下挫」。
    The announcement that the company's operating margins were falling dragged down the company's share price.
    inch closer 小有進展
    inch 在這裡當動詞,是「緩慢地移動」的意思,而 closer 是「與……較靠近」。inch closer 字面上看來是「緩緩地向……移近了一點兒」,在頭條中就是表示科學家在某項研究上「小有進展」。
    The writer inched closer to completing her first novel with every chapter she wrote.
    pave the way 鋪路
    pave 為動詞,是「鋪(路)」的意思。在這裡,pave the way 並不是真正的有一個鋪路動作,而是抽象地指「為……預作安排」。注意後面介系詞要用 for
    Shrinking profit margins should pave the way for increased consolidation in the PC industry.
    blast 炮轟;嚴厲指責
    blast 當動詞時,有「猛烈抨擊;嚴厲批評」的意思。
    The coach blasted the players for their performance during the game.
       School of Rock 搖滾教室
    Jack Black plays Dewey Finn, a wannabe rock star, in the "School of Rock," a feel-good comedy that shows the crazy comic actor at his sidesplitting best.
    After being kicked out of his own band, Dewey is down and out.
    Things don't look promising until he gets a job at a posh boarding school by pretending to be a substitute teacher.
    Dewey tries to make up for his failed attempts to hit the big time by turning his students into his very own rock band.
    It's not long until his classroom antics create tremendous stress for Rosalie Mullins (Joan Cusack), the principal of the school.
    Armed with his encyclopedic knowledge of modern music, Dewey teaches the kids all there is to know about rock and roll.
    The kids' lessons in rock culminate in their entry into a local battle of the bands in this formulaic, yet hilarious movie.
    sidesplitting 令人捧腹大笑的
    sidesplitting 是一個形容詞,表示「令人捧腹大笑的;笑破肚皮的;盡情大笑的」的意思。
    Jim's sidesplitting joke had everyone on the floor.
    down and out 窮困潦倒的;落魄的
    down and out 為一固定用法,表示「落魄的;失意的;窮困潦倒的」的意思。
    The song is about a down-and-out steel worker who has lost his job, his wife, and his house.
    hit the big time 十分成功的
    big time 是口語的用法,有指「(某行業裡)很高的地位」的意思,hit the big time 字面上是「達到很高的地位」,也就是「相當成功的」的意思。
    You know you've hit the big time when you are making NT$100,000 an hour.
    encyclopedic 博學的;知識廣博的
    encyclopedic 這個字是從 encyclopedia 演變而來,encyclopedia 是指「百科全書」,而形容詞 encyclopedic 就是「如百科全書的;百科全書式的」的意思,引申來指「學識淵博的;學問豐富的」。
    Kim has an encyclopedic knowledge of movies.
    formulaic 公式的;刻板的
    formulaic 這個字是從 formula 而來,formula 是「公式;規則」的意思,因此 formulaic 就是形容詞,表示「公式化的;刻板的;制式的」的意思。
    Although the movie's plot is formulaic, it should be very popular with kids and teenagers.
    by the way 順帶一提
    by the way 是一個很常見的口語的用法,表示「順便說……;順帶一提」的意思。通常用在語氣轉折的時候。
    Can you try to finish that report today? By the way, there's a package for you at the reception desk.
    Trudy is visiting Taiwan for the first time. Here she is talking with one of the waiters in her hotel restaurant.
    Waiter: Would you like coffee or tea? 服務生: 您要喝咖啡或是茶?
    Trudy: Coffee. By the way, breakfast was wonderful. 楚蒂: 咖啡。順帶一提,早餐很棒。
    Waiter: Thank you. Is this your first time in Taiwan? 服務生: 謝謝。這是您第一次來台灣嗎?
    Trudy: Yes, it is. Based on what I've seen so far, I'm really impressed. There's so much to do and see here! 楚蒂: 是啊。目前我所看過的一切來說,都讓我印象深刻。在這裡有很多活動可做,很多地方可參觀。
    Waiter: Have you paid a visit to the mall in the new Taipei 101 building? It's well worth a visit. 服務生: 你去參觀過新的台北 101 大樓裡的購物中心了嗎?那很值得一看。
    Trudy: The person next to me on the flight went on about that place for about an hour. What other places of interest are there? 楚蒂: 飛機上坐我旁邊那個人對我大談那地方將近一個小時。還有什麼好玩的地方?
    Waiter: How long are you here for? 服務生: 您要在這裡停留多久?
    Trudy: Just a week. 楚蒂: 只有一週而已。
    Waiter: In that case, you don't have time to tour much of the island. Not to worry, there's a lot to do right here in Taipei. 服務生: 既然如此,那麼您沒有多少時間可以去什麼地方旅遊。別擔心,光是在台北就有很多事可做了。
    Trudy: Tell me about it. There's so much to see and do here that I think I'll stay another week. 楚蒂: 那還用說。這裡有這麼多吃喝玩樂的好去處,我還想再多留一個禮拜呢。
    based on 以……來說;依照……看來
    base 當動詞時,有「以……為根據」的意思,注意介系詞用 on
    Based on the number of tickets we've sold so far, the concert should sell out.
    go on about something 對(某事/物)談個沒完
    go on about 是帶有一點負面含意的用法,表示「關於某事/物談論得太多」的意思,類似於中文的「長篇大論」。
    My uncle always goes on about his days in the army.
    not to worry 別擔心
    not to worry 是一個十分口語的用法,用來叫人「不要擔心;不必煩惱」。
    A: We missed the bus!
      B: Not to worry, we'll take a taxi.
    tell me about it 那還用說
    tell me about it 是一個常見的口語用法,是較不正式的說法,意思相當於 That's for sure.「沒錯」或是 I know.「我知道」,用來表示同意別人的說法。
    A: The Internet connection is slow today.
      B: Tell me about it. I've been waiting for ten minutes to download this one-page document.
    True or False
    A man who "blasts" his son is angry with him.
    "Drag down" is similar in meaning to "increase."
    If you "deny" somebody's entrance to a bar, you let him in.
    If a movie's plot is "formulaic," it is unique.
    If you are "down and out," you most likely don't have a job.
    Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

    a. goes on about b. Not to worry c. By the way d. Based on e. hit the big time

    The report is on your desk. __________ , have you seen Jane?
    __________ the feedback we have had so far, the course was a success.
    Kim has __________. Her new single has reached the top of the pop charts.
    You can't find that document? ________, I'll print out another one.
    My grandfather _________ his time in the navy every time I see him.