

 2002年10月25日 (No.064)
4 本書 + 10 片朗讀 CD +8 片電腦互動光碟
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1. doorbell 門鈴 6. jack-o'-lantern 南瓜燈籠 11. candy corn
2. face paint 臉上的油彩 7. mask 面具   小糖豆(萬聖節傳統甜食)
3. flashlight 手電筒 8. witch 女巫 12. chocolate 巧克力
4. costume 道具戲服 9. vampire 吸血鬼 13. candy 糖果
5. sack 袋子 10. ghost 鬼魂 14. werewolf 狼人
1. trick-or-treat 不給糖,就搗蛋
2. bobbing for apples 咬蘋果遊戲(萬聖節派對時常玩的遊戲)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • goodies 零食;甜食
    sweets 甜食;糖果
  • 成語 Idioms
  • make (someone's) hair stand on end 使(某人)害怕
    hair stand on end 是形容人「非常害怕、驚嚇的樣子」,所以 make (someone's) hair stand on end 就是指「讓(某人)感到非常害怕」的意思。
    Listening to the scary story made my hair stand on end!
     Dialogue 1
    Maggie is helping her brother Mike make his Halloween mask.
    Mike: Make my nose look longer. No, that's too long. 麥克: 把我的鼻子弄長一點,不,太長了。
    Maggie: What do you mean? Like this? 瑪姬: 什麼意思?像這樣?
    Mike: No, now you made it too straight. It has to be a little crooked. 麥克: 不是,現在妳把它弄得太直了,它要有點彎曲。
    Maggie: How about this? 瑪姬: 這樣如何?
    Mike: No, it looks too crooked now. That's not right. 麥克: 不對,這樣看起來又太歪了,那樣不對。
    Maggie: Here, you do it. I'm fed up with making your mask. 瑪姬: 喏,你自己來,我受夠了做你的面具。
     Dialogue 2.
    Harry is trick-or-treating with his friends. Harry rings the doorbell of a house, and a lady appears.
    Harry: Trick-or-treat! 哈利: 不給糖,就搗蛋。
    Lady: Wow, I have candy for all of you. But first, you have to tell me what you are supposed to be. 洛依: 喔,我為你們每個人都準備了糖果,不過你們得先告訴我,你們裝扮的是什麼角色。
    Harry: Well, Jennifer is a witch, Cameron is a vampire, and Joey is a werewolf. 哈利: 嗯,珍妮佛是個女巫,卡麥蓉是吸血鬼,而喬依是個狼人。
    Lady: Here you go. Candy for the little witch, the little vampire, and the little werewolf. But why aren't you dressed up? 洛依: 拿去吧,這是給小女巫、小吸血鬼和小狼人的糖果。不過你怎麼沒扮裝呢?
    Harry: I am dressed up. 哈利: 我裝扮啦!
    Lady: But I don't see any costume or mask. 洛依: 可是我沒見到任何戲服或面具啊。
    Harry: That's because I don't need a costume or a mask. I'm dressed up as a kid named Harry. 哈利: 那是因為我不需要戲服或面具,我扮成一個叫哈利的小孩。
    Fill In the Blanks
    a. doorbell b. flashlight c. vampire d. werewolf e. mask
    f. costume g. candy h. sack i. witch j. jack-o'-lantern
      You turn these on to see in the dark.
      This kind of woman can do magic.
      This is a pumpkin with a carved face.
      You can wear this on your face.
      This kind of monster likes to drink blood.
      Eating too much of this is unhealthy for your teeth.
      This monster looks like a wolf.
      You wear this when you want to look like something else.
      You can put your candy inside this.
      Many houses have this near the front door.

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