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    2004 年 12 月 15 日 (No. 192)

    不信任案通過 烏克蘭國會將總理、內閣掃地出門(2004/12/02)
    Ukraine's parliament ousts prime minister, cabinet
    就業市場成長不如預期 美元應聲下跌(2004/12/06)
    Dollar sinks after weak US jobs data
    網球名將莫亞 助西班牙奪下臺維斯盃冠軍(2004/12/06)
    Moya clinches Davis Cup crown for Spain
    葛萊美音樂獎 靈魂、鄉村樂手競逐(2004/12/07)
    Soul and country music artists vie for Grammys
    中國聯想集團買下 IBM 個人電腦部門 躋身全球第三大 PC 製造商(2004/12/08)
    China's Lenovo snaps up IBM's PC unit, becomes no. 3 personal computer maker
    Mozilla 推出雷鳥 1.0 版 強化電子郵件管理功能(2004/12/08)
    Mozilla e-mail client takes flight with Thunderbird
    oust 驅逐
    oust 本是比賽用語,指「將‥‥‥驅逐出場」;在此是指烏克蘭國會表決通過罷黜總統,使其不再隸屬治理國家的體系。
    A coup ousted the dictator.
    sink 下沉;下跌
    The bands latest album is sinking on the charts.
    clinch 贏得;取得決定性勝利
    clinch 當動詞有「用敲擊或敲平釘尖的辦法把‥‥‥釘牢;穩穩釘牢」之意,在體育用語中常引申為「取得決定性的勝利」。例如職業球隊在球季尾聲贏得關鍵的一戰,確定晉級季後賽時,就可說這支隊伍 clinch a playoff berth (奪下季後賽席次)。而頭條中的莫亞則是在五戰三勝制的臺維斯盃比賽中技壓美國好手羅迪克,為西班牙隊贏得決定性的第三戰,因此用 clinch 這個字。
    The Red Sox clinched the World Series in game seven.
    vie 競爭、爭奪
    vie 當不及物動詞時,意思為「競爭、爭奪」,常用 vie for 表示「(與別人)競爭、爭奪」某事物。
    Several middle managers are vying for the vice president position.
    snap up 搶購,爭購……
    snap up 為「搶購」之意,例如商場特價期間,血拼一族往往會 snap up bargains (搶購特價品)。但上述頭條中的聯想集團 "snap up" IBMPC 部門,只取其「購買」之意,並無急促的意味,因此譯為「買下」。
    Alice snapped up the Murphy's house as soon as it was put on the market.
    take flight 推出
    take flight 字面意思為「起飛」,同 take wing 之意,在此則是指 Mozilla 最新的電子郵件管理程式 Thunderbird(雷鳥)經過長期研發後終於「升空」,因此 take flight 亦可解釋成「發行、推出……」。
    BigSoft's game division took flight with several hot new products.
      SawStop: Finger-Saving Safety
    They tear through wood. They rip through sheets of metal.
    They can also remove most of your hand in the blink of an eye.
    Table saws and other power tools can turn the work of any artisan into a dream of convenience, or a nightmare trip to the emergency room.
    Now, an American inventor has come up with a revolutionary safety device that could save the limbs of the world's industrial work force and take a slice out of the 40,000 industrial injuries that happen every year.
    Inventor and entrepreneur Stephen Gass has been trying to get power tool manufacturers to adopt his new technology called SawStop.
    When the device detects electrically conductive materials, such as a hand or finger, it immediately stops the blade.
    Gass often demonstrates SawsStop at trade shows, substituting a hotdog for a human finger.
      發明家兼企業家史帝芬.蓋斯 (Stephen Gass) 一直以來都致力於讓電動工具製造商採用他名為安全電鋸偵測器 (SawStop) 的新科技產品。當這個裝置偵測到有導電性的物質時,例如手或手指,它會立即讓刀刃停止運作。蓋斯時常在商展中用熱狗來代替人的手指,示範安全電鋸偵測器的作用。
    Gass is now trying to sell the tool industry on SawStop.
    He says that power toolmakers have an ethical obligation to add the safety device to their saws.
    So far the industry balked, arguing that the technology is unproven.
    Undaunted, Gass is now manufacturing his own brand of table saws with the SawStop device.
    Coming Out of (One's) Ears 多的不得了
    coming out of (one's) ears 字面上的意思是「從某人的耳朵冒出來」。這是一種比喻的說法,形容某樣東西多到可以從腳底滿至耳朵而溢出來,因而引申為「某事或某物多的不得了」。美語中另有一種相關的比喻說法,欲表「某事物很多」或「對某事物十分投入」時可說 up to (one's) ears (in something)up to (one's) ears 片語中的 ears 可用 eyeballsneck 來代換。
    I'm up to my ears in housework.
    Two coworkers discuss their company's business.
    Sara: Can you believe how business is booming this year? 莎拉: 你相信嗎?今年經濟的景氣好到什麼程度?
    Ed: I know! This is fantastic! I've never seen a fourth quarter like this. 艾德: 我知道呀!真是太棒了!我從來沒有見過像這樣的第四季。
    Sara: We've got orders coming out of our ears. 莎拉: 我們所接到的訂單真是多的不得了
    Ed: Just keep them rolling in. 艾德: 儘管源源不絕進來吧。
    Sara: Sometimes I can't believe my eyes. There's almost too many to deal with. 莎拉: 有的時候我真不敢相信我的眼睛。幾乎多到難以應付。
    Ed: Just keep it coming. 艾德: 儘管來吧!
    boom 趨於繁榮;突然繁榮
    boom 原來的意思是「(砲,雷) 隆隆聲,轟轟聲」,也可用來形容經濟突飛猛進,在此是指「景氣好」。
    The economy grew six percent last year. It's really booming.
    keep rolling in 源源不絕而來
    roll in 表「滾進來」,keep (on) rolling in 是指「一直源源不絕而來」。本句多用於正面及美好的事情,形容其一直不斷增加。
    This film has already received ten awards and will probably receive ten more before the year is up. The awards just keep on rolling in.
    I can't believe my eyes 我不敢相信我的眼睛
    I can't believe my eyes. Is that my girlfriend you're kissing?
    keep it coming 愈多愈好;繼續保持
    keep 有「保持;繼續」的意思,keep it coming 可解釋為「繼續保持」。
    A : I got all A's this term.
      B: Keep'em coming.
    True or False
    "Coming out of your ears" means you have a lot of something.
    If you snap something up, you stay away from it.
    Clinch is the same as making something certain or final.
    To vie for something is to compete for it.
    If something is sinking, it is doing well.
    Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

    a. up to her ears b. ousted c. booming d. keep rolling in e. snapped up

    The Internet industry was _________ in the mid-90s.
    The CEO was _________ by the board of directors.
    Scott _________ several bargains at the big sale.
    Mary is _________ in customer complaints.
    Ever since we cornered the market, profits have _________.