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    2007 年 3 月 21 日 (No. 310)

    CNN and Associated Press send contrite letters to Lu -- Taiwan News
    CNN 與美聯社寄致歉函給呂秀蓮(2007/03/12)
    Military service to be cut by two months -- Taiwan News
    Police break up protest over sanatorium -- Taiwan News

    Maokong cable car system in final stages -- China Post

    Ford sells stake in Aston Martin to private investors -- Taiwan News
    福特汽車將 Aston Martin 持股出售給私股投資人(2007/03/12)
    Powerchip affiliate raided in insider trading probe -- China Post
    力晶內線交易調查 相關企業遭搜索(2007/03/16)
    Science & Technology
    It's a pampered life for cattle at Malaysian farm -- Taiwan News
    Probe spots seas on Saturn's moon Titan -- CNN
    Music lovers, party goers to head to Kenting Park concerts -- China Post
    Disney introduces its first black princess -- CNN
    Sharapova overcomes miscues to beat Dechy -- Taiwan News
    Windies triumph in World Cup opener -- Taipei Times
    Taiwan Nazi Organization Stirs International Outrage
    Espousing the ideals of Adolf Hitler, a group of Taiwan students drew international attention and condemnation February 14 after announcing plans to register as a non-governmental organization.
    National Chengchi University masters student Chao Wei said he formed the National Socialist Association to end democracy on the island and "restore traditional Chinese values like Confucianism."
    Chao's organization boasts just 20 registered members, but is embarking on an island-wide drive to boost its ranks.
    Though the group uses rhetoric similar to that of World War II Germany's Nazi Party -- responsible for the extermination of over six million European Jews -- Chao says his group is not anti-Semitic.
    Instead, he says, the NSA is focused on promoting nationalism and limiting the number of foreign workers in Taiwan.
    Writing on the group's Web site, however, NSA co-founder Hsu Na-Chi struck a tone more reminiscent of Hitler's "final solution" with regard to Taiwan's foreign workers.
    "If foreign laborers have children in Taiwan, the government must exterminate them," Hsu wrote.
    "In order to stop our genetic stock from further deterioration, strict monitoring and cruel punishments are called for."
    The student group's founding has attracted the attention of the international media and criticism from Jewish and civil rights groups both within and outside of Taiwan.
    "[The group] is a reflection of ignorance and an emotional void as well as a psychological and social sickness, or combination of all of the above," said Raphael Gazmou, the Israel Economic and Cultural Office representative in Taipei.
    Hitler and Nazism have been the subject of controversy before in Taiwan.
    Past political and product ads featuring the German leader have been condemned by Jewish groups.
    The occasional display of Nazi emblems on everything from T-shirts to scooter helmets has also inspired both anger and bemusement among travelers to the island.
    "In the global interconnected world we live in, it is unacceptable anywhere to seek to promote the policies and images of Hitler and Nazi Germany as worthy of emulation," said Abraham Cooper, associate dean rabbi of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre.
    espouse v. 擁護;支持;信奉
    Juliet espouses conservative political views.
    condemnation n. 譴責
    boast v. 自吹自擂;誇耀
    The club boasts over 300 members.
    embark v. 從事;著手
    The family embarked on a trip around the world.
    rhetoric n. 修辭
    extermination n. 滅絕
    anti-Semitic adj. 反猶太的
    The synagogue was covered with anti-Semitic graffiti.
    reminiscent adj. 使人聯想的
    The smell was reminiscent of cloves.
    deterioration n. 惡化;墮落
    ignorance n. 無知
    void n. 空白;匱乏
    controversy n. 爭議
    emblem n. 象徵;標誌
    bemusement n. 困惑
    emulation n. 仿效
    strike a ... tone 操著……的口吻、語氣
    strike 原本有「彈奏樂曲」之意,例如 strike a tune。另外可表示「擺出姿態」、「採取某種態度」,例如 strike an attitude。文中說的 strike a tone 則是「以某種口吻、語氣」來說話的意思。
    The politician struck a conciliatory tone with his former adversaries.
