

 2003年1月17日 (No.076)
權威 ATC 360 Media 製作,200 多名專業英語老師
學課程與模擬考,只要 30 天,托福考 250 分不再

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1. mummy 木乃伊 7. oasis 綠洲 13. binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡;
2. scorpion 蠍子 8. pyramid 金字塔   雙目鏡
3. hump 駝(峰);肉峰 9. the Sphinx 人面獅身像 14. hieroglyph 象形文字;
4. camel 駱駝 10. canteen 水壺 象形符號
5. palm tree 棕櫚樹 11. dates 棗椰    
6. tent 帳篷 12. sand dune 沙丘    
1. pharaoh 法老(古埃及君王)
2. curse 詛咒;魔咒
3. tomb 墳墓;墓穴
4. sandstorm 暴風沙
5. the Nile 尼羅河
6. Cairo 開羅(埃及首都)
7. khaki 卡其色;卡其色的
8. donkey
9. mirage 海市蜃樓;空中樓閣
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • It's forty degrees in the shade. 樹蔭下是四十度。
    The sun is blistering hot. 陽光炙熱難耐。
    That lake is as dry as a bone. 這個湖都枯竭了。
    May I have some sunblock please? 請給我一些防曬乳好嗎?
    My lips are chapped. 我的嘴唇乾裂了。
    I'm parched. 我好渴;我口乾舌燥。
    I'm roasting. 我好熱!
  • 成語 Idiom
  • head in the sand 逃避現實
    這句成語的典故,出自鴕鳥遭受攻擊時,僅將頭埋在沙中,以為這樣就不會被敵人發現。用來形容一個人「逃避現實,不肯面對問題所在」的意思,也可以說 bury one's head in the sand
    If Bill didn't have his head in the sand, he'd notice that he was going to lose his job.
     Dialogue 1.
    Paula is bargaining with a camel owner, Yusef, in Egypt.
    Yusef: Camel rides. Twenty minutes, ten dollars. 約瑟夫: 騎駱駝二十分鐘十塊錢。
    Paula: You mean I can ride one of those things? 寶拉: 你是說我可以騎其中一隻嗎?
    Yusef: Yes, my friend. I have the best camels in Egypt. 約瑟夫: 對,朋友。我有埃及最好的駱駝。
    Paula: No, thanks, it's too expensive. 寶拉: 不用了,謝謝你,太貴了。
    Yusef: OK, my friend. For you, five dollars. 約瑟夫: 好吧,朋友,你只要五塊錢就好。
    Paula: Done! Now, this will be a lot of fun. 寶拉: 成交!一定很有趣。
     Dialogue 2.
    Alice and her boyfriend, Marco, are walking towards an oasis.
    Alice: How much further is it? I'm roasting. 愛莉絲: 還要多遠?我熱死了。
    Marco: Just over the next sand dune, and we'll be there. 馬可: 只要再過一個沙丘就到了。
    Alice: Thank goodness. I'm parched too. 愛莉絲: 謝天謝地,我也口乾舌燥。
    Marco: Well don't worry. You can grab a soda at the cafe there. 馬可: 別擔心,妳可以在那邊的咖啡館買瓶汽水。
    Alice: Cafe? I thought this was supposed to be a real desert experience. 愛莉絲: 有咖啡館?我以為這應該是真正的沙漠體驗。
    Marco: It is. Just with a few extras for us tourists! 馬可: 沒錯。只是對我們觀光客來說,有些例外!
    Fill In the Blanks
    a. mummy b. binoculars c. hieroglyphs d. oasis e. scorpion
    f. sand dune g. camel h. pyramids i. date j. canteen
      This is a small body of water in a desert.
      Look through these to see things that are far away.
      This is a dead person wrapped up in white bandages.
      You use this to store water when you're traveling.
      This is very old Egyptian writing.
      A dangerous insect found in deserts with a long poisonous tail.
      These are huge hills of sand in the desert.
      Many people visit these old buildings that have triangular sides when they go to Egypt.
      This four-legged animal has humps on its back and can live in the desert.
      This is a small, sweet dark-brown colored fruit that grows on trees in the desert.

    內容橫跨中外影視藝術界,精選最熱門影藝名人新聞,分為四大單元:頂尖名流眾目所歸光鮮亮麗影藝拾穗神迷目眩票房爭輝頓挫抑揚引領風潮。(包含書 + 2 片互動光碟 + 3 片朗讀 CD)

    本書內容精選自 CNN 互動英語第 1∼15 期
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