

 2003年1月31日 (No.078)
1. waterfall 瀑布 7. beach mat 海灘墊 12. hula skirt (grass skirt) 草裙
2. palm tree 棕櫚樹 8. hibiscus flower 13. volcano 火山
3. surfboard 衝浪板   木槿(夏威夷州州花) 14. shell 貝殼
4. mask 蛙鏡 9. sunset 日落 15. coral 珊瑚
5. pineapple 鳳梨 10. Hawaiian shirt 花襯衫    
6. snorkel (潛水用的)呼吸管 11. lei (戴在頭上或頸上的)花環;花圈
1. Pearl Harbor 珍珠港
2. surf 浪花
3. waves 波浪
4. swell 海面的緩慢起伏
5. hula dancing 夏威夷草裙舞
6. luau 夏威夷式宴會
7. shade 陰蔭處;樹蔭
8. laid-back 輕鬆的;悠哉的;懶散的
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Aloha! (夏威夷土語,用於打招呼)歡迎、你好;再見
    How's the surf? 波浪如何?(問波浪起伏是否適合衝浪時用)
    Surf's up! (口)去衝浪吧!
    Please help me put some sunscreen on my back.   請幫我在背上塗些防曬油。
    Can you surf? 你會衝浪嗎?
    Do you sell sunscreen? 你有賣防曬油嗎﹖
    You have a great tan! 你的膚色曬的很漂亮!
  • 成語 Idiom
  • be over my head 不易了解;難懂
    be over one's head 通常是指「某事超乎某人的理解力,以致於不易了解」,另也可指「越級(做某事)」。
    That lecture I attended on genetics was over my head.
     Dialogue 1.
    Gina and Jasper are sitting on the beach in Hawaii.
    Jasper: Wow! Check out the surf? 賈士伯: 哇!看到今天的浪了嗎?
    Gina: I know. Those waves are huge! 吉娜: 我知道。那些浪好大!
    Jasper: I wish I could surf like those surfers out on the water. 賈士伯: 真希望我能像那些水上的衝浪者。
    Gina: Why don't you rent a surfboard and give it a try? 吉娜: 你何不租個衝浪板試試看?
    Jasper: Maybe another time, when the waves are smaller. 賈士伯: 再說吧,等浪小一點的時候。
     Dialogue 2.
    Gina and Jasper are walking along the beach.
    Gina: This is the best vacation I've ever had! 吉娜: 這是我渡過最棒的假期!
    Jasper: We should definitely come back here again. 賈士伯: 我們一定要再回來這裡。
    Gina: We will. Say, today is our last day. What should we do? 吉娜: 會啦。嘿,今天是最後一天。我們該做些什麼?
    Jasper: Let's go to that cafe over there and watch the sunset. 賈士伯: 我們去那邊的咖啡廳看日落。
    Gina: That will be a perfect end to our perfect vacation! 吉娜: 那會為我們完美的假期劃下一個完美的句點!
    Fill In the Blanks
    a. volcano b. palm tree c. sunset d. surf e. pineapple
    f. beach mat g. shells h. grass skirt i. lei j. surfboard
      You stand on this and ride the waves with it.
      You watch this when afternoon becomes evening.
      You wear this flower necklace around your neck.
      This type of mountain can erupt and explode.
      Use this to lie on when you are at the beach.
      You will see this kind of tree at the beach.
      This is a yellow, sweet, delicious fruit.
      A Hawaiian dancer wears this.
      This is the name for waves when they hit the beach.
      You can find these at the beach, and you can collect them.
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