

 2003年1月10日 (No.075)


1~6 集完整套裝: 6 本書 + 6 片電腦互動光碟 +
15 片朗讀 CD  原價 9,000 特價 3,300

價值 350
造型可愛,為您 Morning Call

1. swimming trunks 游泳褲 6. seagull 海鷗 11. rope 繩索
2. deck 甲板 7. deck chair 折疊式帆布躺椅 12. captain 船長
3. cocktail 雞尾酒 8. bikini 比基尼 13. life boat 救生艇
4. sandals 涼鞋 9. anchor 14. oar 船槳
5. life vest 救生衣 10. life ring 救生圈 15. porthole 舷窗
1. ocean liner 遠洋定期遊輪;遊輪
2. starboard(船的)右舷;右側
3. port 左舷;左側
4. aft 船尾
5. bow 船首
6. steward(船、飛機上的)男服務員
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I'm feeling seasick. 我暈船了。
    SOS 緊急呼救信號
    Mayday! Mayday! 國際無線電呼救信號(用於遇難時的呼救)
    on the rocks 觸礁
  • 成語 Idiom
  • smooth sailing 輕而易舉;一帆風順
    smooth 在這裡是指平靜無波、沒有風浪的水面。而 smooth sailing「平順的航程」,就引申來形容一件「容易進行的工作」。另外,也可寫成 plain sailing,同樣也是指「輕鬆、簡單的任務」的意思。
    The first month of the course is difficult, but everything after that is smooth sailing.
     Dialogue 1.
    Lou and Sally are relaxing on the deck of a cruise ship.
    Sally: Oh, Lou. This is so romantic. 莎莉: 哦,洛。好浪漫哪!
    Lou: Yes it is. Would you like a drink? 洛: 對啊!妳想喝點什麼嗎?
    Sally: That would be lovely. I'll have a cola please. 莎莉: 好極了!我要一杯可樂。
    Lou: And I think I'll have pineapple juice. Now, where are the stewards? 洛: 那我要鳳梨汁。咦,服務生呢?
    Sally: Here's one coming right now. Excuse me! 莎莉: 有一個服務生正過來,請問一下!
     Dialogue 2.
    Lou and Sally are looking out at the sea from the deck of their ship.
    Sally: I was just wondering Lou. Can you swim? 莎莉: 洛,不知道你會不會游泳?
    Lou: Well, actually, I can't. 洛: 嗯,事實上,我不會。
    Sally: Me neither. I wonder what we'd do if we hit an iceberg? 莎莉: 我也不會。不知道如果撞到冰山了,我們該怎麼辦?
    Lou: What? You mean like in the film "Titanic"? 洛: 什麼?你是說像電影《鐵達尼號》那樣?
    Sally: Yes. I mean, it could happen you know. 莎莉: 對,我是說,你要知道,那是有可能發生的。
    Lou: I don't think so. Not near Hawaii. 洛: 我不這麼想,夏威夷附近不會發生。
    Fill In the Blanks
    a. swimming trunks b. porthole c. life vest d. seagull e. captain
    f. lighthouse g. cocktail h. bikini i. deckchair j. oars
      This bird likes to follow ships at sea.
      A very delicious and expensive drink.
      You would wear this if a ship sinks.
      Pull on these to move the lifeboat forward.
      A type of two-piece bathing suit for women.
      Sit and relax on this while you have a drink.
      These are small, round windows on a ship.
      Men wear these when swimming.
      You can wear these on your feet.
      This person is in charge of a ship.

    內容橫跨中外影視藝術界,精選最熱門影藝名人新聞,分為四大單元:頂尖名流眾目所歸光鮮亮麗影藝拾穗神迷目眩票房爭輝頓挫抑揚引領風潮。(包含書 + 2 片互動光碟 + 3 片朗讀 CD)

    本書內容精選自 CNN 互動英語第 1∼15 期
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